每个国家有他它不同的历史, 文化背景, 因此就形成了它们自己特有的节日。这些节日各有各的意义和特征,通过它们我们能进一步的了解这些国家及民族。从两个国家的节日习俗的比较中,我们能发现它们之间有什么共同处与差异。就拿中国和美国来进行比较。中国的节日可以分成五类:宗教和祭祀性的,纪念活动,庆祝性的,社交游乐性的,还有跟农业劳动有关的。美国也有其中的四种,可是却没有农业节日。
工商银行信用卡申请中国不是一个多宗教的国家,因为它的执政党不提倡其他的信仰。当然在现代的中国也有很多人信教,但他们过节时并没有法律规定的假。可是中国有一种传统的宗教,也就是崇拜祖宗的习惯。每一年在四月五日清明节时,家家户户都去祭祀祖先,扫墓,烧香,献花。美国人祭祀的祖先不是他们自己家的祖宗,而是国家的鼻祖,领袖,英雄。这就是为什么哥仑巴士(Columbus),华盛顿 (Washington),马丁路德金 (Martin Luther King Jr.),和为国家而献身的荣民都各有各的节日。除了纪念祖先以外,中美两个国家的人民也纪念一些对全国或全世界有意义的日子。比如说两个国家都有国家成立日。在中国是国庆节,十月一日,政府举行文艺表演,国庆晚会,游行,等等。在美国是独立日,七月四日,也很隆重,有表演和焰火。
这两个国家还共同面对另外一个问题,就是节日的商业化。两个国家都庆祝的元旦是阳历新年的第一天,都有法定的假。可是中国人还庆祝春节,农历新年,中国所有的节日中最重要的一个。过年是家家团圆的时候,在一起吃年饭,互相祝福 “恭喜发财”。还有一个团圆庆祝之日就是中秋节。这两个节日的庆祝和团聚的气氛很像美国的感恩节。可是现在这些节日的意义是不是淡化了?我们讲起过年就想到打红包,送礼物;想到感恩节就想到火鸡。这些自动的联想是不是说明这些节日真正的意义已经被商业化了?
圣诞节本来是为了纪念耶稣的生日。信基督教的人很重视这个节日,而不信教的把上帝儿子诞生的日子做为一个社交活动的节日。既然政府给美国人民放几天假,他们就用这个机会来互相请客,送礼,旅游。很多人开始注重谁的礼物得的多,谁送的最贵重 - 想都没想到应该去教堂。更无聊的是有很多爱赶时髦的中国人也过圣诞节。当然有一部分是真
而最大的问题是那些完全没有真正意义的,人们创造的,商业性的节日。情人节就是一个例子。我们都知道在情人节就该给女朋友买巧克力,送花,可是我们都不知道为什么。这是一个美国人和中国人都过的节日,可是没有什么意义。据说在古罗马有一个皇帝,Claudius II,想建立一个强大的军队,可是没有人愿意参加。他分析这是因为古罗马的男人都被爱情和对儿女的责任缠住了,所以为了建立军队他就禁止所有的婚姻。在古罗马有一个牧师叫Valentine,认为即使是皇帝也不应该有权利阻止爱情,于是他就帮助很多相爱的年轻人成了婚。因为他犯了法,他被Claudius II抓起来了,最后被处死了。现在的社会把这个故事进一步的发展成了情人节。买糖果,送花,完全是民间自发产生的。经商的人用这个机会来赚钱,人们又爱赶时髦,场面就变得越来越大。
其他的这种赶时髦和社交性的节日包括父亲节,母亲节,等等。每一年到了五月,电视上就开始放一些钻石,香水类的广告,叫我们 “送妈妈这条美丽的项链,表示你对母亲的爱”。中国的问题更严重,因为它要防的不只是商业化而且也要防西方的影响盲目地赶时髦。
演员刘涛简历The Differences Between Chinese and American Holidays
    Every country has its own history and cultural background, thus they each celebrate their own distinctive holidays. These holidays have specific meanings and characteristics, through which we can further understand the people of the country. From the differences in holiday customs and rituals of two countries, we can discover many similarities and differences between their respective cultures. Take China and America for example. Chin
a’s holidays can be roughly divided into five general categories: religious and sacrificial, memorial, celebratory, interactive/amusement oriented, and agricultural. America has four of these five categories, but it has no agricultural holidays.
    Agricultural festivals were the first type of holiday to be celebrated in China, because China was once a predominantly agrarian state. Although city-dwellers often are not familiar with these holidays, those who live in farming villages must rely on them to survive and produce. When should fields be planted and harvested? Our ancestors developed a twenty-four lunar term system (“entering spring”, “rain water”, “big cold”, etc.) to guide us. But America is an immigrant country, dependent mostly upon factories and technology in its production, so it does not have any agrarian holidays.
    Because America is mostly made up of immigrants, there are many non-native born Americans, each bringing with them the customs and traditions of their native country. Since America is a democratic country, everyone has the right to carry on their own beliefs, thus America has become a melting pot of different religions, the most diverse reli
gious country in the world. Among these religions are Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. Of the many holidays celebrated by Americans, it is safe to say that the most important ones have something to do with organized religion – take Christmas, for example, which is arguably America’s most representative holiday. The government grants everyone a vacation on Christmas day.
    China, however, is not a country with many religions, because its reigning party does not promote variety in beliefs. Of course there are many modern Chinese citizens who are religious, but when they celebrate their holidays they are not granted legal vacations from their other responsibilities. China does have a very traditional form of religion, ancestor worship. Every year on April fifth the Chinese celebrate QingMing Festival, where every family goes to the graves of their ancestors to offer sacrifices, burn incense, and bring flowers. The ancestors that Americans worship are not those of their own family, but rather the founders, leaders, and heroes of the nation. This is why Columbus, Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and the soldiers who sacrificed their own lives for their country have holidays dedicated to them. Other than remembering their ancestors, t
he Chinese also memorialize days which have special meaning to China or the world at large, such as the day the nation was founded. In China, on October first of every year it is National Day, where the government organizes various cultural performances, events, parades, etc. In America, on July fourth of every year it is Independence day, which is also very festive with its performances and fireworks.
