文科和理科的区别Recently, the comprehensive utilization of Hongge vanadium titanium magnetite Ore obtained extensive attention of metallurgists. The ironmaking and steelmaking process is greatly influenced by the fluidity of hot metal. The viscosity and melting temperature are important parameters for characterizing the fluidity of hot metal. Therefore, investigation on the hot metal composition on the relationship between viscosity and temperature plays an important role on the comprehensive utilization of Hongge Ore. In the present study, a viscosity measurement equipment has been designed based on the theory of the cylinder torsion vibration method through fixing damped amplitude difference. The influence of the content of C, Ti, S, Cr and V on the viscosity and melting temperature of V-Cr containing hot metal was investigated. The mechanism is also analyzed.Result shows that the content of Ti and C have a greater influence on the viscosity and melting temperature of V-Cr containing hot metal. In the range of carbon content 2.60wt%~4.00wt%, the viscosity of hot metal decreases with the increase of carbon content. When the carbon content exceeds 4.00wt%, the viscosity of hot metal increases because of the superheat of the melt and the precipitation of carbide. The viscosity and melting temperature of V-Cr containing Hot metal increase rapidly with tita
nium content increasing when the titanium content exceeds 0.31wt%. The viscosity and melting temperature increase rapidly when the vananium and chromnium content are more than 0.30wt% and 0.84wt%, respectively. However, the viscosity will decrease modestly with vinanium content increasing when vatanium content is below 0.30wt%. Unlike V and Cr, the sulfer increase the viscosity of Fe-S melts in the sulfer content range of this experiment and can interact with the other elements in V-Cr containing hot metal. It causes the greater increasing of the viscosity and melting temperature when sulfur content exceeds 0.08wt%.
The results of industrial hot metal are consistent with those of single factor analysis. From the investigation of inclusion distribution under the temperature near melting temperature of sample, a large number of carbides which make up by the carbide of titanium, vananium and chromnium were found. The titanium carbide has the largest shape which means that the precipitation of titanium carbide has the largest influence on the the viscosity and melting temperature of V-Cr containing hot metal.
Keywords:V-Cr containing hot metal, Viscosity, Melting temperature, Cylinder torsion vibration method
中文摘要.......................................................................................................................................... I 英文摘要....................................................................................................................................... III 1 文献综述 (1)
1.1 金属熔体粘度及其结构 (1)
1.1.1 粘度的定义 (1)
1.1.2 金属熔体粘度与结构的关系 (1)
1.1.3 金属熔体结构表征方式 (3)
1.2 铁基合金粘度及其结构 (4)
1.2.1 液态纯铁粘度 (4)
1.2.2 二元铁基合金粘度 (4)
1.2.3 多元铁基合金粘度 (9)
1.2.4 铁水粘度研究现状 (9)感恩老师的话语
1.3 粘度的测量方法 (10)
1.3.1 旋转法 (10)
1.3.2 振动法 (12)
1.3.3 细管法 (12)
1.3.4 落体法 (13)
1.3.5 平行板法 (13)
1.4熔化性温度 (14)
1.5 课题研究意义及内容 (15)
1.5.1 课题研究意义 (15)
1.5.2 研究目的及内容 (16)大爱无疆
2 基于扭摆振动法的铁水粘度测量装置设计 (17)
2.1 扭摆振动原理 (17)
2.2 装置设计 (19)
2.3.1 支撑系统 (20)
2.3.2 扭摆振动系统 (20)
帕萨特20192.3.3 振动次数计数系统 (26)
2.3高温熔体测量参数修正 (29)
3 铁水成分对含钒铬铁水粘度及熔化性温度的影响 (33)
3.1.1 母样制备 (33)
3.1.2 含钒铬铁水粘度及熔化性温度测量 (37)
3.1.3 生产现场含钒铬铁水粘度及熔化性温度研究 (38)
3.2 不同元素对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响规律 (39)
3.2.1 碳含量对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响 (39)
3.2.2 钛含量对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响 (41)
3.2.3 硫含量对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响 (44)
3.2.4 铬含量对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响 (46)
3.2.5 钒含量对含钒铬铁水粘度的影响 (49)
3.3 铁水成分对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响规律 (50)
3.3.1 碳含量对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响 (50)
3.3.2 钛含量对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响 (51)
3.3.3 硫含量对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响 (52)
3.3.4 铬含量对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响 (53)
3.3.5 钒含量对含钒铬铁水熔化性温度的影响 (54)
3.3 生产现场含钒铬铁水粘度以及熔化性温度研究 (54)
3.4 小结 (57)
4 含钒铬铁水粘度及熔化性温度变化的机理 (59)
4.1 实验方案 (59)
4.2 温度对含钒铬铁水夹杂析出的影响 (60)
4.3 小结 (64)
5 结论 (65)
教师节贺卡怎么写祝福语致谢 (67)
参考文献 (69)
附录 (73)
A. 攻读学位期间取得的成果 (73)