2017-2018学年常州市新北区三井小学六年级上学期期中英语测试卷_百度文 ...
Happy New______ ,my ______.(dear, pear, Year)
The fish from the_____ is for______. (Sweater, me, sea)
【答案】sea; Me
His_____ is a_____. (Sister, worker, her)
【答案】sister; Worker
We go to the_____ by_____.(car, park, star)
【答案】park; car
Mr. Brown_____ letters at_____. (bottle, home, wrote)
【答案】wrote; home
It was too cold and_______ (wind).
【分析】天气很冷有多风,was+ adj。
I hope everything goes_____(good).
Now it is very popular to do________(shop).
【分析】现在很流行购物,do shopping固定搭配。
Jenny’s birthday is on the_______ (two) day of December.
---What is the matter?
--I______ (lose) my watch.
The two men said that they could make_______(神奇的)clothes for the king.
Little Sam can not make a sentence___________(用)the word "mountain”.
At_______(起初).His kite flew too high.
【分析】起初,他的风筝飞得太高了,固定搭配at first。
It is cold in winter. We should____warm clothes.
【A】put on
【分析】冬天很冷,我们应该穿暖和的衣服穿上表示动作要用put on。
Don’t worry!______and you can have a good idea.
【A】Think hard
【B】Walk fast
【C】Look out
【分析】不要着急,使劲想想,你就会想到一个好的办法,固定搭配think hard注意首字母大写。
Do you want_____on holiday?
【A】visit the museum
【B】to visit the museum
【C】visiting the museum
【分析】你想去哪里度假?want to do是固定搭配。
Jack is clever and he can_____some funny stories.
【分析】杰克很聪明,他会将很多有趣的故事,讲故事固定搭配tell stories。
Look, there are too many_____in the sky. Let’s not go to climb the hills.
John_____at home yesterday and he_______his friends from Xin Bei.
【A】didn't; could visit
【B】wasn't, visited
【C】is; visits
【分析】约翰昨天不在家,固定搭配be at home,过去式要用wasn't,他昨天去拜访新北的朋友了visited。
---Why is Jack so_____?
---His parents are coming to see him.
There_____some rice in the bag a week ago, but there_____any now.
【A】was; isn’t
【B】is; isn’t
【C】was; wasn’t
【分析】根据句式结构,肯定句用some,又因为是a week ago,所以要变成was,后面any是否定句,又因为now,所以是isn't。
They didn’t_____a party and they______a picnic last weekend.
【A】have; had
【B】had; have
【C】had, had
【分析】他们没有开聚会,didn't+do,last weekend是一般过去时的标志词,所以应该是had。
---______can’t Tim go boating with us tomorrow?
---_____he is ill.
【A】How; so
【B】What; for
As we all know the_____invented_____.
【B】Chinese; paper
【C】American; train
Mike_______to news on the radio 30 years ago but now he______e-books.
【A】listened; reads
【B】listened; read
【C】can listen; is reading
【分析】30 years ago要用一般过去式,所以是listened,后面是now要用一般现在时读书read books。
---Where did you go_____ National Day?
---We went to the Bund to visit the Great Wall.
【分析】国庆节National Day是具体的一天,所以要用on。
2.David’s home is far away from his office, so he goes to work_________ every day.
3.The small boy was happy and he often looked________ the window on the train.
4.---How do you like your jeans?
--Very nice and they________ me________too.
5.Mary didn’t go to the park with us because she__________ he sick brother at home.
6.What_________! Jenny had to stay in the old house with her grandmother on that day.
1.在图片里你可以看见一个老人和一个小孩坐在小河旁a little。
3.这个小男孩很开心,他看着窗外look out of。
5.玛丽不和我们去公园因为他照顾她生病的弟弟look after.
John’s mother bough t her nice doll as her birthday presents. (同义改写)
John’s mother_______ a nice doll_______ her as her birthday presents.
【分析】约翰的妈妈给她买了一个洋娃娃作为生日礼物,buy sth to
Mary didn’t go to the Reading Club because she was too busy at weekends. (对划线部分提问)
_____ _____Mary go to the Reading Club last weekends ?
【答案】Why didn't
【分析】划线部分包含because所以是在询问原因,用why注意首字母大写,这里要用过去式didn't do。Miss Fox was hungry and tired at that time. (改为否定句)
Miss Fox________ hungry______tired at that time.
【答案】wasn’t, or
Helen’s brother showed his new pictures to Su Hai just now? (否定句回答)
Did Helen’s brother show his new picture to Su Hai just now?
【答案】No, he didn't
()1.Liu Tao, come and come in and help me.    A. How cool!
()2.Look at Jim’s coat made of plastic!    B. No, he was foolish
()3.Is there a computer on your teacher’s desk?    C. OK, What happened?
()4.Can your mother use a mobile phone?    D.I t was wonderful!
()5.How was your class party?    E. Yes, there is
()6.Was the King who liked new clothes clever?    F. Yes, but she couldn’t 20 years ago.【答案】CAEFDB
A: National Day is coming, what’s your plan?
B: I like travelling and I want to________ Beijing.
A: Sounds great. What places are you going to visit?
B: First, I want to see the_______ Wall.
A: The Wall is really great. Do you want to see the Palace Museum?
B: Sure, There______a lot of interesting things to visit.
A: What about the Summer Palace?
B: I want to visit it, ______. The Palace is very nice and big.
A: Can you boat?
B: Yes, I want to go_____ with my parents.
A: How are you going there?
B: ______plane.
A: Cool! How long are you going to_______ there?
B: For about four_______.
A: Good! I hope you will have a good National Day.
B: Thank you very much.
【答案】go, Great,are,too,boating,By,stay,days
1.我喜欢旅游,我想去北京,要用go to Beijing。
2.首先我想去看看那长城,固定搭配Great Wall。
5.你会划船吗?所以后一句是想和父母划船去,go boating.
5.你们怎么去那里呢?坐飞机by plane,注意首字母要大写。
