Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals
No ideal may be held more sacred in America, or be more coveted by others, than the principle of individual freedom.
Given the chance to pursue the heart's desires, our Utopian vision claims, each of us has the ability and the right to make our dreams come true.
This extraordinary individualism has prevailed as the core doctrine of the New World through four centuries, bringing with it an unrelenting pressure to prove one's self.
The self-made man has been America's durable icon, whether personified by the prairie homesteader or the high-tech entrepreneur.'
Yet, from the beginning,the idea of a community of rugged individualists struck many as an oxymoron. In the 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville warned that the tendency of Americans to do their own thing could very likely doom the country.
然而,从一开始,由粗犷的个人主义者组成的社会这个想法就给许多人以矛盾的感觉。19世纪30年代,亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville3)警告说,美国人自行其是的倾向很可能会让这个国家走向灭亡。
The Founding Fathers be seeched people to remain involved in community affairs.
And today, a chorus of critics worries that the philosophy of individualism has slipped its original moorings, threatening the well-being of the nation and, ironically, individuals themselves.
When the United States first came into being, most people had never even heard the word individualism.
"Our fathers only knew about egoism," said Tocqueville, who helped coin the term to capture the new way of life in the fledgling nation.Europe, where caste systems determined so much of one's fate, had never had much practical use for individualism.
Born of the Protestant Reformation,the ethos was carried across the Atlantic by the Puritans, who believed that each person received marching orders directly from God.
妈妈过生日送什么好In their new society, the reformers decided, people would interact as equals, and God would reward the just.
Their reasoning appealed to other groups landing in the New World, and over time, says Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington,"The Puritan legacy became the American essence."
The first American individualists were thoroughly steeped in a one-for-all mentality on the assumption that all moral persons would devote themselves to the good of the group.
Just before landing in Salem Harbor, John Winthrop, the soon-to-be governor of Massachusetts, reminded parishioners:
"We must ...make others' conditions our own ... always having before our eyes our community as members of the same body."
And even as Thomas Jefferson wrote of the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, he pictured a nation of independent yeomen who, after tending their land all day, would gladly participate in community meetings.
Singing solo.
Not until the mid-1800s did the pursuit of individual fulfillment come to connote a retreat from the group.
Ralph Waldo Emerson first preached the concept in his 1841 essay"Self-Reliance."' "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members," he declared. "Who so would be a man must be a nonconformist."
拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在他1841年的文章《自立》(self -自强)中首次宣扬了这一概念。他宣称:“世界各地的社会都在密谋反对每一个社会成员的男子气概。”“要成为男人,就必须是不墨守成规的人。”
关于教师节的祝福语For him, the self was more important, more interesting, than the group. "I have only one doctrine," he wrote: "the infinitude of the private man." Emerson' s friend Henry David Thoreau went further, deeming it necessary for him to physically part with society to develop his own integrity.
对他来说,自我比体更重要,更有趣。“我只有一个信条,”他写道:“个人的无限。”爱默生的朋友亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)则更进一步,认为他有必要脱离社会,以发展自己的正直。
And Walt Whitman, in poems such as"Song of Myself," introduced to the country what Berkeley sociologist Robert Bellah calls "expressive individualism," the valuing of personal pleasures such as sensuality and leisure above all else—something that would have been an athema in the religion-dominated Colonies.