按 ~ 进入控制台
**24号补丁以后进入控制台改按 TAB
Set Cheat Playe r Tru e Enabl es Ch eat M enu 开启作弊选单
Se tChea tPlay er Fa lse Disa blesCheat Menu关闭作弊选单
A dminC heatAllow Playe rToJo inNoC heckW hitel istsa pla yer 将玩家设为白名单
A dminC heatDisal lowPl ayerT oJoin NoChe ck Remov es pl ayerfromwhite list将玩家从白名单移除
Adm inChe at Br oadca st Broad casts a me ssage to t he wh ole s erver. 送出信息给所有人
Ad minCh eat S etMes sageO fTheD ay Setsthe M OD 设定MO D
Adm inChe at Go d U nkill able, exce pt yo u can drow n. 无敌
Ad minCh eat F ly A ble t o Fly飞行模式
Admi nChea t Wal k D eacti vates Flyi ng 取消飞行模式
Adm inChe at Te lepor t T elepo rts y ou in thedirec tionyou a re fa cing.传送至你当前看的点
Adm inChe at Sl omo <#> Chang es se rverspeed. Val ues a re 1-5. 1=
Nor mal S peed设定时间速度 <1-5> ,1=正常速度
Admin Cheat Play ersOn ly Fre ezesall D inosat th eir c urren t pos ition. Als o fre ezescraft ing.冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响
Ad minCh eat G host Noc lip,walkthrou gh wa lls/o bject s. 穿墙模式
Admin Cheat Forc eTame In stant ly ta mes a Dino. Can ride with out s addle. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令)
A dminC heatAddEx perie nce 1000 0 0 1 Giv es yo ursel f 1000 XP给自己经验
-Add Exper ience (val ue fo r fir st nu mber) (tog gle o ption in r elati on to trib e) (S econd
togg le) (third togg le) s o intotal ther e sho uld b e 4 s epara te nu mbers.
Adm inChe at Gi veRes ource s G ivesyou 50 ofall r esour ces 给各种资源物件50份Ad minCh eat I nfini teSta ts Infin ite H unger, Sta mina, Ammo, etc.. 状态/子弹不减(饥饿、耐力、免装弹....等)
Ban Playe r B ans u ser f rom s erver后面加玩家I D,将玩家踢出
Un BanPl ayer Unb ans u ser f rom s erver后面加玩家ID, 将玩家取消踢出
Adm inChe at Da mageT arget Da mages a cr eatur e you arelooki ng at fora set amou nt 伤害当前所看的目标
A dminC heatDestr oyAll Enemi es De stroy s all enem ies.Theyrespa wn af ter a
whil e. 杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来
Giv eEngr ams unlo cks a ll cr aftin g rec ipesfor y our c harac ter -* Bug ged - Youcan't craf t the se re cipes开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题)
Ad minCh eat H urtMeDeals dama ge to your self伤害自己(自杀)
To ggleG un Toggl es vi sibil ity o f cur rentequip ped i tem 当前装备物品隐形开/关Admin Cheat SetT imeOf Day Chan ges t ime o f day设定时间 (后面要加时间如
set timeo fday04:00)
侃侃怎么读Adm inChe at Se tPlay erPos 0 00 A llows youto te lepor t tocoord inate s. 传送到座标( 如s etpla yerpo s 12,12,132)
Ad minCh eat S aveWo rld Save s cur rentworld state手动储存
Ad minCh eat Q uit Exit s the curr ent w orld. Useafter savi ng fo r a s afe s hutdo wn. 离开游戏
Admi nChea t Exe cSetS leepi ng Tr ue/Fa lse Pu ts ch aract er to slee p/wak es th em up设定玩家为睡眠(tru e)/醒来(fals e)
Ad minCh eat E nemyI nvisi ble T rue/F alse Mak es al l cre ature s ign ore y ou ev en if youattac k the m 玩家隐身,恐龙就算被打也看不到
Admin Cheat Dest royAl l D estro ys al l Obj ects/Dinos of a clas sname删除所有物件及恐龙
A dminC heatSummo n S ummon s a d ino a t you r loc ation. 召唤一只恐龙到当前位置
Adm inChe at Gi veIte mNum Giv es yo u anitem.给指定的物品请参照下面的物品ID >>例1:g iveit emnum 1051 1 f alse给储存箱 1个
StatFPS Show s you r FPS andlaten cy, u sable by a nyone. 显示帧数五一祝福短信给客户
S etChe atPla yer T rue Ena blesCheat Menu开启作弊选单
SetCh eatPl ayerFalse Di sable s Che at Me nu 关闭作弊选单
God Unk illab le, e xcept youcan d rown.无敌
Fly Able to F ly 飞行模式
Wa lk Deact ivate s Fly ing 取消飞行模式
Te lepor t T elepo rts y ou in thedirec tionyou a re fa cing.传送至你当前看的点
Slo mo <#> C hange s ser ver s peed. Valu es ar e 1-5. 1 = Norm al Sp eed 设定时间速度<1-5>,1=正常速度
P layer sOnlyFreez es al l Din os at thei r cur rentposit ion.Alsofreez es cr aftin g. 冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响
Ghos t N oclip, wal k thr oughwalls/obje cts.穿墙模式
For ceTam e I nstan tly t amesa Din o. Ca n rid e wit houtsaddl e. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令)
AddEx perie nce 1000 0 0 1 Giv es yo ursel f 1000 XP给自己经验值1000(可改其它值)
-Add Exper ience (val ue fo r fir st nu mber) (tog gle o ption in r elati on to trib e) (S econd
体育锻炼的意义togg le) (third togg le) s o intotal ther e sho uld b e 4 s epara te nu mbers.
Giv eReso urces Gi ves y ou 50 of a ll re sourc es 给各种资源物件50份
Inf inite Stats In finit e Hun ger,Stami na, A mmo,etc..状态/子弹不减 (饥饿、耐
Damag eTarg et Damag es acreat ure y ou ar e loo kingat fo r a s et am ount伤害当前所看的目标
Dest royAl lEnem ies D estro ys al l ene mies. They resp awn a ftera whi le. 杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来
Gi veEng rams unl ocksall c rafti ng re cipes foryourchara cter-* Bu gged- You can't cra ft th ese r ecipe s 开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题)
H urtMeDeals dama ge to your self伤害自己(自杀)例h urtme 1000
Togg leGun To ggles visi bilit y ofcurre nt eq uippe d ite m 当前装备物品隐形开/关Se tTime OfDay Ch anges time of d ay 设定时间(后面要加时间如s ettim eofda y 04:00)
S etPla yerPo s 0 0 0 Allow s you to t elepo rt to coor dinat es. 传送到座标( 如
setpl ayerp os 12,12,132)
S aveWo rld Save s cur rentworld state手动储存
Qu it Exits thecurre nt wo rld.Use a ftersavin g for a sa fe sh utdow n. 离开游戏ExecS etSle eping True/Fals e Puts char acter to s leep/wakes them up 设定玩家为睡眠(true)/醒来(f alse)
Enem yInvi sible True/Fals e M akesall c reatu res i gnore youevenif yo u att ack t hem 玩家隐身,恐龙就算被打也看不到
Des troyA ll Destr oys a ll Ob jects/Dino s ofa cla ssnam e 删除所有物件及恐龙Summo n S ummon s a d ino a t you r loc ation. 召唤一只恐龙到当前位置
Giv eItem Num Give s you an i tem.给指定的物品请参照下面的物品ID >>例1: gi veite mnum105 1 1 fa lse 给储存箱 1个
S tat F PS Shows your FPSand l atenc y, us ableby an yone.显示帧数
cheat engi ne(CE) 修改表(27号补丁测试有效) A RK.CT (50.08 KB, 下载次数: 953)
FullPlaye r Sta tus 玩家状态全满
P layer Poin ter 各项属性(手动修改)
Un limit ed Am mo (u ntest ed) 无限子弹
Unli mited Inve ntory物品不减
Un limit ed Du rabil ity 耐用度不减
Ign ore E ngram Requ ireme nts 忽略技能点需求
I gnore Craf tingRequi remen ts 忽略蓝图需求
Ins tantTamin g 秒驯
Un limit ed En gram无限技能点
Un limit ed Bu ff Du ratio ns 无限状态加成时间I nvent ory S elect ion P ointe r 选定物品修改
I tem I D I tem D escri ption
1 Simpl e Pis tol
2 As sault Rifl e
3 Rock et La unche r
4 Simp le Bu llet
5 B ow
6 Gen ade
7 Wo od
8 Sto ne
9 Met al
10 Hi de
11 Ch itin
12 Raw M eat
13 S poile d Mea t
14 Coo ked M eat
15 W aterJar
16 W aterJar (Full)
17 Clot h Pan ts
18 Cl oth S hirt
19 Cloth Hat
20 Cloth Boot s
21 Clo th Gl oves
22 Hidepants
23 Hide Shir t
24 Hid e Hat
25 Hide Boot s
26 Hid e Glo ves
27 C hitin Legg ings
28 Chiti n Che stpie ce
29 Ch itinHelme t
30 Chi tin B oots
31 Chiti n Gau ntlet s
32 Sto ne Ar row
33 S tonePick
34 Stone Hatc het
35 M etalPick
36 Metal Hatc het
37 T orch
38 Paint brush
39 Camp fire
40 Stand ing T orch
41 HideSleep ing B ag
42 Re moteDeton ator
43 C4 Ch arge
44 Blood Extr actio n Syr inge
45 Blood Pack
46 Impr ovise d Exp losiv e Dev ice 47 W aters kin
48 W aters kin(F ull)
49 Berry bushSeeds
50 Fert ilize r
51 Bin glebe rry S oup
52 M edica l Bre w
53 Ene rgy B rew
54 D inosa ur Fe ces
55 H umanFeces
56 Steg osaur us Eg g
57 Spe ar
58 Re d Col oring
十万左右的车排行榜59 Gree n Col oring
60 Blue Colo ring
61 Yello w Col oring
62 Purp le Co lorin g
63 Ora nge C olori ng
64 Bl ack C olori ng
65 Wh ite C olori ng
66 Br own C olori ng
67 Cy an Co lorin g
68 Pur ple C olori ng在家兼职什么好
69 Re x Sad dle
70 T ranqArrow
71 Pist ol Ha t Ski n
72 GPS
73 Flin t
74 Met al In got
75 T hatch
76 Fibe r
77 Cha rcoal
78 Crys tal
79 T hatch Roof
80 That ch Do or
81 Th atchFound ation
82 That ch Wa ll
83 Th atchDoorf rame
84 Woode n Cat walk
85 Woode n Cei ling