卷(选择题 60分)
1. —Mum, I’m so hungry. Would you please pass ________ apple to me?
—OK. Here you are.
A. 不填    B. a    C. an    D. the
考查冠词的用法。此处泛指一个苹果, “apple”首字母发元音音素,故选C。
2. Now students have more free time ________ night because of the “double reduction” policy.
A in    B. on    C. at    D. to
考查介词辨析。in其后加早中晚/月份/季节/年份等;on其后加星期或具体的时间;at加点钟等;to到。at night“在晚上”,固定短语,故选C。
3. —________ is the fashion show?
—In the school hall. The purpose of it is to raise money for a charity.
A. Where    B. When    C. How    D. Which
考查特殊疑问句。Where在哪里;When什么时候;How如何;Which哪一个。根据“In the school hall.”可知,此处是询问地点。故选A。
4. Mary is good at writing. I am sure she’ll get a good place ________ she takes part in the writing competition.
A. before    B. if    C. though    D. unless【答案】B
考查连词辨析。before在……以前;if如果;though尽管;unless除非。根据“I am sure she’ll get a she takes part in the writing competition.”可知后句是前句的条件,应用if引导条件状语从句,故选B。
5. Peter, our monitor, is creative and energetic enough to ________ the task successfully.
A. complete    B. collect    C. control    D. consider
考查动词辨析。complete完成;collect收集;control控制;consider考虑。根据“the task successfully.”可知是指完成任务,故选A。
6. —Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.
—Exactly. The final is ________ one I have ever seen.
A. a less amazing    B. the most amazing    C. a more amazing    D. the least amazing
考查形容词最高级。根据“The I have ever seen.”可知,此处应使用最高级,排除AC;根据“Good news”可知,是好事。故选B。
7. —Miss Hu, I haven’t seen you for a long time.
—Yes. I ________ as a volunteer nurse in Shanghai for a month. I came back yesterday.
A. worked    B. am working    C. have worked    D. work
考查一般过去时。根据“I came back yesterday.”可知,昨天回来了,所以做志愿护士的动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,故选A。
8. We should have a healthy diet, proper exercise and enough sleep ________ fit.A. keeping    B. to keep    C. keep    D. kept
9. —I hear the Drawing Club was ________ in our school last week. Shall we join it?
—Good idea. Let’s go.
A. put up    B. picked up    C. taken up    D. set up
考查动词短语。put up搭建;picked up捡起;taken up开始从事;set up建立。根据“the Drawing Club”可知是成立了绘画俱乐部,故选D。
10. Mrs. Smith has lived in China for twenty years, so she has ________ Chinese food.
A. looked forward to    B. got used to
C. made a difference to江苏中考时间2022年    D. paid attention to
考查动词短语辨析。look forward to期待;get used to习惯于;make a difference to有影响;pay attention to注意。根据“Mrs. Smith has lived in China for twenty years, so Chinese food.”可知,在中国生活了二十年,习惯了中国菜,故选B。
11. Mr. Fang introduces a lot about the ________ which is organized to help wild animals.
A. product    B. promise    C. present    D. project
考查名词辨析。product产品;promise诺言;present礼物;project项目。根据“is organized to help wild animals.”可知,此处是指帮助野生动物的项目。故选D。
12. —Mike, why do you come here so late? The concert ________ since half an hour ago.—What a pity! No wonder all the singers have left.
A. has ended    B. has been on    C. has started    D. has been over
考查现在完成时和词义辨析。end结束;be on上演;start开始;be over结束。根据“since half an hour ago”可知,此处应使用现在完成时且需要延续性动词,排除AC;根据“No wonder all the singers have left.”可知,歌手都走了,所以音乐会结束了。故选D。
13. In the library you ________ draw or write in the books, or you will be fined.
A. mustn’t    B. needn’t    C. wouldn’t    D. couldn’t
考查动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;wouldn’t不会;couldn’t不可能。根据“or you will be fined.”可知,是禁止在书上画画或写字。故选A。
14. Sandy asked the boy ________.
A. why did he like English films    B. how he will improve his English
C. why he read the English magazine    D. how many new words he has learned
