Course Standard Template - Accounting Major in English
Accounting is a fundamental discipline in the field of business and finance. It plays a crucial role in providing financial information for decision-making and ensuring the accuracy and transparency of financial records. To meet the needs of the accounting profession and produce competent accounting professionals, a comprehensive course standard template for the accounting major in English is essential.wap歌词脏版知乎
Course Objectives
辐射新维加斯攻略1. Develop a solid foundation in accounting principles and concepts.
2. Enhance communication skills in English within the context of accounting.
3. Acquire knowledge and understanding of international accounting standards.
4. Develop analytical and critical thinking skills for problem-solving in accounting.
5. Apply ethical principles and professional standards in accounting practice.
Course Structure and Content
1. Core Courses
1.1 Financial Accounting
1.1.1 Introduction to Financial Accounting
1.1.2 Financial Statements Preparation and Analysis
1.1.3 Revenue Recognition and Measurement
1.1.4 Asset Measurement and Valuation
1.1.5 Liabilities and Equity Measurement and Valuation
1.1.6 Financial Reporting and Disclosure
1.2 Managerial Accounting
1.2.1 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
1.2.2 Cost Concepts and Behavior
1.2.3 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
1.2.4 Budgeting and Variance Analysis
1.2.5 Performance Measurement and Reporting
1.2.6 Decision Making and Relevant Information西双版纳旅游景点大全
2. Professional Courses
2.1 Auditing and Assurance Services
2.1.1 Auditing Theory and Practice
2.1.2 Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
2.1.3 Internal Control Evaluation and Documentation昵称4个字霸气
2.1.4 Audit Evidence and Sampling Techniques
2.1.5 Audit Reporting and Communication
2.2 Taxation
2.2.1 Introduction to Taxation
2.2.2 Individual Income Taxation
2.2.3 Business Taxation
2.2.4 Tax Planning and Compliance
2.2.5 International Taxation
2.3 Financial Management
2.3.1 Introduction to Financial Management
赞美老师的名言佳句2.3.2 Financial Analysis and Planning
2.3.3 Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions
2.3.4 Financing and Capital Structure
2.3.5 Risk Management and Derivatives
3. Elective Courses
3.1 Advanced Financial Accounting
3.2 Forensic Accounting
3.3 International Accounting
3.4 Accounting Information Systems
3.5 Ethics in Accounting
3.6 Contemporary Issues in Accounting
Assessment Methods
1. Written Examinations: Assessing theoretical knowledge and understanding of accounting concepts and principles.
2. Case Studies and Problem Solving: Assessing analytical and critical thinking skills in applying accounting concepts to real-world scenarios.
3. Individual and Group Presentations: Assessing communication skills in effectively conveying accounting information to different stakeholders.
4. Assignments and Projects: Assessing practical application of accounting principles and ethical considerations in accounting practice.
The course standard template for the accounting major in English provides a comprehensive and structured curriculum to ensure students' acquisition of essential kno
wledge and skills in accounting. By following this template, educational institutions can develop a rigorous and standardized accounting program that prepares students for the challenges and demands of the accounting profession. With a strong foundation in accounting principles, effective communication skills, and adherence to ethical standards, graduates of this program will be equipped to succeed in diverse accounting roles in the global business environment.
