生活大爆炸  第四季第五集
我只是想说  一部像样的《绿巨人》\All I'm saying is, if they took all the money they spent
让电影公司砸了不少钱\trying to make a decent Hulk movie,
他们完全可以拿这笔钱  造一个真正的绿巨人出来\they could probably just make an actual Hulk.
这观点真是聪明又有趣\That is apt and amusing.
我应该跟艾米?菲拉?福勒分享\I think I shall share that with Amy Farrah Fowler.
她一定会欣赏你的妙语连珠\She'll appreciate the witticism.
不敢当\Thank you.
这同时也能改善你在她心目中的最初印象\It'll also help improve her initial impression of you.
你们俩最近如何\So what's going on with you two?
状态一直维持不变\Well, the status is as it always was.
她是位女生  她也是位朋友\She's a girl. She's a friend.
但她不是我的\She is not my--
请原谅我做这个动作\please forgive me for doing this--
好吧  好吧\Right, right.
所以你们一直保持在发短信和发邮件的阶段吗\So you're still just texting and emailing?
你难道一点也不想跟她呆在一起吗  比如\You don't feel any need to hang out with her, you know--
呆在一个房间也好啊\be in the same room?
莱纳德  你是我最好的朋友\Leonard, you are my best friend.
我认识你整整七年了\I've known you for seven years,
而我却还难以忍受  咱俩同坐在一个沙发上这个事实\and I can barely tolerate sitting on the couch with you.
你就可以想象得到\Imagine my attitude regarding
我对与艾米?菲拉?福勒长时间身体接触的态度了\prolonged physical proximity to Amy Farrah Fowler.
明白了\Got it.
我感觉你有意见\I sense judgment on your part.
没有  哪有\No, no.
或许有那么一点儿吧\Maybe a little.
我可以认为你的批评是基于嫉妒吗\May I suggest that your criticism is based on jealousy.
嫉妒  有什么值得让我嫉妒的\Jealousy? What do I have to be jealous of?
我与一位女性有一段运行良好且令人满意的关系\I have a functioning and satisfying relationship with a female.
而你没有\You have none.
被你说中了\Oh, right. That.
嫉妒是一个丑陋的  眼发绿光的怪物\Jealousy is an ugly green-eyed monster--
跟绿巨人浩克一样\not unlike the Hulk--
随便说一下  人家也是有女朋友的\who, by the way, also has a girlfriend.
在这段重播里  妮弗?康纳利\In this iteration, Jennifer Connelly,
或许你记得的版本是《美丽心灵》里\whom you may recall as the girlfriend of Russell Crowe
罗素?克洛的女朋友\in A Beautiful Mind,
说不定都和绿巨人共赴巫山了\a feel-good romp if there ever was one.
我才没有嫉妒\I'm not jealous.
莱纳德一点儿也不嫉妒\Leonard not jealous.
我刚想到一件事\You know, it just occurred to me,
如果存在千万个平行宇宙\if there are an infinite number of parallel
在其中的一个  那里很可能有一位谢尔顿\in one of them, there's probably a Sheldon
他根本不相信有平行宇宙的存在\who doesn't believe parallel universes exist.
很可能  你的重点是什么\Probably. What's your point?
没重点\No point.
这只是让千万个我中的某我\It's just one of the things
停工令的通知2021最新发笑的理由之一\that makes one of the mes chuckle.
莱纳德  什么事会让你发笑\What makes you chuckle, Leonard?
最近吗\Hmm, recently?
不是很多\Not much.
是因为那场争端吗  起因于\Is it because of the conflict that arises
你极其需要与一个女人建立对偶关系\from your desperate need to pair-bond with a woman,
而显然所有的女性做出的决定\and the apparent collective decision of all womankind
都是否决了你\to deny you that opportunity?
你还是把嘴闭上吧\Shut up.
当我爷爷过世之后\You know, when my grandfather died,
剩奶奶独自一人  我妈妈就安排\and Meemaw was alone, my mom arranged for her
让她一周去三次活动中心\to visit a center three times a week
在那里  她可以与同样孤独的人交流\where she could socialize with other lonely people.
这个安排非常好\It's very nice.
他们讨论时事  玩桥牌  吃热乎乎的饭\They discuss current events, play bridge, get a hot meal.
听起来不错\That sounds lovely.
如果你喜欢玩桥牌的话\It is if you like bridge.
你喜欢玩桥牌吗  莱纳德\Do you like bridge, Leonard?
谢尔顿  我只是现在没有人约会而已\Sheldon, I'm just not dating someone right now.
不用把我送到老年活动中心吧\I don't need to go to a senior center.
奶奶一开始也是拒绝  但后来她欲罢不能\Meemaw resisted at first, but now she loves it.
好  如果我最近还没碰到合适的人\Fine. If I don't meet someone soon,
你就把我送去养老院得了\you can put me in a home.
那不是养老院\It's not a home.
是老年人活动中心\It's a senior center.
我们绝不会把奶奶送到养老院\We'd never put Meemaw in a home!
嗨  大家好啊\Hey, guys.
-嗨  -嗨\- Hey.  - Hey.
我屈服于社交的压力  跟你们打声招呼吧\All right, I'll bow to social pressure: Hey!
抱歉  我女朋友伯纳黛特打来的\Excuse me. That's my girlfriend, Bernadette.
我给她设了专门的铃声\I assigned her her own ringtone--gmial邮箱
用的“四顶尖”唱的《伯纳黛特》\"Bernadette," By The Four Tops.
伯纳黛特  你好啊\Hello, Bernadette.
我给他打电话时  铃声是"褐眼女孩"\When I call him, his phone plays "Brown Eyed Girl."
现在回想起来  好像不是那么好了\Which, now that I think about it, is not so good.
你应该意识到  他是在炫耀他有女朋友而咱们没有\You realize he's just rubbing our noses in the fact
故意让咱们不爽\that he has a girlfriend, and we don't.
你是说  你没有吧\You mean, you don't.
have a girlfriend?
你怎么会有女朋友呢\How could you have a girlfriend?
你在女人面前连话都说不出来\You can't even speak to women.
送你两个字  聋女\Two words-- deaf chick.
所以我说不说话都没关系\It doesn't matter if I can't talk,
因为她根本听不见\because she can't hear me.
这是她的原话\That's what she said.
很好  你有女朋友  霍华德有女朋友\Great. You have a girlfriend, Howard's got a girlfriend,
谢尔顿有女  -错错错错\- Sheldon's got - No, no, no, no!
女性朋友\...who's a friend.
多谢\Thank you.
你呢  斯图特\What about you, Stuart?
你有女朋友了吗\You have a girlfriend yet?
有了  有了\Oh, yeah. Yeah.
我们是在动漫大会上相遇的\I met her at Comic-Con,
那里是全世界唯一一个地方\the one place in the world where saying
可以用"我有一家漫画书屋"\"I own a comic bookstore"
作为真正的开场白\is an actual pickup line.
哇哦  恭喜你\Oh. Well, good for you.
其实她很可怕\Not really. She's horrible.
当她想做爱的时候\When she wants to have sex,
她会穿上她超大号的神奇女侠装  然后大喊\she puts on her plus-size Wonder Woman costume and shouts,
"谁想坐一下我的隐形飞机"\"Who wants to take a ride in my invisible plane?"
你为什么不直接跟她分手呢\Why don't you just break up with her?
不  我做不到\No, no, I can't.
为什么\Why not?
因为分手后  我形影单只  像你一样\'Cause then I'd be alone, like you.
兄弟  你为什么不让沃罗威茨\Dude, why don't you just invoke
履行女友条例呢\your girlfriend pact with Wolowitz?
因为我用不着他女朋友\Because I don't need his girlfriend
介绍一个女朋友给我\to set me up with one of her girlfriends.
我完全有能力自己一个女朋友\I'm perfectly capable of finding a girl on my own.
莱纳德  你让我想到\Oh, Leonard, you remind me
一个古老的搞笑故事\of the funny old story about a man
是讲一个男人拿着一叠\who walks into a women's correctional institution
女囚犯的释放许可\with a stack of paperwork
走进女子监狱\that will allow the female convicts to go free.
你是想说  我即使拿着赦令\You're saying I couldn't get laid
走进女子监狱  也没人会跟我上床\in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.
你到底还让不让我讲这个故事了\Are you going to let me tell the story or not?
你在睡觉吗\Are you sleeping?
你病了吗\Are you ill?
你还为你的寂寞和无人疼爱\Are you still depressed
而郁郁寡欢吗\because you're alone, and no one loves you?
不知道  也许吧\I don't know. Maybe.
我想让你知道  我由衷地关心\I want you to know that I'm genuinely concerned
你的身体健康\about your well-being.
-谢谢  -不用客气\- Thank you.  - You're welcome.
在我的位子上\But it's still no reason to have your feet in my spot.
我可以说说我的看法吗\May I offer an observation?
搞什么  她在这多久了\What the hell? How long has she been here?
打我们从漫画店回来开始\Since we got home from the comic bookstore.
那是两小时前的事了\That was two hours ago.
根据你的建议\As per your suggestion,
我们正在相处\we're hanging out.
老实说  我都不知道\Quite frankly, I don't see
你有什么好大惊小怪的\what all the hoopla's about.
继续说  艾米\Go on, Amy.
从神经生物学的角度看  莱纳德\From a neurobiological standpoint, Leonard,
你之所以独身\you may be alone
可能是由于你的心理状态\because your psychological state is causing
导致你的身体散发出绝望的味道\an actual pheromone-based stink of desperation.
你知道这个理论吗  莱纳德\Did you know that, Leonard?
-不知道  -我就知道\- No.  - I did.
我知道有些人在公共聚集场所\I understand that some people find mates
像是酒吧或是小酒馆里寻伴侣\in social gathering places such as bars or taverns.
你到酒吧或是酒馆试过吗\Have you tried a bar or tavern?
没有  我才不要去酒吧里泡妞呢\No, I'm not gonna try to pick up a woman in a bar.
明智的决定  听我分析  艾米\Wise decision. You see, Amy,
想要在酒吧成功到伴侣  是要靠\success at a bar is based on classic male attributes
典型的男性特质的  像是身高  力量\such as height, strength, attractiveness,
魅力  还有喝酒和投飞镖的能力\the ability to hold one's liquor and throw darts --
或是边喝酒边投飞镖的能力\separately or together.
而莱纳德不具备其中的任何一点特质\Leonard has none of these attributes,
对吧  莱纳德\right, Leonard?
并不是在所有吧都要这样的\That's not true of all bars.
比如说果汁吧\Juice bars, for example.
说得好  艾米\Oh! Good point, Amy.
在这个前提下\Yeah, building on your premise,
莱纳德可以经常光顾寿司吧\Leonard could frequent sushi bars,
沙拉吧  生蚝吧\salad bars, oyster bars,
还有苹果天才吧  你在干吗\the Apple what are you doing?
继续说吧  我听着呢\Keep going. I'm listening.
真没礼貌\That was rude.
他总是这样\He does it all the time.
他就是社交无能的集合体\He's a cornucopia of social awkwardness.
多么甜美流畅的词呀\What a mellifluous word.
就把这个词定为今日美词吧\Let's make that our word of the day.
同意  明天开始用"甜美流畅"\Agreed. And we'll use mellifluous tomorrow.
我要去排空一下我的膀胱\Well, I have to void my bladder.
跟你一起相处很愉快\It was nice spending this time with you.
我有个请求\I have a request.
我想让你见见我的母亲\I'd like you to meet my mother.
知道了\I see.
回头答复你好吗\Can I get back to you on that?
当然可以  晚安\Certainly. Good night.
晚安\Good night.
莱纳德  莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard, Leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard, Leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard, leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard, Leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard, Leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard, Leonard,
莱纳德  莱纳德\Leonard,
干吗\Yeah, what?
艾米?菲拉?福勒让我见她母亲\Amy Farrah Fowler has asked me to meet her mother.
那又怎样\Yeah. So?
这是什么意思\What does that mean?
你不是总是说\Well, you know how you're always saying
艾米只是你的女性朋友吗\that Amy is a girl who's your friend,
而不是你的女朋友\and not your girlfriend?
-嗯  -你以后就不能再这么说咯\- Uh-huh.  - You can't say that anymore.
等一下  你说什么\Wait. What?
她很显然\Look, she obviously wants
想要你们的关系更进一步\to take your relationship to the next level.
我不想更进一步\I don't want the next level.
我喜欢现在这步\I like this level.
帮我搞掂她\Fix it for me!
我怎么帮你搞掂啊\Well, how am I supposed to fix it?
很简单  你想要女朋友\Simple! You want a girlfriend,
艾米想要当别人的女朋友\Amy wants to be someone's girlfriend.
我把她给你  我会祝福你们的\Take her off my hands. I give you my blessing.
你都疯的\That is insane.
没错  不会成功的\You're right. It would never work.
艾米觉得你很乏味\Amy finds you tedious.
好吧  祝你好运\Okay, good luck.
等一下  我该怎么办啊\Wait! What am I supposed to do?
你有没有想过跟她分享你的感受\Well, have you considered telling her how you feel?
莱纳德  我是物理学家  不是嬉皮士\Leonard, I'm a physicist, not a hippie.
好吧  让我想想\All right, well, let me see
看我能不能用物理现象解释给你听\if I can explain your situation using physics.
如果说你被绑在\What would you be
一个围绕轴心成螺旋状的\if you were attached to another object
倾斜平面上的话  你的下场会是什么\by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis?
懂了吧\There you go.
艾米说的没错\Amy's right.
他真没劲儿\He is tedious.
霍华德  去开门\Howard, get the door!
你干嘛不去\Why can't you get it?
你知道我在为准备结肠镜检查\You know I'm doing a bowel cleanse for my colonoscopy!
我这里就像个大头朝下的火山\I'm like an upside-down volcano here.
是你呀  好啊\Oh, hey.
但愿你没听到\I hope you didn't hear that.职业女装
火山什么的吗  没听到\The volcano thing? No.
怎么穿了这么一件T恤\What's with the T-shirt?
现在在苹果专卖店打工了吗\You working at the Apple store now?
不是啦  就是随便穿的\
