1.1 ⽣成判断矩阵的简单⽅法
1.1.1 代码
def get_judgement_matrix(scores):
get judgement matrix  according to personal score.
param scores: a list, the item is the score range 1 to 10 means the importance of each sub-indicator.
:return: judgement matrix, item range 1 to 9.
- more: in judgement matrix:
1 means two sub-indicators are the same important.
3 means the first sub-indicator is a little important than another one.
5 means the first sub-indicator is apparently important than another one.
7 means the first sub-indicator is strongly significant than another one.
9 means the first sub-indicator is extremely significant than another one.
and 2, 4, 6, 8 are in the middle degree.
# 评分1——10
length = len(scores)
array = np.zeros((length, length))
for i in range(0, length):
for j in range(0, length):
point1 = scores[i]
point2 = scores[j]
deta = point1 - point2
if deta < 0:
elif deta == 0 or deta == 1:
array[i][j] = 1
如果当时歌词array[j][i] = 1
array[i][j] = deta
array[j][i] = 1 / deta
return array
1.1.2 讲解
1.2 获得判断矩阵的最⼤特征值和对应的特征向量
1.2.1 代码
def get_tezheng(array):
get the max eigenvalue and eigenvector
:param array: judgement matrix
:return: max eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector
# 获取最⼤特征值和对应的特征向量
te_val, te_vector = np.linalg.eig(array)
list1 = list(te_val)
max_val = np.max(list1)
index = list1.index(max_val)
max_vector = te_vector[:, index]
return max_val, max_vector
1.2.2 讲解
1.3 获得RI值
1.3.1 代码
def RImatrix(n):
get RI value according the the order
:param n: matrix order
:return: Random consistency index RI of a n order matrix
n1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
n2 = [0, 0, 0.52, 0.89, 1.12, 1.26, 1.36, 1.41, 1.46, 1.49, 1.52, 1.54, 1.56, 1.58, 1.59, 1.60]
d = dict(zip(n1, n2))
return d[n]
1.3.2 讲解
1.4 进⾏⼀致性检验
1.4.1 代码
def consitstence(max_val, RI, n):
use the CR indicator to test the consistency of a matrix.
param max_val: eigenvalue
:param RI: Random consistency index
:param n: matrix order
:return: true or false, denotes whether it meat the validation of consistency    '''
CI = (max_val - n) / (n - 1)
if RI == 0:
return True
CR = CI / RI
if CR < 0.10:
return True
池贤宇整容return False
1.4.2 讲解
1.5 最⼤特征值对应的特征向量的归⼀化
1.5.1 代码
def normalize_vector(max_vector):
normalize the vector, the sum of elements is 1.0
:param max_vector: a eigenvector
:return: normalized eigenvector
vector = []
for i in max_vector:
vector_after_normalization = []
sum0 = np.sum(vector)
for i in range(len(vector)):
vector_after_normalization.append(vector[i] / sum0)
vector_after_normalization = np.array(vector_after_normalization)
return vector_after_normalization
1.5.2 讲解
1.6 以上⼏步的综合
1.6.1 代码
def get_weight(score):
get weight vector according to personal score.
:param score: a list, the item is the score range 1 to 10 means the importance of each sub-indicator.
:return: a list, the item is the weight range 0.0 to 1.0.
n = len(score)
array = get_judgement_matrix(score)
max_val, max_vector = get_tezheng(array)
RI = RImatrix(n)
if consitstence(max_val, RI, n) == True:
feature_weight = normalize_vector(max_vector)
购物指数return feature_weight
return [1 / n] * n
1.6.2 讲解
2.1 说明
2.2 论⽂
2.3 开源
2.4 代码
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2019/1/5 11:28
# @Author : RedCedar
# @File : run.py
# @Software: PyCharm
# @note:
import pandas as pd
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import  fsolve
import math
def get_judgement_matrix(scores):
get judgement matrix  according to personal score.
:param scores: a list, the item is the score range 1 to 10 means the importance of each sub-indicator.    :return: judgement matrix, item range 1 to 9.
- more: in judgement matrix:
1 means two sub-indicators are the same important.
3 means the first sub-indicator is a little important than another one.
5 means the first sub-indicator is apparently important than another one.
7 means the first sub-indicator is strongly significant than another one.
9 means the first sub-indicator is extremely significant than another one.
and 2, 4, 6, 8 are in the middle degree.
# 评分1——10
length = len(scores)
array = np.zeros((length, length))
for i in range(0, length):
for j in range(0, length):
point1 = scores[i]
point2 = scores[j]
deta = point1 - point2
if deta < 0:
elif deta == 0 or deta == 1:
array[i][j] = 1
array[j][i] = 1
array[i][j] = deta
array[j][i] = 1 / deta
return array
def get_tezheng(array):
get the max eigenvalue and eigenvector
:param array: judgement matrix
:return: max eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector头发多适合什么发型
# 获取最⼤特征值和对应的特征向量
te_val, te_vector = np.linalg.eig(array)
list1 = list(te_val)
max_val = np.max(list1)
index = list1.index(max_val)
max_vector = te_vector[:, index]
return max_val, max_vector
