国内最大的基金托管银行,截止2002年末,托管基金共20 只,托管基金资产突破300亿元,连续5年处于同业首位。
  中国工商银行具有国际先进水平的计算机网络和技术平台。2002年中国工商银行的三大科技工程取得丰硕成果,数据集中工程圆满完成,业务综合系统全面投产,数据仓库建设成效初显,大幅提升了工商银行经营管理和金融服务信息化水平,推进了商业化改革进程。在科技手段的有力支持下,工商银行各项业务不断创新。“银证通”、“银保通”、“汇款直通车”、“现金管理”、“个人支票”、“支票直通车”、保理业务、“理财金账户”、“金融e通道”、“汇市通”等新的金融产品、金融品牌不断推出;服务水平显著提升,实体网点与自助服务协调运行的格局已经形成,由自助银行、电话银行、手机银行和网上银行构成的电子银行立体服务体系日益成熟,2002年末银行卡跨地跨行联网通用和网上银行开通城市超过 300个,网上银行个人客户达400万户,电话银行个人客户超过1000初一数学试卷万户,2002年电子银行交易额达87000多亿元,网上银行交易额突破53000亿元。
Icbc profile 房屋租赁费税率
Industrial and commercial bank of China was established in 1984, is China's largest com
mercial Banks. Through the reform and development in recent years, icbc has already entered in quality and efficiency, and scale the coordinated development of the track, by the end of 2002, the total assets of nearly 4.8 trillion yuan, accounting for China's commercial Banks domestic asset sum for a quarter of the year 2002 create operation profit is 449 million yuan RMB. Industrial and commercial bank of China has China's largest customer base, about 1 million individual customers and 8.1 million corporate customers, both 22,000 many business sites and more than 40 thousand employees to provide quality and efficient services.
车展买车便宜吗Industrial and commercial bank of China business scope, portfolio is large. The end of 2002 become domestic only a deposit balance breaking 4 trillion of bank, loan balances nearly 3 trillion yuan. Icbc RMB of market share for 45%, in securities and futures market share remained in liquidation more than 50%, 2002 for RMB settlement business 100 trillion yuan. In the traditional advantage of business steady development at the same time, the new business itsleague lumped. In individual housing mortgages loan, bank card, capital operation, fund custody business areas, is the trade lead. The end of 2002 ic
bc personal consumption loan balances reach 3030 billion yuan, personal housing loan market share in domestic first; Through management mechanism reform at the end of 2002, the peony country nearly 80 million pieces, spending 685 million yuan; Capital operations become icbc new business window, 2002 both realized total bill trading pane shows billion yuan, bonds assets balance the end of 2002 breakthrough 80 million yuan, is the leading domestic bond market ";" Industry and commerce Banks or the largest domestic fund custodian bank, by the end of 2002, trust fund total 20 only, trust fund assets breakthrough 300 million yuan, with 5 years in trade first.
Industrial and commercial bank of China with the international advanced level in the computer network and technology platforms. In 2002, the Chinese commercial bank of three technology project of academic achievements have been made, data set, the business is satisfactory completion of the project integrated system comprehensive production, data warehouse construction achievements previews, greatly enhances their commercial bank management and financial services informationization level, and promote the commercialization reform process. The strong support of the technological m
eans, icbc various business innovation. "Tong", "Yin bao tong", "remittance express", "cash management" and "personal checks", "check the snowland", factoring, "financing gold account", "financial e passage" and "currencies tong" and so on the new financial products, financial brand continuously introduce, Service level significantly increased, the entity outlets and self-service harmonuous operation pattern has been formed, by self-help bank, telephone banking, mobile phone bank and the bank on the net consisting of electronic banking stereo service system matures, the end of 2002 bank card to include trans-bank networking gm and across the bank on the net opening city more than 300, online banking individual clients reach 400 million households, the telephone banking individual customer more than 10 million households, the 2002 electronic banking transactions amounted to 87000 billion yuan, online banking turnover breakthrough 53,000 billion yuan.
Industrial and commercial bank of China to world finance business performance worldwide. Industrial and commercial bank of China respectively by three consecutive renowned financial magazine British "banker" and the United States "global financial mag
轿车驾驶教程azine named" Chinese "best bank, The banker magazine by one class capital on global 1000 big bank sorting, icbc has four consecutive years rounding out the top 10, for five years in domestic ranked first, the United States authoritative financial magazine fortune by operational income on the world 500 strong enterprises sorting, icbc has four consecutive years were selected. 2008 December 30, the world authoritative brand value research institutions - world brand value lab at the "2008 world brand value laboratory annual award" selection activities, icbc relies on the good brand image and brand vitality, topped the "China's most competitive brand list" prizes, wins the general consumers universal praise.
