1.A Buddhist saying claims one has to travel to strange places at least once or twice a year to keep active and alive.
2.Three Gorges Dam
"Three Gorges Dam Project" is the short term for the water control project at the three gorges on Yangtze River.
One cannot talk about Three Gorges Dam without mentioning the Yangtze Gorges. The Yangtze Gorges lay in the upper reaches of Yangtze River and form a common boundary for Hubei province, Sichuan province and Chongqing city. It arches across Fengjie county and Wushan Mountain of Chongqing city, five counties of Hubei province and Yichang city. It begins in the west from Baidi city in Fengjie county and ends at Nanjin pass in Yichang city, Hubei province, a distance of 192 kilometers. Yangtze River plunges through Wushan Mountain, Huangling Temple and Bamianshan mountainous region which result from Yanshan Movement. Therefore, such three huge gorges as Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge and Daning River Dale and Xian gxi Dale came into being. "Three Gorges" are deemed as their general name.
The Three Gorges is an area of huge cliffs and high mountains with the Yangtze winding its way thoug
h on it progress toward the sea many kilometers away. The gorges are usually 250 meters to 350 meters wide with the narrowest point being about 100 meters wide. The high mountains and deep gorges, form an area of about 1 million square meters¡¯ water from the upper reaches of Yangtze River, producing rapid torrents and annual average runoff of more than 450 billion cubic meters. Being one of the largest gorges in the world, the Three Gorges provides an abundant water resources for China.
The Three Gorges is an area of huge cliffs and high mountains with the Yangtze winding its way though.
The Three Gorges Tourist Area was officially opened to the public in 1997, covering an area of 15.28 square meters. It contains five parks. They are Three Gorges Exhibition Hall, Tanziling Park, 185 Park, Jinba Park and Interception Memorial Park. Based on the world¡¯s largest hydro junction project, the tourist area reveals the culture of the project and water conservancy in an all-round way. It provides a combination of multi-functional service of sight-seeing, science and education, entertainment, refreshment, perfectly combining modern project with natural scenery and human landscape. Therefore, it is a traveling paradise that tourists from home and abroad long to go.
Tanziling Park is the earliest developed tourist area and started to receive tourists from all over the world since 1997. Since its shape resembles a crock, its name Tanziling (Crock Mountain) came into being. Located at the investigation point of the Dam, the tourist area is 262.48 meters above sea level and the perfect place to appreciate the panoramic view of Three Gorges Project. Standing there, you could not only admire
北京小吃the magnificence of the Three Gorges Dam but also can vow for the "The Fourth Gorge of Yangtze River"¡ªTwo Way Five-Lift Lock which stands like a cliff. The whole park is divided into three layers from the top to the bottom according to its height. It mainly composed of mould exhibition, sub fluvial stone of Wannian River, interception stone of the Big River, cornerstone of the Three Gorges Dam, silver version sealed book and Tanziling gazebo. At the same time, they are interspersed by magnificent fountains, wandering brooks and emerald green lawn. Looking from afar, the hustle and bustle is accompanied by serenity and vice versa, as if roaming in Alice¡¯s fairytale land.
Located at the investigation point of the Dam, Tanziling Park is the perfect place to appreciate the panoramic view of Three Gorges Project.  Standing at the top of the Dam which is 185 meters above sea level, the tourists can marvel at the flood discharge downwards in a close distance. Feeling the tremendous force growling under the feet is more direct and magnificent. In the meantime, contraste
d with the near overwhelming backwash, the river surface far away is quiet and peaceful. All of a sudden, the tourists may feel the gorgeous blend of vitality and serenity. If it is good weather, a colorful rainbow will appear in the water fog above the flood. Gentle wind present by the river soothes the soul and the lullaby murmured by the backwash calm the heart. All the feelings, exited or surprised, proud or exhilarated are all mingle with the span of water. Maybe only after you roaming in the hug of the Dam can one genuinely feel the line "Should the goddess be not ill today, she will marvel at the world¡¯s new array".12月14日是什么情人节
The sightseeing position locates in the front of the left bank electricity generating set factory of the Dam. It is the perfect place to admire the Dam and water discharge. Stand on the sightseeing platform and look upwards, tourists can see a magnificent-than-ever 185 meters high Dam. The spray under the factory and the systematic transmission line show that powerful electric current are being transferred to all around China relentlessly. Due to the change of appreciation angle, the imposing water discharge can render the tourists excited with heart afire. They can experience the great power of the nature. However, with unchallenged wisdom, human beings can finally conquer the nature. Stand on the sightseeing platform and look upwards, tourists can see
a magnificent-than-ever 185 meters high Dam.
3.Wudang Mountain
Wudang Mountain, in the northwest of Hubei province, is perhaps the best known of China's Taoist holy mountains. It was listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1994.
The mountain has several main tourist attractions, covering an area of 300 square kilometers. From afar, the scenery resembles a beautiful, traditional Chinese landscape painting.
Wudang Mountain is famous for its perfect combination of natural and cultural scenery. It is also renowned for its magnificent ancient buildings, profound traditional Taoist culture and Wudang kungfu. Natural beauty
Wudang Mountain is beautiful all year round. In spring, the area is filled with flowers; in summer, the mist envelops; in autumn, oranges turn yellow and the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus fills the air; in winter, heavy snow covers the mountain like a white blanket. Tianzhu Peak, the main peak, 1,612 meters above the sea level, is just like a pilar supporting the sky. Around Tianzhu Peak are 72 peaks, 36 rocky cliffs, 24 streams, three pools, nine springs and 10 lakes. Wudang Mountain has rich plant resources. About 600 of the 1,800 medicinal herbs recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica compiled by the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) scientist Li Shizhen can be found in the area.
Ancient building complex
A sprawling ancient building complex in the Wudang Mountain was founded in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), but reached its zenith during the Ming Dynasty, when Emperor Zhu Di sent some 300,000 workers in 1412 who spent 12 years to finish the sacred site.
The impetus for such imperial glamour originated in legends that say the prince of Pure Pleasure State came to Wudang Mountain to nurture his will and power. He has been worshipped ever since. Most of the buildings contain stories about him, including Pure Pleasure Palace built in the ancient city of Junzhou.
The buildings are located in a 70-km-long area from the Pure Pleasure Palace in the ancient city of Junzhou to the Golden Hall at the top of Tianzhu Peak.
手相 婚姻线At present, the well-preserved buildings include Xuanyue Archway, Yuanhe Taoist Temple, Yuzhen Palace, Yuxu Palace, Fuzhen Taoist Temple, Zixiao Palace, Taihe Palace and Golden Hall. The Golden Hall, situated on top of Tianzhu Peak and built in 1416, is the most famous of the buildings.
The complex was designed to fit the Taoist principle of harmony between man and nature. Its buildin
gs are cited as a museum of ancient Chinese design and thought. A thousand years of lightning, storms and winds only make them more magnificent.
The buildings have won wide acclaim in architectural circles. Two United Nations experts wrote that they think the Wudang Mountains are among the beautiful places on earth due to its exquisite architectural design. Taoist culture
The history of Taoism at Wudang Mountain can be traced back about 2,000 years. It began to prosper in the Tang and Song dynasties, and reached its heyday in the Ming Dynasty. Taoism witnessed a decline in the ensuing
Qing Dynasty, but it was revitalized after the founding of New China in 1949.
Taoist ritual activities follow a set of procedures handed down through generations of Taoist priests. The priests recite ancient scriptures and play Taoist music, following a centuries-old formula. Taoist music has been extensively studied by scholars and experts.
Wudang kungfu
Wudang kungfu, as a culture, took root in the fertile soil of the thousand-year-old Chinese civilization,
and contains profound Chinese philosophical theories combined with the traditional notions of Taiji (shadow boxing), Eight-diagram and Xingyi, converted into boxing theories and skills.
Influenced by the Taoist idea of "self-protection and self-cultivation in isolation", the skills of Wudang kungfu are characterized by not taking the initiative in an attack, as "removing is fighting, and fighting is removing".
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, an action film directed by Ang Lee in 2000, attracted students of kungfu to travel from all over the world to study with the masters at Wudang. Lucky visitors may be able to see masters practicing on the roofs of halls and on the mountain.
It is said that the father of Wudang Internal Kungfu is Zhang Sanfeng. In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), he created the Wudang Sector on the basis of the theory of alchemy. According to legend, Zhang Sanfeng was inspired by a fight he witnessed between a pied magpie and a snake. Yuzhen Palace is the cradle of Wudang kungfu. In 1417, Emperor Zhudi decreed Wudang to be the "Grand Mountain" and ordered the construction of the Yuzhen Palace for Master Zhang Sanfeng.上海封闭小区名单
On January 19, 2003, a fire broke out in the hall, reducing the three rooms that covered 200 square metres to ashes. A gold-plated statute of Zhang Sanfeng, which was usually housed in Yuzhen Palac
e, was moved to another building just before the fire, and so escaped destruction in the inferno.
4.Hometown of Emperor Yan Shennong in Suizhou
The Suizhou Emperor Yan Shennong native place scenic spot is located in the northwest of Hubei province, 160 kilometers away from Wuhan city. According to historical records, it is the birthplace of Emperor Yan, the first ancestor of the Chinese people. It is also the only way to pass to go to Longzhong of the ancient Three Kingdoms, and Wudang Mountain, the Taoism Holy Land. It is a significant spot of eco-cultural tourism in western Hubei province.
The scenic spot, covering an area of 171.3 hectares, comprises of five major functional zones. The zones are for seeking roots and paying pilgrimage to ancestors, touring and experiencing the sacred relics, a farming culture exhibition, tourism service and riverside landscapes,
and natural ecological sceneries.
Statue of Emperor Yan Shennong
In 2007, the scenic spot invested 400 million yuan to construct a new scenic zone. The new scenic zone was completed in 2009, before the birth of Emperor Yan. The first World Emperor Yan-Shenno
ng Root Seeking Festival was held on lunar April 26. In November 2009, the scenic spot was awarded by National Tourism Administration as an AAAA-class scenic zone. Shennong Cave is on Lieshan Mountain. There are also memorial buildings including Emperor Yan-Shennong Cave, Emperor Yan-Shennong Stele, Emperor Yan-Shennong Memorial Square, Emperor Yan-Shennong Memorial Hall and Emperor Yan-Shennong Memorial Archway.
Emperor Yan-Shennong Memorial Archway
At the Emperor Yan-Shennong of Lieshan Mountain, there is the Emperor Yan-Shennong Hall, Ancestral Hall of Lieshan Mountain, Immortal Hall, Charitable Hall, Shennong Temple, Andeng Fountain, Baicao Garden (Herbary), and Guantian Altar and Nine Shennong Wells. Other sites include the Tide of Jianghe River, Mists in the Nine Mountains, Evening Bell in the old Temple, Sunset in the Village, and Snows in the Ancient Cave, Fogs around the Rocks, and the Dragon Flagpole and Phoenix Flagpole, which are magnificent scenes arranged according to the local landscape.  For thousands of years, many Chinese people from all over the world come to Lieshan Mountain every April 26 to piously worship Emperor Yan-Shennong and commemorate the ancestor of Huaxia (ancient China). Lieshan Mountain has became a holy place for Chinese both at home and abroad.
5.Yellow Crane Tower
The tower stands on the banks of the Yangtze River at the top of Snake Hill.
If you¡¯re in Wuhan, an absolute must-see is the Yellow Crane Tower. Regarded as one of the Four Great Towers of China, the tower stands on the banks of the Yangtze River at the top of Snake Hill. It is incredibly beautiful and its cultural significance led to its being made the symbol of Wuhan city. It goes without saying that it is one of Hubei's most popular tourist attractions.
According to legend, Yellow Crane Tower was built by the family of an old pothouse owner living in Wuhan city long ago, named Old Xin. One day, a shabbily dressed Taoist priest came to the pothouse and asked for some wine. Old Xin paid no attention to him, but his son was very kind and gave the Taoist some wine without asking for money. The Taoist priest visited the pothouse regularly for half a year when one day the Taoist said to the son that in order to repay his kindness, he would like to draw a crane on the wall of the pothouse, which would dance at his request. When people in the city heard of this, they flocked to the pothouse to see the dancing crane. The Xin family soon became
