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(汉译英) 1. 中国菜讲究香味俱全。 2. 这个出租车司机黑者呢,他经常宰顾客。补气血的汤
冰加盐3. 这位学者和他的妻子郎才女貌,可谓是天造地设的一对。
黄花梨怎么鉴别4. 这些神山,在中国古代史书和文学作品里,有许多记载和生动的描绘。最具有代表性的,除秦始皇派徐福到仙山长生不老药外,便是《长恨歌》中讲杨贵妃约唐玄宗在蓬莱相会。(英译汉)
5. Nobody in the world is lily-white. 温馨提示:做完之后再看答案哦! 1. 中国菜讲究香味俱全。The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous. 2. 这个出租车司机黑者呢,他经常宰顾客。This taxi driver is an old screw. He often overcharges.
3. 这位学者和他的妻子郎才女貌,可谓是天造地设的一对。The talented scholar and his beautiful wife are perfectly made for each other.
4. 这些神山,在中国古代史书和文学作品里,有许多记载和生动的描绘。最具有代表性的,除秦始皇派徐福到仙山长生不老药外,便是《长恨歌》中讲杨贵妃约唐玄宗在蓬莱相会。Stories abound in ancie
nt Chinese historical and literary texts about these fairy mountains, all vividly told. Of these stories, two are perhaps representative, one about how the First Emperor of Qin sends the alchemist Xu Fu on a voyage to distant fairy isles in search of the elixirs of life and the other about how Y ang Guifei, the imperial concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (618-907), expresses her wish that the emperor come and meet her at Penglai, as described in the Song of Eternal Sorrow by the poet Bai Juyi,
斛珠夫人原著5. Nobody in the world is lily-white. (英译汉)金无足赤,人无完人。