1.目 的Purpose 确定测量室内部校验能力范围,确保外部校验和内部校验结果得到明确的判定和确认。 Determine measuring room internal calibration ability, make sure external calibration result can get clearly adjudged and confirm. 2.使用范围 Scope 本操作程序适用于检验和测试仪器的校准。 This produce applies to inspection and test equipment calibration. 3.责任 Responsibility 3.1测量室负责校准和初步判定仪器校验结果。 Measuring room responsible for calibration and Preliminary determination instrument calibration results. 3.2使用部门使用者负责确认仪器校验结果。 The user responsible for confirm equipment calibration result. 3.3测量工程师负责管理校准证书等。 Measuring engineer responsible for manage calibration certificate. 4. 定义 definition 4.1 确定测量室内部校验的能力范围。 Determine measuring room internal calibration ability scope. 4.2判断仪器校验结果是否满足使用要求。 To determine the equipment calibration result if can meet the requirement. 5. 职责 responsibility 5.1测量室内部校验能力范围: Measuring room internal calibration ability scope. 序号 NO. | 产品类别 Product category | 检测标准(方法)名称及检测工具 Calibration standard name and tool | 限制范围及说明 Limit the scope and instructions | 1 | 通用卡尺 Caliper | 《通用卡尺内校作业指导书》 <<Caliper Internal calibration SIP>> 检测工具:2级卡尺专用量块 Tool: Class 2 caliper special gage block | 测量范围≤2000mm,分辨力为0.01,0.02,0.05,0.10 Measuring scope≤2000mm, resolution is 001,0.02,0.05,0.10 | 2 | 千分尺 Micrometer | 《千分尺内校作业指导书》 <<Micrometer Internal calibration SIP>> 检测工具:2级千分尺专用量块 Tool: Class 2 micrometer special gage block | 测量范围≤500mm,分辨力为0.01,0.001,0.0001 Measuring scope≤500mm, 爱人生日resolution is 0.01,0.001,0.0001 | | | | |
6. 规格 specification 6.1 通用卡尺(详情参照JJG30-2002) General calipers (please refer to JJG30-2002) 单位:mm Unit: mm 测量范围 Measurement range | 分度值(分辨力) Division value | 0.01,0.02 | 0.05 | 0.10 | 允许误差 Allowed error | 神探夏洛克 豆瓣0~150 | ±0.02 | ±0.05 | wap歌词脏版知乎 ±0.10 | >150~200 | ±0.03 | >200~300 | ±0.04 | ±0.08 | >300~500 | ±0.05 | >500~1000 | ±0.07 | ±0.10 | ±0.15 | >1000~1500 | ±0.10 | ±0.15 | ±0.20 | >1500~2000 | ±0.14 | ±0.20 | ±0.25 | | | | |
6.2 外径千分尺(详情参照JJG21-2008) Outside micrometer (please refer to JJG21-2008) 单位:mm Unit: mm 外径千分尺示值的最大允许误差及两测量面的平行度 Outside micrometer indication value 测量范围/mm Measurement range | 最大允许误差/μm The maximum allowed error | 两测量面的平行度/μm The parallelism between the two plane | 0~25,25~50 | | 2 | 50~75,75~100 | ±5 | 3 | 100~125,125~150 | ±6 | 4 | 150~175,175~200 | ±7 | 5 | 200~225,225~250 | ±8 | 6 | 250~275,275~300 | ±9 | 7 | 300~325,325~350 | ±10 | 9 | 350~375,375~400 | ±11 | 400~425,425~450 | ±12 | 11 | 450~475,475~500 | ±13 | | | |
数显外径千分尺示值的最大允许误差及两测量面的平行度 测量范围/mm Measurement range | 最大允许误差/μm The maximum allowed error | 两测量面的平行度/μm The parallelism between the two plane | 0~25,25~50 | ±2 | 1.5 | 50~75,75~100 | ±3 | 2.0 | 100~125,125~150 | ±3 | 2.5 | 150~175,175~200 | ±4 | 3 | 200~225,225~250 | ±4 | 3.5 | 250~275,275~300 | ±5 | 4 | 300~325,325~350 | ±6 | 5 | 350~375,375~400 | 400~425,425~450 | ±7 | 6 | 450~475,475~500 | | | |
序号 从此心中永远有个你No. | 日期 Date | 状态Status | 版本编号 Version No. | 变更理由 内容 Change 球类运动有哪些reason Content | 制定者 Prepared by | 审批者 Approved by | 01 | 2012-9-27 | 地球一小时宣传标语 制定 | A | First issue | Bellen.yuan | | | | | | | | |
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