中国环境科学  2020,40(8):3495~3505 China  Environmental  Science 城市居民垃圾分类行为影响路径研究
王晓楠*(上海开放大学公共管理学院,上海 200433)
中图分类号:X705      文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2020)08-3495-11
Study on the influence path of urban residents' waste separation behavior: the differentiated intentions and actions. WANG Xiao-nan (School of Public Administration, Shanghai Open University, Shanghai 200433, China). China Environmental Science, 2020,40(8):3495~3505
Abstract:Based on the planned behavior and A-B-C theory, combined with the waste separation in Shanghai under the background of strong policies, this paper aims to improve the measurement scale of household waste separation behavior, modify and distinguish the initiation and execution intentions of waste separation, and finally, construct the theoretical model on the influence path of urban residents’ waste separation behavior. Based on the survey data of "Shanghai residents' waste separation behavior in 2019", covering 2555 valid samples from 16 districts in Shanghai, this research used the structural equation model to verify the influence of residents' environmental attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavior control on waste separation behavior under the background of strong policies. The results showed that the environmental attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control respectively had a significantly positive impact on the initiation and execution intentions of waste separation. Environmental attitude had indirect effects on waste separation behavior through the initiation and execution intentions. Subjective norm and perceived behavior control had no such indirect effects on waste separation behavior through those two intenti
ons. The Perceived Policy Effectiveness of waste separation had a moderate effect on the impact of initiation intention on waste separation behavior. Although environmental attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control could promote the formation of the initiation and execution intentions of waste separation, only environmental attitude could shape residents' waste separation behavior by stimulating initiation and execution intentions.
Key words:waste separation behavior;perceived policy effectiveness;path;behavior intention
* 责任作者, 副教授,********************篮球过人技巧教学
