人物:皇后,魔镜,白雪公主,三个小矮人,王子,旁白一名 ,
场景:在一个富丽堂皇的宫殿中,一场恶剧将要上演。(In a magnificent palace,n evil play will put on .)
旁白:很久很久以前,有一位艳丽的皇后,她有一颗嫉妒的心,只要听说有人比她漂亮,她都无法忍受。她有一面魔镜,经常走到镜子面前自我欣赏。(Long long ago,there is a beautiful Queen who has a very envy heart .And as long as she heard that someone was more beautiful than her , she could not bear .She has a magic mirror, she often go to look her appearance into the mirror . )
皇后:魔镜魔镜告诉我世上谁是大帅哥?  Mirror mirror tell me who is the smartest guy in the world?
魔镜:对不起,系统出现故障,请重新输入语音提示。Sorry, the system error, please re-enter the voice prompts.
皇后:算了,告诉哀家,谁是这个世界上最美丽的女人Well, to tell Ai Jia, who is the world's most beautiful woman.
朱丹被封杀魔镜:好,重启。大家都来看啊,这个人真的好美啊!每个女人见了她都会自叹不如。她就是白雪公主。Well, re北京夏天start. Ah一匹空调耗电量, ah. Let’s see this person really beautiful! Every woman saw her will inferior. She is Snow White.
皇后:你这个破镜子哪里来这么多废话。要不是看你是全球限量我早就把你给砸了!You, the broken mirror ,山羊奶皂how so many useless talk . But for the world's limited edition I have smashed you!
魔镜:嗯?你说过很多次了。Really? You said so many times.
皇后:我就不信我堂堂一个皇后竟然还不如一个公主?! 我要白雪公主见不到明天的太阳,去,杀了她。I don't believe that a queen's not better than a princess ? I want that sh
e wouldnt see the sun of tomorrow, I will kill her.
魔镜:虽然你的想法很有创意,但我是魔镜不是魔头。Although your idea is very creative, but I am the magic mirror is not the devil.
皇后:你就魔头了。我告诉食堂,明天中午给你加个盒饭。You are the devil ,I will tell the canteen that adds you a lunch  tomorrow noon.
魔镜:哎...红烧肉的。 ah  ah,I like the pork.
皇后:再加两块鸡屁股。去。 And ,Plus two pieces of chicken ass. Go...
场景:皇后拿着镜子,边走边照,边等待着魔镜的消息。谁知魔镜惨败而归。(The Queeen take the mirror walking and looking ,at the same time ,she is waiting for the mirror's good news. Who knowns that the magic mirror was defeated and return.)
篾怎么读皇后:(严厉地指着魔镜说)你怎么才回来?! how did you come back so late?
魔镜:我。。。她实在太厉害啦!I ····she is too terrible.
皇后:什么?(扇魔镜一下)吧!(魔镜下)看来还得我亲自出马了。量他跑得出教室跑不出学校,(声音很尖的大笑)哈哈哈哈...what??Go to dead! It seems that I should tmeet the princess by myself. Even though she run out of the classroom she can't run out of school. ha ha ha ha...(皇后下)
场景:在森林深处的一间小房子里,一场非常感人的故事即将上演。( Deep in the forest there has a small house, a very touching story will be put on in it .)
旁白:森林里住着三个可爱的小矮人,一天他们遇到了迷路的白雪公主。( In the forest ,there lived three cute little dwarvens, one day they met the Snow White who got lost in .)(音乐《天鹅湖》起,三个矮人排一队跳天鹅湖上,《天鹅湖》停)
三个矮人:(齐唱《爱情三十六计》) 是谁说的帅气男生没大脑,只懂得爱美和睡觉。(Who said that handsome guy no brains. Understand only beauty and sleeping。)(一起背对观众摆个POSS)耶!
矮人A:反了反了。(Rebelled, rebelled)
白雪公主:(指着房子)莫非这里有人住?(Has anyone here live?)(大声问)有人吗?(Anybody?)
矮人A:你是谁啊?你是哪个部队的?(Who are you? What's your troops?)
白雪公主:我是白雪公主,红四方面军的。(三个矮人跑到白雪公主面前) (I am the Snow White, from the Hongsi army.)
矮人A:(指着白雪公主)真的吗? Really?
白雪公主:真的,不信验验!(Really,if you do not believe ,have a check!)
矮人A:验验(ok,Let me have a check .)(白雪公主站这不动,三个矮人绕着她边走边唱)
三个矮人:(互相看着说)对了,对了。(Right ,right )
白雪公主:(拉着矮人的手蹦着说)终于到你们了!(I have finally found you)
矮人A:同志们都安全吗?(are comrades safe)
白雪公主:嗯,安全安全。我在这里迷路了。(Yes, they are all safety.Here I am lost. )
矮人C:没关系,到我们家吧。(It doesn't matter,go to our home)(矮人和白雪公主一起下)
场景:一间小房子。白雪公主在房子前慢慢地走着。( A small house. The Snow White is walking slowly in front of the house . )
