Research on the Risk of Internet Consumption Finance
A Case Study of Jing Dong Bai Tiao
Internet credit finance is the combination of credit finance and internet technology which using internet technology to fulfill the credit service requirement of consumers. The internet technology brings convenient to credit finance service, but at the same time, a variety of new risks are hidden behind it. In order to ensure the stability of internet credit finance market, it is necessary to research the possible risk and risk control of internet consumer finance.
This paper firstly elaborates on the definition, development history and characteristics of Internet consumption finance, and then analyzes its impact on society. Meanwhile two cases were used to describe the risks and problems existing in China's internet consumer finance market; Secondly, this paper enumerates different categories of risks in internet credit finance, and use a finance product 'JingDong BaiTiao' as a case to analysis new methods and technologies to manage risk in detail, es
pecially analysis the differences between internet credit system and central bank's credit system. Finally based on basic theory of credit risk control, this paper build a game theory model to describe a general transition process of pro-internet credit finance, and quantitatively analysis the impact of some key factors to credit risk control such as loan amount, interest rate, breach punishment and information sharing. Some advises are given to reduce the credit risk using the analysis results of this model.
Keywords: Internet consumer finance, risk control, Jing Dong Bai Tiao, model design
中文摘要.................................................... I Abstract ................................................... II 第一章绪论. (1)
1.1.研究背景及意义 (1)
1.2.文献综述及研究现状 (2)
1.3.研究内容和方法 (3)
1.4.研究创新和不足 (4)
第二章互联网消费金融概论 (1)
2.1.互联网消费金融定义 (1)
2.2.互联网消费金融发展 (1)
加附近的人2.2.1.互联网消费金融发展历史 (1)
2.2.2.互联网消费金融发展现状 (2)
2.3.互联网消费金融特征 (4)
2.3.1.基本特征 (4)
2.3.2.金融特征 (4)
2.3.3.互联网特征 (5)
2.4.互联网消费金融存在的问题 (6)
第三章互联网消费金融风险识别 (8)
3.1.传统风险识别 (8)
3.1.1.市场风险 (8)
3.1.2.信用风险 (9)
3.1.3.流动性风险 (10)
林宥嘉 说谎 歌词3.1.4.操作风险 (10)
3.1.5.系统性风险 (11)
3.2.非传统风险识别 (11)
3.2.1.硬件失效 (11)
3.2.2.网络安全风险 (12)送什么礼物
3.3.社会风险识别 (13)
3.3.1.挤占传统信贷市场风险 (13)
3.3.2.垄断风险 (14)
第四章京东白条案例分析 (15)
4.1.京东白条基本情况 (15)
4.2.京东白条风险分析 (15)
4.2.1.京东白条传统风险分析 (15)
4.2.2.京东白条非传统风险分析 (16)
4.2.3.京东白条社会风险分析 (17)
4.3.京东白条风险控制方法分析 (17)
4.3.1.信用评级 (17)
4.3.2.应用大数据进行个人征信 (19)
4.3.3.资产证券化 (20)
第五章京东白条信用风险控制模型设计 (24)
5.1.信用风险分析基本理论 (24)
5.1.1.逆向选择 (24)
5.1.2.道德风险 (24)
5.2.基于博弈模型的信用风险分析 (25)
5.2.1.基本假设 (25)
5.2.2.贷款阶段 (26)
5.2.3.还款阶段 (27)
5.3.降低信用风险的意见和建议 (29)
第六章结论 (30)
6.1.主要结论 (30)
整形手术价格6.2.研究展望 (30)
参考文献 (31)
致谢 (33)