中国航母钢板生产获重大突破 关键技术领先世界
中国航母钢板生产获重大突破 关键技术领先世界
  ■向大林 姜洋
圣诞歌曲 铃儿响叮当歌词
Developing an aircraft carrier is a reflection of a nation's comprehensive strength, is the various countries the high-end equipment manufacturing, advanced materials such as industrial strength competition, is the only way to naval powers. Carrier with high strength big lenient plate is the key to building a carrier, and carrier in China with large single high strength generous slab is currently the bottleneck of building aircraft carriers.
S to chose Jiang Yang
Our country has more than 18000 km coastline, more than 300 square kilometers of the sea, half the ocean land is in dispute with its neighboring countries.
In the five security council members, the United States has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier ship on service accounts for more than half of global carrier; Russia tried to keep the ship carrying 67500 tons of large displacement carrier; Britain plans to build two "queen Elizabeth" a new generation of carrier; "DE gaulle" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is still the French air and soil. With carrier four permanent members, none is not to maintain and strengthen their own "carrier" nation status.
Developing an aircraft carrier is a reflection of a nation's comprehensive strength, is the various countries the high-end equipment manufacturing, advanced materials such as industrial strength competition, is the only way to naval powers. Carrier with high strength big lenient plate is the key to building a carrier, and carrier in China with large single high strength generous slab is currently the bottleneck of building aircraft carriers.
初中信息技术教学计划>被子尺寸Carrier with steel plate is an important strategic materials
又老了一岁的经典句子Under the carrier from the air, sea, sea, land, many factors such as electromagnetic wave
s, erosion and interference. Carrier with steel plate to the heavy powerful aircraft take-off and landing impact and high friction, must bear jet up to a few red flame ablation, should have showed, high toughness, high oxidation resistance, high temperature resistant, deformation and low temperature resistance. To prevent being attacked by a magnetic mine and magnetic survey found that still should non-magnetic, wants to be able to resist sea water corrosion and have enough bulletproof ability in order to prevent the torpedo and submarine missile bombardment, etc. Therefore, carrier construction of the high demand for steel plate, used production is very difficult.
Up to now, only four countries worldwide production of steel plate can be used for the carrier, are regarded as important strategic materials, shall not be exported. To build a large aircraft carrier ship 7.5 ton, need a variety of special varieties generous steel 40000 tons, among them, the flight deck will need about 8000 tons of steel.
Large aircraft carriers need to steel specification is various, generally can be divided into the hull plate, armor plate and structure of plate three categories.
Among them, the aircraft carrier with steel plate is the most demanding structure with steel plate. Structure board is mainly used in jx runway (flight deck), warehouse and hull structure, such as insulation, especially in the flight deck, demand is extremely high. First, ask the flight deck to withstand weighing 20 ~ 30 tons of aircraft taking off and landing process of strong shock and high friction. Second, must bear jet up to a few red fire baking. Also, the thickness of the flight deck cannot be too thick, generally is 40 ~ 50 mm, and require the roughness under 5 mm/m, otherwise it will affect the quality of the aircraft lift. In particular, tailor-welded flight deck steel plate to the bigger the better, to minimize weld strength increase. Steel plate thickness to smaller, in order to reduce body weight and increase the speed, lower center of gravity, more stable, but also have enough bulletproof ability.
