When you click Send on an email, it is typically sent immediately. But what if you want to send it at a later time? Outlook allows you delay the sending of a single message or all email messages.
当您单击“发送电⼦邮件”时,通常会⽴即发送。 但是,如果您想稍后发送该怎么办? Outlook允许您延迟发送单个消息或所有电⼦邮件。
For example, maybe you’re sending someone an email message late at night and they are in a time zone that’s 3 hours ahead of you. You don’t want to wake them up in the middle of the night with an email notification on their phone. Instead, schedule the email to be sent the next day at a time when
you know they will be ready to receive the email.
艾薇儿歌曲mv例如,也许您在深夜向某⼈发送电⼦邮件,⽽他们所在的时区⽐您早3个⼩时。 您不想在半夜⽤⼿机上的电⼦邮件通知唤醒他们。 相反,安排在您知道他们已准备好接收电⼦邮件的时间第⼆天发送电⼦邮件。
Outlook also allows you to delay all emails by a certain amount of time before sending them. We’ll show you how to delay sending a single message and how to to delay the delivery of all messages.
Outlook还允许您将所有电⼦邮件延迟⼀定时间,然后再发送。 我们将向您展⽰如何延迟发送单个消息,以及如何以延迟所有消息的传递。如何延迟传递单个电⼦邮件 (How to Delay the Delivery of a Single Email Message)
坏账准备分录To delay sending a single email message, create a new message, enter the email address of the recipient(s), but don’t click “Send”. Instead, click the “Options” tab on the Message window.
要延迟发送⼀封电⼦邮件,请创建⼀条新消息,输⼊收件⼈的电⼦邮件地址,但不要单击“发送”。 ⽽是单击“消息”窗⼝上的“选
In the More Options section, click “Delay Delivery”.
In the Delivery options section on the Properties dialog box, click the “Do not deliver before” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Then, click the down arrow on the date box and select a date from the popup calendar.
在“属性”对话框的“传递选项”部分中,单击“请勿在此之前传递”复选框,以便在该复选框中打勾。 然后,单击⽇期框上的向下箭头,然后从弹出⽇历中选择⼀个⽇期。
Click the down arrow on the time box and select a time from the drop-down list.
Then, click “Close”. Your email message will be sent on the date and at the time you chose.
然后,单击“关闭”。 您的电⼦邮件将在您选择的⽇期和时间发送。
NOTE: If you are using a , you must leave Outlook open until the message is sent. To determine the type of account you are using, see the last section in this article.
注意:如果您使⽤的是 ,则必须保持Outlook打开,直到发送邮件为⽌。 要确定您正在使⽤的帐户类型,请参阅本⽂的最后⼀节。
母亲节的由来简介如何使⽤规则延迟发送所有电⼦邮件 (How to Delay Sending All Email Messages Using a Rule)
You can delay sending all email messages by a certain number of minutes (up to 120) using a rule. To create this rule, click the “File” tab on the main Outlook window (not the Message window). You can save your message as a draft and either close the Message window or leave it open and click on the main window to activate it.
您可以使⽤规则将所有电⼦邮件的发送延迟特定的分钟数(最多120分钟)。 要创建此规则,请在Outlook主窗⼝(不是“消息”窗⼝)上单
击“⽂件”选项卡。 您可以将消息另存为草稿,然后关闭“消息”窗⼝或将其保持打开状态,然后单击主窗⼝将其激活。
On the backstage screen, click “Manage Rules & Alerts”.
浓郁的反义词显⽰“规则和警报”对话框。 确保“电⼦邮件规则”选项卡处于活动状态,然后单击“新规则”。
The Rules Wizard dialog box displays. In the Step 1: Select a template section, under Start from a bl
ank rule, select “Apply rule on messages I send”. The rule displays under Step 2. Click “Next”.
偏爱歌词显⽰“规则向导”对话框。 在“步骤1:选择模板”部分的“从空⽩规则开始”下,选择“对我发送的邮件应⽤规则”。 该规则显⽰在步
If there are any conditions you want to apply, select them in the Step 1: Select conditions list box. If you want to apply this rule to all email messages, click “Next” without selecting any conditions.
如果要应⽤任何条件,请在“步骤1:选择条件”列表框中选择它们。 如果要将此规则应⽤于所有电⼦邮件,请单击“下⼀步”⽽不选择任何条件。
If you clicked “Next” without selecting any conditions, a confirmation dialog box displays asking if you want to apply the rule to every message you send. Click “Yes”.
如果您单击“下⼀步”⽽不选择任何条件,则会显⽰⼀个确认对话框,询问您是否要将规则应⽤于所发送的每条消息。 点击“是”。
In the Step 1: Select actions list, select the “defer delivery by a number of minutes” check box. The action is added to the Step 2 box. To define how many minutes to delay sending all email messages, click the “a number of” link under Step 2.