杨建:8月1日以来,我们会同市委组织部、市商务委、西永综合保税区和两江新区管委会等,深入主城各区和长寿经济技术开发区、璧山高新技术开发区等国家重点发展区域,面向 科技、教育、卫生等重要行业、重点企事业单位和重大项目,开展靶向式政策宣介34场,服务企事业单位外籍人才和人才工作者4200余人。截至目前,已为惠普、中国汽车工程研究院、星宇海特克汽车部件、环松科技工业、颖金宏扬科技、树人中学校等企事业单位的多名外籍人才提供永久居留身份证和工作居留许可申请便利。现在,我们正联合中新项目管理局,协助仙桃数据谷引进海外优秀青年人才,助力我市打造具有国际影响力的国内第一大数据生态谷。
12Favorable Immigration Policies and Measures for Foreigners in Chongqing
1■对外籍高层次人才、有重大突出贡献以及国家特别需要的外国人,经国家有关主管部门、省级人民政府或国家重点发展tax(non-refundable credits included)no less than20%of annual wage income.Their spouse and children under the age of18can apply together.
Inter national people and professionals who have made significant contributions to China or are urgently needed,on the recommendation of relevant Ministries of the State Council,People's Government at municipal level or administration of national key development zones in Chongqing,may apply for permanent residence in China. Spouses and children under the age of18can apply together.
People who meet both of the following standards may apply for permanent residence in China:(1)have been working in China for the four successive years and have lived in China Mainland for no less than six months accumulatively each year within the four years thereinbefore, and(2)annual wage income is no loss than six times that of an average urban employee of the previous year in the city where applicants work and annual individual income 3■在中国境内工作的外籍华人,具有博士研究生学历或在国家重点发展区域连续工作满4年、每年实际居住不少于6个月,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。其外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。
People of Chinese descent with non-Chinese nationality who have a doctoral degree and residence permit for work in China or who have worked in national key development zones in China for over four years with residence permits for work and have lived in China Mainland for no less than six months cumulatively each year in the previous four years, may apply for permanent residence in China.Their spouses and children under the age of18can apply together.
International experts and scholars invited by national key colleges and universities,national key research institutes or domestically famous enterprises;foreign senior executives
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Experience in Chongqing/渝阅/锦囊
and highly skilled technicians affirmed by relevant administrative authorities at municipal level may apply for port visa and multiple-entry visa or residence permit for personal affairs with a duration of five years upon the Letter of Invitation by the inviting entity after entry.
Leading international professionals employed by national key universities,key institutes and domestically famous enterprises may be engaged in part-time innovation and entrepreneurship upon the approval of current employer and the employer offering part-time jobs after making registration in
local exit-entry administration department.
创新创业等证明材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效International professionals employed by enterprises in期2至5年的居留许可。
domestic key developing fields and industries can apply for residence permit for work with a duration of no more than five years upon Foreigner's Work Permit and the application letter issued by the receiving entity;foreign members of innovation and entrepreneurship team can apply for residence permit for personal affairs(marked ”entrepreneurship”)with a duration of no more than five years upon the guarantee letter by a manager.
Top foreign students who engage in innovation and entrepreneurship in China and have graduated from national key universities in China and gained a bachelor's degree or above may apply for residence permit for personal affairs with a duration of two to five years.
领的工作团队外籍成员和科研辅助人员,向公安机关出入境International students who graduated from well-known
管理部门申办有效期5年以内的长期签证或居留许可。overseas universities and who are engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship in China within two years after graduation
Members and research assistants recommended by international people who have made great contributions to China or are urgently needed,can apply for long-term visa or residence permits with a duration of no more than five years.
7■中国境内企事业单位聘雇的外国人,已办妥工作许可、来不及出境办理工作签证的,可凭工作许可等材料向公安机关出入may apply for residence permit for personal matters with a duration of two years with diploma or degree certificates.
For overseas people employed by enterprises and institutes in China who have a Foreigner's Work Permit are not able to obtain a work-type(Z)visa in time off border, can apply for residence permits with relevant documents; those who have obtained residence permit for work for twice successively with a duration more than one year and have no criminal records can apply for residence permit with a duration of no more than five years when applying for the third time.
International students from overseas higher education institutions invited by domestic well-known ent
erprises and institutions in China may apply for S2visa with a duration of one year(marked“internship”)upon the certificates of schooling by foreign higher education institutions and invitation letters by the inviting and receiving entities.
Establishing immigration service centres in areas with a large international population in order to provide an information platform for foreign residents in such aspects as policy counseling,residence,stay,travel,legal assistance, language and culture.寤
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