寇 广*① 王 硕② 张 达②
敏而好学 不耻下问的意思①
(国防科技创新研究院人工智能研究中心 北京 100072)
(信息工程大学 郑州 450001)
摘 要:网络安全态势要素识别的基础是对态势数据集进行有效的特征提取。针对反向传播(BP)神经网络对海量安全态势信息数据学习时过度依赖数据标签的问题,该文提出一种结合深度堆栈编码器和反向传播算法的网络安全态势要素识别方法,通过无监督学习算法逐层训练网络,在此基础上堆叠得到深度堆栈编码器,利用编码器提取数据集特征,实现了网络的无监督训练。仿真实验验证了该方法能有效提升安全态势感知的效能和准确度。关键词:网络安全态势;反向传播神经网络;堆栈编码器;数据分析中图分类号:TP311文献标识码:A
DOI : 10.11999/JEIT181014
Recognition of Network Security Situation Elements Based on Depth机关考勤制度
Stack Encoder and Back Propagation Algorithm祭英烈的留言
KOU Guang ① WANG Shuo ② ZHANG Da ②
(Artificial Intelligence Research Center , National Innovation Institute of
Defense Technology , Beijing 100072, China )蒜薹炒鸡胗
(Information Engineering University , Zhengzhou 450001, China )
Abstract : The basis of the identification of network security situation element is to perform the feature extraction of situation data effectively. Considering the problem that the Back Propagation(BP) neural networks have excessive dependence on data labels when it has a learning
of massive security situation information data, a network security situation element identification method is proposed, which combines deep stack encoder and BP algorithm. It trains the network layer by layer through unsupervised learning algorithm. On this basis the deep track encoder by stacking can be obtained. The unsupervised training of the network is realized when using the encoder to extract the characteristic of the data sets. It is verified by simulation experiments that the method can improve the performance and accuracy of situational awareness effectively.
Key words : Network security situation; Back Propagation(BP) neural network; Stack encoder; Data analysis
1 引言
或者技术只能单一地反映网络一项或某几项指标,已经无法满足管理人员及时掌握网络整体安全状况的需求。网络安全态势感知技术融合了入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System, IDS)、防火墙、病
毒检测系统(Virus Detection System, VDS)等网络安全设备的大规模安全数据,通过安全大数据分析驱动安全防护应用,对网络安全状况与趋势呈现一个全面反映,从而实施网络预警与应急响应。因此,网络安全态势感知技术逐渐成为网络空间安全领域的研究热点。
收稿日期:2018-11-05;改回日期:2019-03-18;网络出版:2019-04-16*通信作者: 寇广 kg5188@163 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61303074)
Foundation Item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61303074)
第41卷第9期电 子 与 信 息 学 报
Vol. 41No. 92019年9月Journal of Electronics & Information Technology Sept. 2019