谢谢你们的陪伴 首先对笔记本电脑的外部构造以及内部组成进行系统介绍,并详细分析各组成部分之间的关系。然后着重叙述笔记本电脑硬盘特性。在此基础上,对于fat32ntfs两种常见硬盘分区方式的优劣进行比较,对硬盘分区优化方面的技巧进行总结。最后对新型硬盘制造技术drive-tipload/unloadqq空间贴图的发展进行论述。
关键词 笔记本;电路;电池;硬盘
中图分类号:tp368.32 文献标识码:b 文章编号:1671-489x卓伟12年大料201309-0046-02
structure analysis and protection of laptop hardware//zhang baoyu
abstract this paper first systematically introduces the laptops external structure and internal composition and analyzes in detail the relationships between different components. then the author lays special stress on analyzing the characteristics of the laptops hard disk. based on this he compares the pros and cons between the two popular hard disk partitions named fat32 and ntfs and summarizes the skills of the hard disk partition optimiza
如何挽回男友tion. finally the paper compounds the development of the new hard disk manufacturing technology i.e. drive-tip and load/unload.
