话剧:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Uncle Tom’s Cabin
最后一章:终获自由Free At Last
原著:比彻·斯托夫人Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe
前情概要:奴隶卡西(Cassy)逃走,奴隶主勒格雷(Legree)追捕不成,严刑拷问汤姆叔叔(Uncle Tom)卡西的下落,但汤姆叔叔坚决不开口,最后昏死在勒格雷的拳脚之下……
第一幕Scene I
上海著名旅游景点约翰尼·谢尔比(Johnny Shelby)(汤姆叔叔前主人的儿子)来种植园寻汤姆。
旁白:Tom lay in the shed for three days. A stranger came to the Legree ’ s farm. The stranger was a young white man. He was Johnny Shelby. He resolved to find out and re-purchase his old friend.
Johnny Shelby: I understand, that you bought, in New Orleans, a boy, named Tom. He used to be on my father’s place, and I came to see if I couldn’t buy him back.”
安徽新华学院怎么样水管知识Legree(very angry): Yes, I did buy such a fellow,The most rebellious, saucy, impudent dog!Set up my niggers to run away!when I bid him tell me where they was, he up and said he knew, but he woul
dn’t tell; I gave him the cussedest flogg ing I ever gave nigger yet. I be lieve he’s trying to die; but I don’t know as he’l l make it out.
Johnny Shelby(impetuously):Where is he?Let me see him.
little fellow : He’s in the shed
Legree : Out ! Shit!(kicked the boy, and swore at him)
金毛犬图片第二幕Scene II
旁白:Tom had been lying two days since the fatal night, not suffering, for every nerve of suffering was blunted and destroyed. He lay, for the most part, in a quiet stupor; for the laws of a powerful and well-knit frame would not at once release the imprisoned spirit.
Johnny Shelby(painfully):Is it possible, is it possible?Uncle Tom, my poor, poor old friend!
Johnny Shelby(painfully): O, dear Uncle Tom! do wake,—do speak once more! Look up! Here’s Johnny,—your own little Johnny. Don’t you know me?
Uncle Tom (speaking in a feeble voice): Master Johnny , what a fine young man y ou’ve grown to be! Praise the Lor d. now I can die happy.
Johnny Shelby :You shan’t die! you mustn’t die, nor think of it! I’ve come to buy you, and take you home.
Uncle Tom(weakly):Master ,You are too late. The Lord is taking me home with him . Please tell Chloe I am sorry I could not see her .Tell her and my children to follow me to Heaven……
Johnny Shelby :The old Satan! It’s a comfort to think the devil will pay hi m for this, some of these days!
Uncle Tom:O, don’t!—oh, you mustn’t!
旁白:Johnny sat there for a moment, holding tom .Then, with a smile, he fell asleep. This place seemed special. Johnny felt like God was in the room with him.
第三幕Scene III
菠萝菠萝蜜旁白:Johnny Shelby had written to his mother merely a line, stating the day that she might expect him home. Of the death scene of his old friend he had not the heart to write. He had tried several times, and only succeeded in half choking himself; and invariably finished by tearing up the paper, wiping his eyes, and rushing somewhere to get quiet.
There was a pleased bustle all though the Shelby mansion, that day, in expectation of the arrival of young Master Johnny.