作者:马双双 王壮壮 徐先伟 李云涛
电脑反应慢怎么处理 关键词:Waukesha;ESM;分析;质量
中图分类号:TK433 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9129(2017)07-0070-03
国标舞蹈 Study On Fault Diagnosis for Control System of Waukesha Gas Engine ESM Module
农行信用卡 MA Shuangshuang*, WANG Zhuangzhuang, XU Xianwei, LI Yuntao
民事诉讼证据规则 (Machinery Plant TUHA Oilfield Company, Xinjiang Hami, 839000)杜凉夜的花样年华>离婚前规则方婷
Abstract:In order to solve the technical failures in daily operation and maintenance and improve the maintenance efficiency of the Waukesha gas engine, now through the function of ESM module and application examples during repair process on site of the Waukesha engine,it gives out the introduce of the importance of the ESM module in the fault diagnosis of the unit.The Grasp of this technique has a large significance in increasing the efficiency and the quality in compressor maintenance.