1.It was      cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across      night sky.(  )
A. /a    B. athe    C. thea    D. the /
2.This bus doesn't go to the train stationI'm afraid you'll have to ______at the library and take the A52.(  )
A. take off    B. put off    C. get off    D. turn off
3.We_______pay to get in to the concertIt's free.(  )
A. can't    B. mustn't    C. mightnot    D. don'thaveto
4.John,you are expected to return the book to the library soon.You      it for two months.(  )
A. borrowed    B. have borrowed    C. have kept    D. kept
5.I will never forget the place      I visited yesterday because it was very interesting.(  )
A. why    B. which    C. where    D. how
6.I left my dictionary at home.Luckily,Jack lent      to me.(  )
A. he    B. himself    C. him    D. his
7.The weather in Kunming is       too cold       too hot.People like to live there.(  )
A. either or    B. both and
C. neither nor    D. not only but also
8.-______ hard work you have done!
-It's very kind of you to say so.(  )
A. What    B. How    C. What a    D. How a
9.After the rebuilding our school is becoming_________.(  )
A. more and more beautiful    B. more beautiful and beautiful
C. beautiful and beautiful    D. the more beautiful
10.      off the shower while you are washing your hair.It saves energy.(  )
神话玉漱扮演者A. Turning    B. 手动变速器故障To turn    C. Turn    D. Turned
11.The villager made the bridge      stones last year.(  )
A. out of    B. by    C. in    D. from
12.If all business goes paperless,at least one million tons of paper can be      a year.(  )
A. saved    B. used    C. copied    D. recycled
13.We want to set off early      we can avoid the heavy traffic.(  )
A. as soon as    B. even though    C. so that    D. as if
14.---Do you know      to see the Beijing Opera
---Yes,you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre.(  )
A. when shall we go    B. when we shall go
C. where can we go    D. where we can go
15.---We're leaving for Dalian for a holiday tomorrow morning.
---      .Do remember to give me a call when you get there.(  )
A. Congratulations    B. Have a good journey
C. Well done    D. Nice to hear that
I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated English army men of his time,General Scoresby.I couldn't describe my(16)when I saw this great and famous man.There he sat,the man himself,(17) all covered with medals (奖章).
Next to me sat an old friend of mine.There was a(18)look on his face as he said to me in a very low voice"Privately,Scoresby is a completely(19)man."
This came as a(20) to me.But I was sure that my friend always spoke the truth.So,I wanted to(21) more about our hero.
These are his exact words
About forty years ago,I was a teacher in the military(部队的)school at Woolwich,when young Scoresby was given his first examination.I felt(22)sorry for him.Everybody answered the questions well,wisely,(23)he did not know anything.Then,the Crimean War broke out.He joined the army.To(24)the nation and him,I joined up with him. 石家庄旅游景点排行榜
The battle(战斗)grew(25).One mistake would bring total failure.And what did Scoresby do this time--he just(26)his left side for his right side ...that was all.An order came for him to fall back and support our right side.(27)he moved forward and went over the hill to the left side.And what happened -- those surprised Russians thought it must be the whole
British army.They ran away in great disorder,and we ran after them.In no time,there was the greatest(28)you ever saw.We turned failure into a(29).
Scoresby became(30)that day.He was known as a great military leader.His honor will never disappear while history books last.
16. A. anger    B. disappointment
C. sadness    D. excitement
17. A. in general    B. in person    C. in time    D. in total
18. A. strange    B. joyful    C. worried    D. hopeful
19. A. wise    B. honest    C. silly    D. direct
20. A. smile    B. shock    C. choice    D. punishment
21. A. help out    B. leave out    C. find out    D. give out
22. A. terribly    B. properly    C. finally    D. clearly
23. A. or    B. and    C. so    D. but
24. A. believe    B. protect    C. 结婚祝福语大全简短understand    D. memorize
25. A. longer    B. shorter    C. warmer    D. hotter
26. A. mistook祝自己生日快乐    B. corrected    C. paid    D. built
27. A. Also    B. Instead    C. Besides    D. Later
28. A. turn    B. request    C. hope    D. enemy
29. A. growth    B. wealth    C. victory    D. peace
30. A. famous    B. patient    C. mean    D. strict
31.KateYou're late today!You made me stand here for forty minutes.
PaulI'm really sorry. (1)
KateWhy didn't you drive your carIt's faster than taking a bus.
Paul (2)
KateReallyAre you going to get a new one
Paul (3) I just want to live without a car.
Kate (4)
PaulI think our city is badly polluted because of the heavy traffic,and I hate to spend lots of time sitting in the car.
Kate (5)
PaulI am going to buy a bike and then ride to work.
KateGood idea.You're living a low-carbon(低碳) life and it's also a good way to take exercise.

A.What made you do that
B.But how are you going to work
C.No,I'm not.
D.When do you want to buy a new one
E.I've sold my car.
F.I had to wait for a bus for a long time.
