1. 黑龙江位于中国东北部,南连吉林省,西接内蒙古自治区。
女生个性签名 唯美Located in the northeastern part of China, Heilongjiang is bordered by Jilin to the south and Inner Mongolia to the west.
2. 黑龙江北部和东部位于中俄边界,与俄罗斯为邻。
It also shares a China–Russia border with Russia to the north and east.
3. 该省省会哈尔滨也是黑龙江最大的城市。在中国省级行政区划中黑龙江总面积位列第六位,人口排在第15位。
The capital and the largest city of the province is Harbin. Among Chinese provincial-level administrative divisions, Heilongjiang is the sixth-largest by total area and the 15th-most populous.
如何组建局域网4. 黑龙江省得名于黑龙江(西方称为阿穆尔河),黑龙江是中国与俄罗斯的界河。
The province takes its name from the Heilong River (Chinese name of the Amur), which marks the border between the People's Republic of China and Russia.
5. 中国的最北端是黑龙江沿岸的漠河县,最东端位于黑龙江与乌苏里江交界处,都位于黑龙江省境内。
阿修罗纯刷图加点Heilongjiang contains China's northernmost point (in Mohe County along the Amur) and easternmost point (at the junction of the Amur and Ussuri rivers).
6. 黑龙江是中国最大的农业生产基地,也是一个重要的工业区,以石油、木材、煤炭、机械制造为主。
Heilongjiang is China's largest agricultural base, as well as an important industrial area mainly based on oil, timber, coal and machinery manufacturing.
7. 黑龙江地形多样,山地众多,主要大兴安岭和小兴安岭。
Heilongjiang is a land of varied topography. Much of the province is dominated by mountain ranges such as the Greater Khingan Range and Lesser Khingan Range.
8. 省内最高点是大秃顶子山,海拔1690米,位于黑龙江与吉林的交界处。
The highest peak is Mount Datudingzi at 1,690 metres (5,540 ft), located on the border with Jilin province.
9. 大兴安岭有中国最大的现存原始林,也是中国重要的林业区。
The Greater Khingan Range contains China's largest remaining virgin forest and is an important area for China's forestry industry.
10. 该省主要是湿润的大陆性气候,不过在最北端的地区属于亚北极气候。渣打银行贷款利率
别那么骄傲2A humid continental climate predominates in the province, though areas in the far north are subarctic.
11. 冬季漫长寒冷,一月份平均气温为零下15-31摄氏度,夏季短而温暖,七月份平均气温为18-23摄氏度。
Winters are long and bitter, with an average of −31 to −15 °C  in January, and summers a
什么净水器好re short and warm with an average of 18 to 23 °C in July.
12. 年均降雨量为400-700毫米,主要集中在夏季。
The average annual rainfall is 400 to 700 millimetres, concentrated heavily in summer.
