作者:Felicia Brittman,翻译:泽宇。感谢来稿!
“a , an,the”
最为常见的习惯性误⽤就是省略冠词a, an和the。这个主要是因为普通话⾥没有与英语⾥冠词对等的词,更没有相关的⽤法规则,所以这使得⾮英语国家的⼈在使⽤冠词时有⼀定的难度。
冠词的出现表明其后将要接⼀个名词,名词的任何修辞词应该位于冠词和名词之间(abig blue bicycle / the first award)。A和an是不定冠词;the 是定冠词。当⼀个单数不可数名词,⼀个为可数事物名字的普通名词⽤作名词的时候就需要类似的限定词。
The, a和 an
错误⽤法:Figure2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on surface of main and splitterblades.15
正确⽤法:Figure2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on the surface of the mainand splitter blades.15
错误⽤法:Thesoftware PowerSHAPE is chosen to be a 3D modeling tool; it is good at dealingwith free surfaces and
正确⽤法:Thesoftware PowerSHAPE is chosen to be the 3D modeling tool; it is good atdealing with free surfaces and curves.4
在这个研究中只存在⼀种3Dmodeling tool,因此“3D modeling tool”是具体的,需要⽤定冠词the。
错误⽤法:A theoretical method for calculating the innerflow-field in centrifugal impeller with splitter b
lades and investigation ofthe interactions between main and splitter blades is presented in this paper.The vortices are distributed on the main and splitter blades to simulate theeffects of flows. Systematical study of number and distribution of vortices is conducted.15
正确⽤法 A theoretical method for calculating the innerflow-field in a centrifugal impellerwith splitter blades
and an investigationof the interactions between main and splitter blades is presented in thispaper. The vortices are distributed on the main and splitter blades to simulatethe effects of flows. Asystematicalstudy of the number and distributionof vortices is conducted.15
错误⽤法 Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully takeadvantage of resources contained in EOF product thereby
minimizing impact onenvironment to the greatest extent compared to landfill or recycling ofmaterials; consequently it contributes greatly to resource conservation.16
正确⽤法 Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully takeadvantage of resources contained in an EOFproduct thereby minimizing theimpact on the environment to thegreatest extent compared to landfill or recycling of materials; consequently itcontributes greatly to resource conservation.16
冠词 也称限定词或者名词标记词,含a,an和the。A和an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。冠词的出现表明其后将接⼀个名词,任何修辞名词的词应该放在冠词和名字之间( a cold ,metal chair/ the lightning-fast computer).
限定词⼀个词或者词组,传统上主要等同于形容词,通过表述名词的数量⽤来限定名词(数量表达词,限定形容词,标志词)。它们表明⼀个名词是泛指(atree)还是特指(the tree)。The是定冠词。在名词前,the传达了所提及事物是特别所指的,是特定的。(the plan)。A
和 an 是不定冠词,它们表明所提及的名词是在⼀般意义上的或者没有明确指明的(a plan)。
可数名词:为某⼀事物或者某些事物命名的名词,并且这些事物是可以⽤数字计数的:radio,streets, idea, fingernails。
⾮特定名词:指代同类物品中的任何⼀个的名词;⽤不定冠词a ,an
过长的句⼦:Accordingto the characteristic of fan-coil air-conditioning systems, this paper derivesthe cooling formula of
fan-coil units based on the heat transfer theories and putsforward a new method to gauge cooling named Cooling Metering on the Airside,which can monitor the individual air-conditioning cooling consumption duringa period of time by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition – temperatureand humidity – of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parametersof inlet cooling water provided by the chiller.
正确表达:Thispaper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on thecharacteristics of fan-coil air-conditioning systems and heat transfertheories, and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling called CoolingMetering on the Air-side. The new method can monitor individualair-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting thecondition of inlet air – temperature and humidity – of the fan-coilair-conditioning system as well as the parameters of the inlet cooling waterprovided by the chiller.
过长的句⼦:The gear transmission is grade seven, the gear gap is 0.00012 radians, the geargap has different output values corresponding to any given input value,nonlinearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase functionmethod, the existing backlash block in the non-linear library of theMatlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used, the initial value of gear gap in thebacklash block is set to zero.9
正确表述:The gear transmission is grade seven. The gear gap, which is 0.00012 radians,has different output values corresponding to any given input value. Thenonlinearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase functionmethod. The existing backlash block in the non-linear library of theMatlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used; the initial value of gear gap in thebacklash block is set to zero.
过长的句⼦:…where m is the mass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a masslesselastic shaft, e is the
eccentricity of the mass center from thegeometric center of the disk, φ is the angle between the orientation of theeccentricity and the ξ axis, kξ and kη are the stiffnesscoefficients in two principal directions of shaft respectively, c is theviscous damping coefficient of the shaft and the disk, ci is the innerdamping coefficient of shaft, ω is the rotating speed, ξ s and η s arethe components of initial bend in directions of ξ ,η axes respectively: ξ s =rb cosθ ,ηs =rb sinθ.1
m is themass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elasticshaft,
e is the eccentricityo
f the mass center from the geometric center of the disk,
φ is the angle between the orientation of theeccentricity and the ξaxis,
kξ and kηare the stiffness coefficients in the two principal directions of the shaft,
c is theviscous damping coefficient of the shaft an
d th
e disk,
ci is theinner damping coefficient of the shaft,
ω is the rotating speed,
ξ s and η s are the componentsof initial bend in directions of ξ ,η axes, respectively: ξs =rb cosθ,ηs= rb sinθ .
过长的句⼦The clear height of the case is 6.15 meters; the thickness of the roof is 0.85meters; the thickness of the bottom is 0.90 meters, the overall width is 26.6meters, the overall length of the axial cord is 304.5 meters, the length of thejacking section is about 148.8 meters; the weight of the case is about 24127tons.3
清晰表述: · Caseclearance height 6.15 meters
· Roof thickness 0.85 meters
· Bottom thickness 0.90 meters
· Overall width 26.6 meters
· Overall length of the axial cord 304.5meters
· Length of the jacking section 148.8 meters(approx.)
· Weight of the case 24127 tons (approx.)
错误表达 For the application inautomobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization probl
em inleather manufacturing. 5
正确表达 This paper studies thenesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application inautomobile interiors.
错误表达 Especially when numerical control (NC)techniques[4] are widely used in industry and rapid prototype methods[5] [6]bring a huge economical benefits, the advantage of constructing 3Dmodel[7][8][9] becomes extremely obvious.2
正确表达 The advantage of constructinga 3D model[7][8][9] becomes extremely obvious especially when numerical
control(NC) techniques[4] are widely used in industry and rapid prototypemethods[5][6] bring a huge economical benefits.
错误表达 Inside thetest box, the space was filled with asbestos.15
正确表达 The spaceinside the test box was filled with asbestos.
错误表达 In practice, we employed this approach todispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of one kind of auto-body, and the resultsshow that this method is feasible.16
正确表达 We employed this approach to dispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of onekind of auto-body, and the results show that this method is feasible.
错误表达 To ensure sheet metal quality as well asassembly quality, CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production.16
正确表达 CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production to ensuresheet metal quality as well as assembly quality.
错误表达 When U istaken as the control parameter, the BDs for Δ =0.0, 0.001, 0.005 are shown inFig. 8.
正确表达 Figure 8 shows the BDs for Δ =0.0, 0.001, and0.005 when U is taken as the control parameter.
错误表达 Based on the triangulation structure builtfrom unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described inthis section.4
正确表达 The extended STL format is described in thissection based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or aCAD model.
错误表达 The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models are designedprecisely with complicated surfaces.4
正确表达 The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models with complicatedsurfaces are designed precisely.
“which/ that”
引导词 ⼀个代词指称的名词或者代词
‘The Shijiazhuang south road undergroundbridge possesses the largest jacking force, which is built at
1978(10680t).’[‘Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jackingforce which is built at
Absolute truths in paleontology are oftenelusive, and even the filmmakers were surprised at the fierce arguments thatsplit the scientists when an initial brainstorming session was else.
‘Respectively’ 和‘respective’
例如:Bobby,Nicole and Daren wore red, green and blue coats, respectively.
List 1 List 2
Bobby wore a red coat.
腾讯防沉迷Nicole wore a green coat.
Daren wore a blue coat.
1、 Respectively在句中的位置不当;该词被置于指代的名词之前
美国科幻大片电影错误表达 Equations 2~6 can be respectively linearizedas:......(equations given) (13)
正确表达 Equations 2~6 can be linearized as:……(equations given)…, respectively.
错误表达 The weightsof the two experts are respectively 0.600 and 0.400.19
正确表达 The weightsof the two experts are 0.600 and 0.400, respectively.
2、 为了表达某⼀特定的顺序,在句中插⼊ Respectively ,但是其实要表达的顺序其实在句中其他地⽅已经暗含了,或者这种次序没有必要表达,因为它并不能增加句⼦的信息量。
借据怎么写错误表达 If both the core technologyscore and core quality score of a bottleneck process are, respectively, belowcertain scores, then we refer to strategy 1, otherwise, if either is,respectively, abo
ve a certain score, then we refer to strategy 2. Similarly,if the core technology and core quality are, respectively, above a certainscore, then we refer to strategy 3, otherwise, if either is, respectively,belowa certain score, then we refer to strategy 4.19
正确表达 If both the core technology score and corequality score of a bottleneck process are below certain scores, then we referto strategy 1, otherwise, if either is above a certain score, then we refer tostrategy 2. Similarly, if the core technology and core quality are above acertain score, then we refer to strategy 93, otherwise, if either is below acertain score, then we refer to strategy 4.