1.Carol often goes to school______ bike. It's good for her health.
2.July is the seventh______ of the year.
3.Climbers is an exciting movie. I'm going to______ it.
4.My little brother likes to jump up and______ like a monkey.
5.Look! Miss Wang is carrying a heavy box. Let's go to help______.
6.Many more people have realized saving_____________ earth begins with small things.
A.a    B.an    C.the
7.Work hard, _____________ you will get good grades.
A.or    B.but    C.and
8.—Who is the_____________ runner, Mike or Sam?
—Mike is. He is good at running.
A.faster    B.slower    C.weaker
9.On my_____________ birthday, my aunt gave me a nice dress as a present.
A.nine    B.ninth    C.the ninth
10.How delicious the cake is! It_____________ by my grandmother this morning.
A.made    B.is made    C.was made
11.We mustn’t_____________ the bus until it stops.
A.get off    B.put off    C.turn off
12.Tom_____________ when I called him yesterday.
A.read    B.is reading    C.was reading货币制度
13.This is the CD_____________ I bought last year.
A.who    B.that    C.whom
14.Lisa plans_____________ a new picture next week.
A.draw    B.to draw    C.drawing
15.—Excuse me. Could you please tell me_____________?
—OK. Go down the street and you will find it on the left.
A.how I can get to the zoo    B.how can I get to the zoo    C.when I can get to the zoo
Kate: Hi, Judy! I'm going swimming. Would you like to go with me?
Judy: 16. look at my finger!
Kate: Oh! 17.
Judy: I broke the plate and cut my finger when I was doing the dishes.
Kate: That's terrible! 18.
Judy: No it's not a big deal. In fact, it's good for us to learn how to do chores.
Kate: 19. doing chores can help us learn how to look after ourselves.
Judy: You're right.
Kate: 20.
Judy: I just try to do what I can, such as cleaning the room and taking out the rubbish.
Kate: That's good enough. Take care!
Judy: Thank you. Let's go swimming another time.
Kate: OK.
A.What do you usually help to do around the house?
B.What's the matter?
C.Sorry, I can't.
D.Is it serious?
E.Where did you go?
F.I think so.
Gina: Mum, I'm hungry!
Mum: Oh, it's time to cook dinner. _______ for dinner?
Gina: I'd like noodles.
Mum: _______?
Gina: I'd like noodles with eggs and tomatoes.
Mum: I see. Can you help me wash the tomatoes?
Gina: _______. Where did you buy them? They're nice and fresh.
Mum: In the supermarket.
Gina: Mum, are you free tomorrow?
Mum: Tomorrow? _______ is it then?
Gina: It's Saturday. Shall we go shopping?
Mum: Sounds good! _______ to bring a shopping bag!
Gina: And my shopping list. Haha!
    Last week, Green School had a clean-up day. Everyone tried their best to make the school more beautiful. They did different jobs.
Students 26. Mr. Smith's class planted some 27.梦见迷路了 trees. There used to be two big trees in the school. Students liked to play under them. The big trees were the symbol of the school. But they were cut down. Why? Because they were 28. . There was some kind of virus (病毒). The virus was spreading to other trees. The schoolyard looked empty without them, so they decided to plant young trees. 29., they dug some small holes. Next, they
put the trees in the holes. Then, they 30. the holes with the good soil (土壤). Finally, they tied the trees to small sticks to stop them from falling over.
Kids in Ms. Miller's class picked 31. the rubbish. But plastic, glass and 32. can be recycled. So it's important to put them in the right recycling bins. Of course, there are other bins for wet, dry and harmful things.故事谜语及答案
Ms. Black's class cleaned the meeting 33.. Mr. Brown's students 34. weeds (杂草) out of the garden beds. Miss White's class swept all the sidewalks.
It is hard work, 35. everyone has such a strong feeling of satisfaction. They have made a cleaner and more beautiful school all together. For all students, school is their home. Everyone should play a part in keeping it clean and tidy.
A.because    B.First    C.but    D.from    E.filled    F.paper
G.ill    H.room    I.young    J.Second    K.up    L.pulled
My name is Jenny. I want to be a teacher because my mother is a teacher. She always makes her classes interesting and she is nice to her students. So they like her very much. I'm proud of my mother. She sets a good example for me. Besides, as a patient person, I think I will be good with my kids.
