普罗米修斯电影    本文的研究分为五个部分:第一部分,阐述研究课题的背景与研究课题的意义,并介绍国内外相关的研究文献;第二部分,详细介绍企业产生财务风险的内外部因素与行业因素;第三部分,概括介绍我国建筑行业的发展状况;第四部分,论述建筑设计行业所面临的财务风险以及如何进行资本结构评价;第五部分,简单介绍XA市建筑设计研究院,通过分析XA市建筑设计研究院相关的财务报表,提出防范财务风险的重点应放在对应收账款的管控上,并提出相应的管控措施。
With the rapid development of Chinese economy, in order to better adapt to the market economy, the architectural design industry has also carried on the comprehensive reform. In the market economy environment, the establishment of financial risk management, enhance the anti risk ability of architectural design firm has become an important task in the new era. How to reasonably, effectively the enterprise financial risk control, has become a major problem. This paper introduces the characteristics of architectural design industry, the causes of financial risk analysis, on this basis, the control strategy was proposed and the corresponding measures.
This study is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the research background and significance, introduced domestic and foreign research literature; the second part, introduced the financial risk of the enterprise internal and external factors and industry factors; the third part, an overview of the Chinese construction industry development; the
房产证抵押贷款fourth part discusses how the architectural design industry evaluation of capital structure faced financial risks; the fifth part, briefly introduced the XA Architecture Design Institute, the architectural design and Research Institute in XA, the relevant financial statements, put the emphasis of the prevention of financial risks should be placed under the management and control of accounts receivable, puts forward corresponding control measures.
Key wordsArchitectural design; financial risk; risk control
        4.6.2 制定适宜的信用评定标准....................................................................................26
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
