一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:2,分数:10.00)
 A.15 minutes.
 B.30 minutes.
 C.45 minutes. 
 D.60 minutes.
解析:[听力原文] W: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule for Wednesday's orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready. M: Okay. Here's a copy of the tentative schedule. Now, the registration starts at eight thirty and goes until nine fifteen. The
n, the orientation meeting will begin at nine thirty. Q: How long is the registration period for the orientation meeting? [分析] 推理计算题。选项中都是时间,此题可能测试某件事所持续的时间,这种题型有可能涉及到简单的计算。男士在对话中说the registration starts at eight thirty and goes until nine fifteen,即注册在8:30开始,一直到持续到9:15,由此可知整个注册的时间大约是45分钟。这个对话里的registration意为“注册,报到,登记”,orientation meeting意为“比赛季节开始时研究训练和比赛的会议”。
 A.She enjoyed the party very much.
 B.She did not know the other guests. 
 C.She thought the party was too formal.
 D.She was not familiar with the host.
解析:[听力原文] M: Oh, Anna, I meant to ask you--did you go to Jill Mason's party last week? What were the people like? W: I don't really know. I hardly knew a soul there and Jill was too busy to introduce me to anyone. Q: What do we learn from the conversation ?
[分析] 判断推理题。关键词:party,guests,host。由选项推测到的信息是:对话将要讲述女士对一次聚会的印象。女士在对话中说“I hardly knew a soul”,我几乎一个人都不认识,故答案为B。
 A.Everything is boring.
 B.He never had anything boring.
 C.He does not know what "boring" means.
 D.The most boring thing is the interview. 
解析:[听力原文] W: So what is the most boring thing that has ever happened to you? M: Do you mean before this interview? Q: What does the man mean in this conversation? [分析] 判断推理题。关键词:boring,interview.分析选项,可能是关于什么是最乏味的事情。女士问男士最近最无聊的事情是什么,男士反问道Do you mean before this interview?“你是说这次面谈以前吗?”他暗示说其实最无聊的就是这次面谈。
 A.2 years.
 B.3 years. 
 C.4 years.
 D.6 years.
解析:[听力原文] W: Just one more thing. What's the term of this contract? M: As it says here, it's three years and upon its expiration it will be renewed every two years subject to agreement of both parties. Q: According to the conversation, what' s the term of the contract? [分析] 信息明示题。对话中,男士在回答女士对合同的期限的询问时说it's three years and upon its expiration it will be renewed every two years subject to agreement of both parties.即合同的期限是三年,到期之后,每两年再续签。对话中涉及到两个表示时间的数字,要注意问题测试的是哪一个。
咖啡怎么加牛奶 A.She stayed up late yesterday. 
 B.She got married yesterday.
 C.She went to a wedding yesterday.
 D.She caught the traffic jam.
解析:[听力原文] W: Sorry, I'm late. It was our first wedding anniversary yesterday. M: Oh, that's all fight, Mrs. Green. And congratulations. Q: Why is the woman late? [分析] 判断推理题。关键词:late,married,wedding,yesterday.对话中女士对她迟到表示抱歉,接着又解释原因说It was our first wedding anniversary yesterday,昨天是他们的结婚纪念日,她的言下之意是他们昨天举行庆祝会,睡得很晚。
 A.In a bus station.
 B.In a ticket office. 2020年社保价格表
农村淘宝 C.In a bank.
 D.In a furniture store.
解析:[听力原文] M: I can either give you two in the third row center, or two on the aisle a
bout three-quarters of the way back. W: Hmm, I don't know which to take. If I'm too close, it hurts my neck, and if I'm in the back, I can't seem to hear very well. Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place ? [分析] 判断推理题。关键词:third row,aisle.对话中男士说I can either give you two in the third row center,or two on the aisle about three-quarters of the way back.意思是他或者给他们第三排中间,或者是后排靠过道的。这应该是座位,由此可推知两人在谈买票的事,因此可以推测对话发生在ticket office“票房,售票处”。
供的拼音 B.Monday.
解析:[听力原文] M: Are you still planning to leave for New York next Monday? W: I' m afraid not. My husband just found out he'll be in a meeting until late that afternoon, so we
won' t be able to get started until the following morning. Q: On what day does the woman expect to leave for New York? [分析] 细节推理题。对话中女士说My husband just found out he’ll be in a meeting until late that afternoon(指男士提到的下个星期一),so we won’t be able to get started until the following morning.意思是因为她丈夫周一有会,因此他们第二天上午才能去纽约,这样他们去纽约的时间应该是星期二。
 A.6: 45.
 C.7:15. 丰收打一字是什么字√
解析:[听力原文] M: I heard that it is supposed to be a good band. Since the game starts at 7:30, I'll pick you up at 7. W: That's fine. I'll be ready. It takes 15 minutes to get to the gym, so we'll have time. Q: At what time will they arrive at the gym? [分析] 时间推理题。对话中男士说Since the game starts at 7:30,I’ll pick you up at 7.即比赛7: 30开始,
男士在7点接女士,女士同意了并补充说It takes 15 minutes to get to the gym.到达体育馆需要15分钟,因此他们到达时应该是7:15。
 A.Ann shouldn't have returned home. 
 B.Ann should be quieter.
 C.Ann shouldn't have stayed at the library so tong.
 D.Ann should shut the door.
解析:[听力原文] W: It's no use, Tom, the people next door to us are making so much noise. I can't read this book. M: Why didn't you stay at the library, Ann? It's much quieter there. Q: What does Torn imply? [分析] 判断推理题。关键词:library,noise,quite.对话中女士说the people next door to us are making so much noise.I can’t read this book.即邻居的噪音太大,她无法读书。男士说Why didn’t you stay at the library? It’s much quieter there.意思是说,女士应该待在图书馆里,那里会安静得多,而不应该早回家。
