作者:李华飞 兰彤
三星手机双卡双待 摘 要:乒乓球混双比赛接发球接抢段有时会对比赛结果产生决定性的影响,所以有必要对乒乓球混双项目接抢段进行研究,为我国混双组合在接抢段技战术运用上提供一些理论参考。运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、比较分析法,对中国混双组合许昕/刘诗雯接抢段二四板技战术运用效果进行分析。通过分析得出以下结论:许昕/刘诗雯在接抢段接发球以运用进攻型技术为主,控制型技术为辅,接球落点线路变化丰富;许昕接发球质量高,多以运用反手拧拉技术为主,辅以摆短等控制型技术;刘诗雯接发球稳定性强,擅长使用摆短和劈长技术;许昕/刘诗雯在接抢段第四板技术多以使用进攻型技术为主,防守型技术为辅,回球的落点线路角度大;接抢段战术组合呈现出控抢和攻攻战术混合运用的特征;混双接抢段技战术呈现出接发球以进攻为主、控制为辅,接抢战术以控抢和攻攻战术组合并重,大角度落点线路变化的发展趋势。
除夕祝福短信 中图分类号:G846 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9840(2021)03-0033-07
Abstract:Based on documentation data, video observation, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, this paper analyzes the effect of the second and the
fourth stroke in the attack on serve section of mixed double Xu Xin/Liu Shiwen. The following conclusions are drawn: Xu/Liu mainly uses the offensive technique, supplemented by the controlling technique in the receive section; and the receive route and dropping point is varied. Xu receives the serve with high quality, mainly using the backhand twisting and pulling technology, supplemented by the pendulum short and other control technology. Liu has strong stability in receiving serve, and she is good at using short swing and split technique. Xu /Liu mainly use the offensive technique in the fourth stroke of the receiving section, supplemented by the defensive technique, and the landing point line angle of the ball return is large. The combination of attack on serve tactics shows the characteristics of mixed controlling and attacking tactics. The technique and tactics of the mixed double in attack on serve show that attack is the main part of receive, control is the auxiliary part, and we should pay equal attention to combination of control and attack, attack and attack, as well as big angle landing line changes.
规划人生 Key words: table tennis; mixed doubles; receive; technique and tactics; China
1 研究对象与方法
给老师的贺卡怎么写 1.1 研究对象
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 文献资料法