If i have the opportunity to study abroad, I most hope is to go to the United States to study fi
2022年清明节是几月几号rst because of the unique basketball culture of the United States, as we all know that the United States basketball is well-known in the world. And I also like playing basketball very much, so I would like to go to the United States school, to experience the American basketball culture, to the NBA live to watch a fierce game. You can also play ball with others in school, make more friends And then the American education. The United States has many of the world's top universities, its education level, educational resources are in the world's leading position it can provide a broad platform for us to access the first technology, ideas and so on, which is undoubtedly very helpful to our studies. American education is more about an innovative mindset that can inspire our own potential. And in the United States, we need to keep talking with others in English, which is also significant for our improvement in English. A person to study abroad, a person's independent life. We will miss thousands of miles of hometown, will be afraid of new interpersonal relationships, will be confused about what to do after graduation, but these are a good training for ourselves, will make us better, and then have the ability to seize the opportunity to meet success.教师节的卡片>初一英语试卷
