做笔记的技巧Note taking and in-class skills
Note taking and in-class skills
Adequate notes are a necessary adjunct to efficient study and learning in college. Think over the following suggestions and improve your note- taking system where needed.
Listen actively - if possible think before you write - but don't get behind.
Be open minded about points you disagree on. Don't let arguing interfere with your note-taking.
Raise questions if appropriate.
Develop and use a standard method of note-taking including punctuation, abbreviations, margins, etc.
Take and keep notes in a large notebook. The only merit to a small notebook is ease of carrying and that is not your main objective. A large notebook allows you to adequately indent and use an outline form.
Leave a few spaces blank as you move from one point to the next so that you can fill in additional points later if necessary. Your objective is to take helpful notes, not to save paper.
Do not try to take down everything that the lecturer says. It is impossible in the first place and unnecessary in the second place because not everything is of equal importance. Spend more time listening and attempt to take down the main points. If you are writing as fast as you can, you cannot be as discriminating a listener. There may be some times, however, when it is more important to write than to think.
Listen for cues as to important points, transition form one point to the next, repetition of points for emphasis, changes in voice inflections, enumeration of a series of points, etc.
Try to see the main points and do not get lost in a barrage of minor points which do not seem related to each other.Many lecturers attempt to present a few major points and several minor points in a lecture. The rest is explanatory material and samples. The relationship is there if you will listen for it. Be alert to cues about what the professor thinks
is important.
Make your original notes legible enough for your own reading, but use abbreviations of your own invention when possible. The effort required to recopy notes can be better spent in rereading them and thinking about them. Although neatness is a virtue in some respect, it does not necessarily increase your learning.
Copy down everything on the board, regardless. Did you ever stop to think that every blackboard scribble may be a clue to an exam item? You may not be able to integrate what is on the board into your lecture notes, but if you copy it, it may serve as a useful clue for you later. If not, what the heck -- you haven't wasted anything. You were in the classroom anyway.
Sit as close to the front of the class, there are fewer distractions and it is easier to hear, see and attend to important material.
Get assignments and suggestions precisely - ask questions if you're not sure.
1. 积极倾听。如果可能的话先思考后笔记,但不要落后。
Be open minded about points you disagree on.2.以开放的心态对待你不同意的观点。(兼容并蓄) Don't let arguing interfere with your note-taking. 不要让争议干扰你做笔记。
Raise questions if appropriate.3. 如果时机合适,就提出问题。
Develop and use a standard method of note-taking including punctuation, abbreviations, margins, etc.4.研究和使用一种标准的做笔记的方法,包括标点符号,缩写,利润率等。
Take and keep notes in a large notebook.5. 用一个大的笔记本来记录和保存笔记。 The only merit to a small notebook is ease of carrying and that is not your main objective.一个小笔记本唯一的好处是便于携带,而那不是你的主要目标。A large notebook allows you to adequately indent and use an outline form.大型笔记本让您可以充分缩进和使用大纲形式。
Leave a few spaces blank as you move from one point to the next so that you can fill in additional points later if necessary.6.不同的知识点之间留一些空白,以能够在必要时加进附加的内容。Your objective is to take helpful notes, not to save paper.你的目标是做有用的笔记,而不是节省纸张。天然指南针
7.李承铉演过的电视剧Do not try to take down everything that the lecturer says. 不要试图记下讲师所说的一切。 It is impossible in the first place and unnecessary in the second place because not everything is of equal importance.记全面这一要求既不可能摆在首位,也没有必要排在第二位,因为并非所有的知识点具有同等的重要性。 Spend more time listening and attempt to take down the main points. 应该花更多的时间听讲,并尽力记录下要点。 If you are writing as fast as you can, you cannot be as discriminating a listener. 如果你尽你所能写的飞快,你就不能成为一个具有辨别能力的听众。网上选号牌There may be some times, however, when it is more important to write than to think. 当然,可能也有
8.五香油Listen for cues as to important points, transition form one point to the next, repetition of points for emphasis, changes in voice inflections, enumeration of a series of points, etc.教师节贺卡内容大全 在倾听中发现关于重要知识点的线索。如,从一个知识点到另一个知识点的过渡形式,重复强调的点,语音语调的变化,一系列举例等
Many lecturers attempt to present a few major points and several minor points in a lecture.9. 既要Try to see the main points and do not get lost in a barrage of minor points which do not seem related to each other.努力寻主要知识点,也不要漏失一看似不相关的小知识点。许多讲师试图在演讲中提出的几个主要观点和一些小点。如果你仔细听会发现它们之间是有关系的。要The rest is explanatory material and samples.Be alert to cues about what the professor thinks is important.留意有关教授认为重要的知识点的线索。
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