appoint的⽤法1:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某⼀时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某⼈担任某职务; 也可以指派某⼈做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地⽅。
appoint的⽤法2:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补⾜语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式⽤语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。
⽤作动词 (v.)
邱泽唐嫣公开恋情 appoint for (v.+prep.)
appoint to (v.+prep.)
appoint 通常指不经过选择的官⽅委任。
designate 书⾯⽤语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强⾏指定的意味。
assign 常指给⼀⼈或个⼈分配、分派、指派或委派任务。
name 普通⽤词,着重任命的结果,⽽不是过程。
nominate 通常指为某⼀公职选择候选⼈,并将其提交给有决定权的⼈作最后决定。残疾人驾驶证
Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢?
In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appointyou as our agent. 考虑到你们在这⼀业务范围的丰富经验,我们很⾼兴指定你们为我们的代理。
Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. Butif he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些⼈赶出去,并任命⽀持他的⼈进⼊内阁,但如果他⽴即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。
吟咏花木的诗 We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须⽴即委派⼀名新教师到那⼭村⼩学去。
We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你⽅指定我们作为代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。
At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether hewill appoint any Democrats to his new cabinet. 在国内,有⼀个关于布什是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,那就是他是否会任命民主党⼈加盟他的新内阁。 The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导⼈任命。
We must appoint a new teacher soon. 我们必须尽快委派⼀个新教师。
One possible, and highly speculative, scenario is that on his deathbed, the kingcould skip his son and appoint the princess or one of his grandchildren. ⼀个可能的,⾼度推测的剧本是,国王会越过⼉⼦,直接指定公主或某⼀位孙⼦成为⾃⼰死后的继承⼈。
Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. 你该当⼼你所任命的那个经理。
We want to create a spell where we appoint English coaches and Fabio can help us enormously to bridge that gap and help that transition. 我们想要建⽴⼀个咒语那些任命的本⼟教练和卡佩罗可以程度上的弥补这⼀差距,有助于这些转变。
天气冷 Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent. 除⾮你⽅增加营业额,我们⽆法指定你⽅为我们的代理。
This started to change when the right to appoint our rulers moved from the walletto the ballot. 当把指定给统治者的权⼒从
I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the nextPresident of the World Bank Group. 我欢迎执董会任命保罗.沃尔福威茨担任世界银⾏集团下任⾏长的决定。
Unlike the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the White House counsel is notconfirmed by the Senate — which means that the president can appointwhomever he likes. ⽩宫的法律顾问和法律事务厅的主管不同,前者不是由参议院任命的,这意味着总统可以任命任何他喜欢的⼈选。