一、 抄写下列句子
1 good idea          watch a film      skating rink
2、 Space  Museum    fall over        of course
3、 Our earth looks like this from space.
二、 连线,把动词原形和动词过去式连起来。
watch                      talked
talk                        watched
is                          were毛孔粗用什么护肤品
适合女生的专业are                          was
want                        went
go                          borrowed
borrow                        wanted
三、 选择题
    1swimming  A、游泳  B、滑冰  C、画画
(   )2good  at  A、喜欢  B、擅长于  C、好主意
      3watch a film  A、看电影  B、读书  C、骑自行车
      4skate  A忆秦娥咏桐、跳舞  B、跑步  C、滑冰
        5dictionary  A武林外传 台词、书店  B、字典  C、衣服
(    )6.Father Christmas ________ gifts to children. 
A. wants    B. gives
(    )7 I _______ a good idea.    A.has        B.have
(    )8.look it is raining ________.    A.heavily    B.heavy
(    )9.This is _____ apple. And that is a_____ banana.
  A.a, an      B. an, a
(    )10.Katie always ____ up early.    A.get    B.gets
(    )11.I am good ______ skating.      A.at          B.on
(    )12.Are you going to ________ a film  A.watch  B.see
(    )13.benny  is _______ than Dongdong  A.fatter  B.fater
(    )14.Yesterday ____ a holiday.      A.was      B.is
(    )15.Lingling is sleeping. Talk ______  A. quietly  B. loudly
(    )16. The schoolbag  _________ like a pig .
        A. look        B. looks    C. are    D. were
(    17. This bag is __________.
          A. me      B. us    C. my    D. mine
(    )18. The girl’ ruler is _________ than the boy’s.
        A. longer  B. more longer  C. much long  D. long
(    )19.-----This is my friend, Tim.-----_______________
        A. How are you?    B. What are you doing   
C .How old are you  D. Nice to meet you!
(    )20.Look  _________the woman. Who is she?
              A. on      B. of    C. at    D. in
(    )21. This is _________ apple. It’s ________red apple
        A. an , an      B. a , a    C. an, an      D. an , a
(    )22.What’s  _________ number
            A. you      B. your    C. I      D. me
(    )23. ----Do you like rainy days? -----_______
        A. Yes,Idon’t B. Yes,I like C. No,Idon’t D.No, I like not
(    )24.Lily is good _________ English,
            A. in    B. on.    C, .at    D. were
(    )25.----_______cat isoverthere?----It’s Ann’s
            A. Who    B. Where  C. What    D. How
(    )26.----Thank very much.----_____
            A. Yes  B. You’re welcome    C. Sorry  D. How
(    )  4An old man is ___.
        Awalking    Breading a storybook   
        <1>under  <2>are  <3>went  <4>in bed  <5>is
        1. The book is _______ the bed.
        2. We _______there last month.
        3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes.
        4. Peter and Anne ______ playing in the living room.
        5. What ______Dongdong going to do?
(  )1. doct_____  A.or    B.er      6.l__ rn  A. ea  B.ae
(  )2. m_____nkey  A.a    B.o      7. f______e  A.ar  B.ra
(  )3.b______ch    A.ea  B.3 ae      8.k_____p  A.ee    B.aa
(  )4.en_____gh    A.ou  B.uo      9.li_____t  A.gh    B.hg
(  )5.lea_______  A. st    B.ts      10.ha_____  A.te    B.et
(  )1. 当你想知道对方有多高时说:
A. How tall are you ?        B. How heavy are you?
(  )2.桃之夭夭灼灼其华什么意思当你想对别人说端午节快乐时说:
A. Happy the Dragon Boat Festival  B.Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
(  )3.当你想了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,可以说:
A.Do you like swimming?  B.Are you good at swimming
(  )4.当想了解物品的价格时问:
A. what’s this?          B.How much is it
(  )5.当你想知道今天的天气如何时问
Awhat’s the weather like today?    B. what’s the weather today?
(  )6.当你回答问题很小声的时候,老师会说:
A.Please speak loudly          B.please speak softly
(  )7.你相约朋友一起无图书馆时,可以说:
A. let’s go to the library.      B. Are you going to the library?
(  ) 8.你想知道对方怎样来学校可以问:
A .how do you come to school?      B. when do you go to school?
(  )9.你想向对方借一本英语书时,应该说
A. can I borrow an English-book?    B. can I borrow your pencil?
(  )10.当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!   
B. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
  11.——Hello! Is that Teddy? ——             
    A. Yes, this is Teddy.    B .No, I'm Dick.    C. Yes, that is Teddy.
  12.——I'm sorry. ——             
