There are two ways to protect a PDF file: an owner password and a user password. We’ll explain the purpose of each and show you how to apply them to your PDF files.
有两种保护PDF⽂件的⽅法:所有者密码和⽤户密码。 我们将解释每个⽂件的⽬的,并向您展⽰如何将它们应⽤于PDF⽂件。
The Owner, or Permissions, password allows you to apply permissions to a PDF file. For example, if you don’t want to allow a PDF file to be printed, or pages to be extracted, you can choose what you want to allow and not allow and apply an owner password to the PDF file. The Owner password may also be called the Master password. It’s what allows you to change those permissions.
所有者或权限密码允许您将权限应⽤于PDF⽂件。 例如,如果您不想允许打印PDF⽂件或提取页⾯,则可以选择要允许和不允许的内容,并将所有者密码应⽤于PDF⽂件。 所有者密码也可以称为主密码。 它是允许您更改那些权限的⽅法。
The User, or Open, password allows you to require the user to enter a password to even view the PDF. If they don’t enter the right password, the PDF file will not open.
“⽤户”或“打开”密码允许您要求⽤户输⼊密码才能查看PDF。 如果他们没有输⼊正确的密码,则PDF⽂件将不会打开。
There are several online services for protecting PDF files, such as , but if you want to add a password to a sensitive document, you probably aren’t comfortable uploading it to a service you don’t know. So, we’ll focus on the best offline option in this guide.
有⼏种在线保护PDF⽂件的服务,例如 ,但是如果您想向敏感⽂档添加密码,则可能不愿意将其上传到您不知道的服务。 因此,我们将在本指南中重点介绍最佳的脱机选项。
We’ve covered how to , but that only adds a user password. There is no option to add an owner password. We did some research, and found the best option for protecting your PDF files offline is the free office suite . We’ll show you how to protect a Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer document with a password and how to create a password protected PDF file from a document.
我们已经介绍了如何 ,但这仅添加了⽤户密码。 没有添加所有者密码的选项。 我们进⾏了⼀些研究,发现免费的离线办公套件是保护离线PDF⽂件的最佳选择。 我们将向您展⽰如何使⽤密码保护Microsoft Word或LibreOffice Writer⽂档以及如何从⽂档创建受密码保护的PDF⽂件。
NOTE: We use a Word file in our example, but you can do the same thing with LibreOffice Writer documents (.odt files). You can also open PDF files in LibreOffice. They open in LibreOffice Draw, even if you’re in Writer, Calc, or Impress, but the procedure for password protecting them in Draw is the same as in the other LibreOffice programs and is described in the “How to Convert a Document to a Password Protected PDF File” section below. You would be converting an unprotected PDF file to a password protected one.
注意:在⽰例中,我们使⽤Word⽂件,但是您可以对LibreOffice Writer⽂档(.odt⽂件)执⾏相同的操作。 您也可以在LibreOffice中打开PDF⽂件。 即使您在Writer,Calc或Impress中,它们也会在LibreOffice Draw中打开,但是在Draw中⽤密码保护它们的过程与其他LibreOffice程序相同,并在“如何将⽂档转换为受密码保护的PDF⽂件”部分。 您将把不受保护的PDF⽂件转换为受密码保护的⽂件。
如何向⽂档添加打开密码和权限密码 (How to Add Open and Permissions Passwords to a Document)
Before you begin, and install it, or you can if you would rather not install LibreOffice. Open LibreOffice Writer and then open a Word file. Click the down arrow on the “Save” button on the toolbar and select “Save As” from the drop-down menu.
在开始之前,请并安装 ,或者,如果您不想安装LibreOffice,则可以 。 打开LibreOffice Writer,然后打开⼀个Word⽂件。 单击⼯具栏上“保存”按钮上的向下箭头,然后从下拉菜单中选择“另存为”。
On the Save As dialog box, navigate to where you want to save the protected document. For our example, we’re going to replace the original document. If you want to save the protected document as a new file, enter a different name for the file in the “File name” box. To password protect the document, check the “Save with password” box. Then, click “Save”.
在“另存为”对话框中,导航到要保存受保护⽂档的位置。 对于我们的⽰例,我们将替换原始⽂档。 如果要将受保护的⽂档另存为新⽂件,请在“⽂件名”框中输⼊该⽂件的其他名称。 要使⽤密码保护⽂档,请选中“使⽤密码保存”框。 然后,单击“保存”。
If you’re replacing the original file, the Confirm Save As dialog box displays. Click “Yes” to replace the file.
如果要替换原始⽂件,将显⽰“确认另存为”对话框。 单击“是”替换⽂件。
On the Set Password dialog box, you can specify two types of passwords, just like the user and owner passwords for PDF files. To require the user to enter a password to view the document (like the user password), type a password in the “Enter password to open” box and the “Confirm passwor
d” box under “File Encryption Password”. If you also want to protect the document against editing (like the owner password), click “Options” in the middle of the dialog box and type a password in the “Enter password to allow editing” box and the “Confirm password” box under File Sharing Password.
在“设置密码”对话框上,可以指定两种类型的密码,就像PDF⽂件的⽤户密码和所有者密码⼀样。 要要求⽤户输⼊密码来查看⽂档(如⽤户密码),请在“输⼊密码以打开”框中和“⽂件加密密码”下的“确认密码”框中键⼊密码。 如果您还想保护⽂档免于编辑(例如所有者密码),请单击对话框中间的“选项”,然后在“输⼊密码以允许编辑”框和“确认密码”框中输⼊密码⽂件共享密码。
NOTE: The File Sharing Password only works for LibreOffice Writer documents, not Word documents. If you want to use the File Sharing Password, save your document as a .odt file, which is the first option in the “Save as type” drop-down list on the Save As dialog box pictured above.
注意:⽂件共享密码仅适⽤于LibreOffice Writer⽂档,不适⽤于Word⽂档。 如果要使⽤⽂件共享密码,请将⽂档另存为.odt⽂件,这是上图“另存为”对话框的“另存为类型”下拉列表中的第⼀个选项。
Entering a password to allow editing automatically causes the document to open in read-only mode. If you want to open the file in read-only mode by default without a password, check the “Open file read-only” box and leave the password boxes under File Sharing Password empty.
输⼊密码以允许⾃动编辑会导致⽂档以只读模式打开。 如果要默认情况下以只读模式打开⽂件⽽没有密码,请选中“打开⽂件只读”框,并将“⽂件共享密码”下的密码框保留为空。
Click “OK”.
If you applied an open password to the document, the next time you open the file, you will be asked to enter the open password.二十大几点结束
If your file is a LibreOffice Writer document (.odt) and you assigned a File Sharing Password to it, the document will be opened in read-only mode. To edit the document, click the “Edit Document” button in the yellow bar.
如果您的⽂件是LibreOffice Writer⽂档(.odt),并且您为其分配了⽂件共享密码,则该⽂档将以只读模式打开。 要编辑⽂档,请单击黄⾊栏中的“编辑⽂档”按钮。
You will be asked to enter the file sharing password to be able to modify the file.
如何将⽂档转换为受密码保护的PDF⽂件 (How to Convert a Document to a Password Protected PDF File)
You can also convert a Word document or a LibreOffice document to a password protected PDF file and apply user and owner passwords to it. To do this, open the document and then select “Export as PDF” from the File menu.
您还可以将Word⽂档或LibreOffice⽂档转换为受密码保护的PDF⽂件,并对其应⽤⽤户密码和所有者密码。 为此,请打开⽂档,然后
On the PDF Options dialog box, click the “Security” tab.
小野大辅在“ PDF选项”对话框中,单击“安全性”选项卡。
Under File Encryption and Permission, there is initially “No open password set” (user password) and “No permission password set” (owner password). To set these passwords, click “Set Passwords”.
在“⽂件加密和权限”下,最初有“未设置开放密码”(⽤户密码)和“未设置权限密码”(所有者密码)。 要设置这些密码,请单击“设置密码”。61儿童节短信
On the Set Passwords dialog box, under Set open password, enter the user password twice that will be required to view the PDF file. Under Set permission password, enter the owner password that will prevent the PDF file from being printed, edited, or having content extracted from it. Click “OK”.
在“设置密码”对话框的“设置打开密码”下,输⼊两次查看PDF⽂件所需的⽤户密码。 在“设置权限密码”下,输⼊所有者密码,以防⽌PDF⽂件被打印,编辑或从中提取内容。 点击“确定”。
NOTE: You don’t have to use both passwords, but we recommend that you do for greater security. A PDF file with only one of the two passwords applied (either one) is not as secure as one with both passwords applied. Planet PDF explains .
注意:您不必同时使⽤两个密码,但是我们建议您这样做以提⾼安全性。 仅使⽤两个密码之⼀(⼀个)的PDF⽂件不如同时使⽤两个密码的PDF⽂件安全。 Planet PDF解释 。
