主题语境探究阅读:节假日与中国传统文化 2022届高考英语二轮复习备考...
1.Cultural festivals (Spring Festivals,New Year's Day,Christmas,etc.);
2. Religious holidays (Christmas,Easter,Ramada,etc.);
3. Personal celebrations (birthday,anniversary,graduation,etc. );
4. Describing your own experiences of these activities and stating your preferences,etc.。
Li Ziqi:A Modern View of Ancient China
Li Ziqi is a logger tapped into the appeal of rural settings. She has more than 18 million followers on Sina Weibo,and more than six million subscribers on YouTube. These numbers make Li  1.________second most influential logger from China on international video-sharing platforms.
She started shooting short videos in 2016,  2.________(inspire)by the
self-sufficient lifestyle of ancient Chinese people. A young woman of the post-1990 generation,Li looks elegant 3.________ long braids in her hair,always clad in exquisite traditional dresses. In her short videos,she has picked ripe cherries to make jam and harvested peaches to make sweet wine. Most viewers found that the lifestyle
depicted and the picturesque landscapes displayed in Lies videos help them find inner peace and give them a psychological break from their 4.________(stress)and busy urban routine.
One subscriber,Liam Lomenta,comments:“I have insurmountable respect and      5.________(admire)for this woman. Not just from 6.________ I see in the videos,but the fact she is bringing back to life an archaic way of doing things. Because of her I’ve learned a lot about culture,process and reaction. I’ve also gained several new skills.”
Apart from showcasing how 7.________(cook),Li has even demonstrated other ancient skills,such as embroidery,movable-type printing,dyeing cloth and making furniture. She 8.________(impress)her viewers with her manual dexterity and the charm of Chinas traditional handicrafts and techniques. She has spent two years 9.________(make)paper from tree bark,brushes out of rabbit hair,and other stationery with natural materials.
Li says:“As an 10.________(increasing)influential logger,I hope I can show the world the wondrous cultural heritage of China.”
李子柒是一位凭借田园牧歌风走红的视频博主。她在新浪微博上有着1800余万粉丝,在YouTube 平台上,她的订阅人数也达到了600余万。这种量级的关注度意味着:在全球视频分享平台当中,李子柒是人气位居第二的中国视频博主。
2016 年,她从古代中国人民自给自足的生活方式中得到灵感,开始拍摄短视频。这个90 后年轻女孩绾着麻花辫,常身着精美的传统服饰,看上去尤为典雅。在短视频中,她曾摘下成熟的樱桃自制果酱,也曾采桃来酿清甜的果酒。
1. pray祈祷
2. parade盛装游行;示威游行
3. reflect  v. 体现;展现
reflection  n. 反映;反射
4. anniversary周年纪念日
5. ceremony典礼;仪式;礼节
6. custom习惯;习俗;风俗
7. sacrifice牺牲;供奉
8. honor荣誉
1. a celebration of对……的庆祝
2. a mark of……….的标志;……的表示
3. as a means of作为一种方式
我的快乐就是想你4. within the context of在……的大环境下
5. in memory of /in honor of为纪念……;向……表示敬意
6. drive away赶走
7. pass down传承
8. decorate…with用……装饰
9. broaden ones horizons开阔视野
10. go out of ones way to煞费苦心
关于白露节气的诗1. Solar Calendar阳历关于理想的名言名句
2. Lunar Calendar农历
3. New Years?Day元旦
4. Valentines?Day情人节
5. April Fools Day愚人节
6. Halloween万圣节
7. Christmas Day圣诞节
8. Easter复活节
9. Thanksgiving Day感恩节
10.Mothers/Fathers Day母亲/父亲节
11. New Years Eve新年除夕
12. the Spring Festival春節
13. the Lantern Festival元宵节
14. Tomb Sweeping Day清明节
15. the Dragon Boat Festival端午节
16. the Mid-autumn Festival/the Moon Festival中秋节中国元素:
1. firecracker爆竹
2. cross-talk相声
3. acrobatics杂技
4. handicraft手工艺品
5. calligraphy书法
7. Chinese knot中国结?
沃尔沃最贵的车8. lantern riddle灯谜
9. luck money压岁钱
10. rice paper宣纸
11. paper cutting剪纸
12. folk crafts民间工艺
13. lion/group dance狮子/集体舞
14. dragon boat race赛龙舟想象作文指导
15. family reunion dinner年夜饭
16. hot pot火锅
17. gunpowder火药
18. compass指南针
19. papermaking造纸术beat it歌词大意
20. printing technique印刷术
21. high-speed rail高铁
22. pay a New Year visit拜年
23. spread/promote traditional culture传播/弘扬传统文化
1. To find out the________________ (connect)between China and the countries along the Silk Road,well visit the cultural relics and the museums with rich collections.
2. I suggest that you choose Chinese daily dialogues as a start,like greeting people,asking for directions and bargaining for________________ (纪念品),which can help you a lot during your trip.?
3. The Chinese silk is known all over the world and it is usually________________ (很受欢迎)abroad.
