谍战古山塘演员表        索:
        中图分类号:J0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-2832201510-0128-03
        Chinese National Embroidery Regional Pattern Studies under the"Intangible Culture H
eritage" Perspective
        ZHANG Hai-hongZhejiang Sci-Tech University风铃草的花语,Hangzhou 310018 China梦到掉牙
        Abstract Chinese national embroidery pattern condenses a large number of social geographical cultural information and ethnic aesthetic taste exhibits of specific national culture art. This article has been selected for the national intangible cultural heritage of national embroidery representative of China to study. It combined the national regional culture and embroidery pattern analyzed the regional variety of embroidery styles the implication beauty of local embroidery双鱼座性格分析 the color beauty and the unique stitch. Through analysis proposed under the new historical conditions put forward how the embroidery intangible cultural heritage be inherited and developed so as to achieve a better protection of the intangible cultural heritage of embroidery heritage and get better development.
