Yu gong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains, Mount Taihang and Mount Wangwu.
The mountains were so high that Yu gong and his family can’t leave home easily.
One day Yu gong talked to his family together and said,"Let's try our best to move these two mountains. What about you?” Everyone agrees.
Zhi sou lived by the side of the Yellow River.While he saw they move 英文话剧剧本the mountains busily, He said to Yu gong
" You are very old now, if you try your best to move the mountains, you won't remove([rɪ'mu:v]) even a corner(['kɔ:nə(r)]) of the mountain."
Yugong said,"You can’t understand. If I die, there will be my son,my grandson(['ɡrænsʌn]) my great-grandson.
They will try theit best to move the mountains. We shall([ʃæl]) move them one day!" Zhi sou didn’t say anything.
一天愚公对家人说:「让我们尽我们最大努力移走这两座山,你们认为怎样?」 大家都赞成。
他们将尽他们最大努力去移山。总有一天,大山将被移走。」 智叟听了,什么也没说