rosefinch 翻译
rosefinch 翻译
rosefinch是指一种小型的鸟类,属于雀形目,是麻雀科的成员。它的学名是Carpodacus erythrinus,也被称为红腹蓝鸟。
1. The rosefinch is a small bird with a red belly and a black head.(红腹蓝鸟是一种体型较小的鸟类,腹部呈红,头部为黑。)
2. We saw a pair of rosefinches building a nest in the bushes.(我们看到一对红腹蓝鸟在灌木丛中筑巢。)
3. Rosefinches feed on seeds, insects, and fruits.(红腹蓝鸟以种子、昆虫和果实为食。)
崔雪莉图片4. During the breeding season, male rosefinches sing to attract females.(在繁殖季节,雄性红腹蓝鸟会唱歌吸引雌性。)
5. The rosefinch's migration pattern is influenced by changes in temperature and food availability.(红腹蓝鸟的迁徙模式受温度和食物供应的影响。)
四川中考时间2022年具体时间6. The rosefinch is a common sight in gardens and parks.(红腹蓝鸟在花园和公园中很常见。)
卡巴斯基 key
7. The rosefinch's plumage is brightly colored, making it easy to spot in the trees.(红腹蓝鸟的羽毛彩鲜艳,很容易在树上发现。)
8. The rosefinch's song is a beautiful melody that can be heard from a distance.(红腹蓝鸟的歌声是一段美丽的旋律,可以听到很远的地方。)
