Our kind faces extinction. 我们的种族正在濒临灭绝~
Trolls once rule the mightiest empire of this world we have seen.巨魔,曾经统治过我们所见的这个世界上最强大的帝国~
Yet look at you now. 然而现在看看你们自己~~
Zul'drak has already fallen to the Scourge. Its god consume the death descended to its people.祖尔德拉克已经屈服在天灾军团的淫威之下。他们的神灵被堕落的子民杀害~
Zul'farrak, once the shining troll of t~~~~st, is now nothing but a waste land.祖尔法拉克,这个曾经辉煌的巨魔圣地(意译),现在只留下断壁残垣~
Divided, you are weak.分裂,你们不堪一击~
But we Zandalari, can offer you a future on ~~~但是我们赞达拉氏族,可以许诺你们一个xx的未来。
内存占用过高怎么办Gentle of the Grubushi, 古拉巴什的勇士们,
What did you see the great deserve of Zul'gurub is stored?未来战士出装
Join us, and the Zandalari will make it so. 加入我们,赞达拉氏族可以让它成为现实
斜阳岛The ~ of Amani, summon your followers to Zul'aman. 阿曼尼的xxx (应该是个领袖),号召你的拥护者到祖阿曼去,
Together, we will make Zul'jin’s murderer weep for mercy. 并肩作战,我们要让杀害祖尔金的凶手痛哭求饶。
Brothers, here are us now! 弟兄们,是时候让我们登场了!
空气的质量是多少We Zandalari has to regain the fallen glory of our people! 我们赞达拉氏族,一定要为自己的人民重新夺回属于我们的消逝的荣耀!
黄土高坡歌词To see trolls retake the lands that are right for ours! 让我们一起见证巨魔重新夺回本该属于我们的领土!
And to crush any, foolish enough, that stands in our way! 并粉碎一切愚蠢至极妄图阻挠我们的东西!
From the wreckage of the cataclysm, the troll’s empire will rise again! 借着这次灾变契机,巨魔帝国将会重新崛起!
Vol’Jin, of the Dark Spear!You will turn your back on your own people? 暗矛部族的沃金,你该不会背叛你自己的人民吧?
The Horde is my people. If it be a war you bring, then I stand ~ 部落才是我的人民,如果你敢挑起战争的话,我会站在(部落这边,意译)
So be it, Dark Spear! But it can’t stop the power as wills ~~ and ~~那就这样吧,暗矛部族!但这并不会阻止(我们的强大力量,意译)
None shall stand for long! 没有人可以抵抗多久!