1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1.—Starting a conversation is a good way to kill time on the train.
—_______. I also like to talk with strangers.
A.That is true    B.It sounds like fun
C.I don’t think so    D.You are kidding
2.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the ________ to achieve it.
A.acquisition    B.comprehension
C.determination    D.satisfaction
3.It is so difficult a question_______ none of the kids could work it out.
A.as    B.that    C.which    D.X
4.________ from J.K. Rowling’s book series of the same title, the “Harry Potter” movies are universally acknowledged as classics.
A.Adapting    B.Having adapted
C.Adapted    D.To be adapted
5.People all think it strange that the boy should tell what’s written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really ________ explanation.
A.prevents    B.challenges    C.interrupts    D.confuses
6.Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _______say where he was.
A.mustn’t    B.shouldn’t    C.wouldn’t    D.mightn’t
7.According to the school rule, no child            be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his or her own parents.
A.should    B.must
C.shall    D.can
8.We all sighed with ________ relief when ________ plane finally landed safely.
A.a; /    B./; the
C.a; a    D.a; the
9.I hope when you come tomorrow, you _____ the reading and have something to share.
A.did    B.are doing
C.will be doing    D.will have done
10.____ up early in the morning to have a walk, I am sure, you are likely to feel active all day.
A.Get    B.Having got    C.Getting    D.To get
11.— Mum, would you please buy me an MP5 player?
— If you can help do some housework the whole vacation,you ____ have one as a reward.
A.must    B.need    C.would    D.shall
12.U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in China’s economic center Shanghai on Sunday night, November 15th2009, ______a state visit to China.
A.starting    B.started    C.to start    D.having started
13.With the development of science, more new technology ______ to the fields of IT.
A.has introduced    B.is being introduced
C.is introduced    D.was introduced
14.What he liked to do was to take an idea and ______ it by finding every possible consequence.
A.squeeze    B.wrestle
C.switch    D.shrink
15.Mr. White, who ________ in Shanghai for seven years, is a manager of a company in Beijing.
A.was working    B.worked
C.had worked    D.has worked
16.Please ________ your ashes before it fails on the carpet.
A.cut off    B.knock off
C.get off    D.drop off
17.– Which driver was to blame?
-- Why, ______! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.
A.both    B.each
C.either    D.neither
18.If these new measures don’t work, we’ll have to _______ our old system.
A.make up for    B.come up with
C.break away from    D.fall back on
19.I think it a great honor _____ to visit your country.
A.to invite    B.inviting    C.having invited    D.to be invited
20.You can get off the bus one or two stops ________ and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take some exercise.
A.more early    B.earliest    C.early    D.earlier
第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)    Three boys were enjoying themselves in their hometown of Bovina, Mississippi. However, their lives were turned upside down when they discovered the jawbone of a Mastodon (齿乳象).
Brothers Shawn and Caid Sellers and cousin Michael Mahalitc found the prehistoric bone in a piece of earth that was recently plowed (犁、耕). “I thought it was a log,” Caid said. “I tried to pick it up and it was really heavy and I saw teeth on it.” The bone weighed about 50 pounds. They eventually got the bone to their home and fitted it in their tub (浴盆), but it took their collective strength, might and a golf cart, to carry the large Mastodon bone.
“They didn’t expect to find that,” Michael’s mom said. “Now that they have, I believe that they will be more aware of their surroundings and what they’re digging up when they are digging and playing.”
“We’ve gotten a lot of petrified (石化的) wood and Civil War relics from the area and that’s what I thought it was,” the brothers’ mother said. “This is our first set of teet
h we’ve found. So we thought it was their imagination. We were quite surprised to see that it was not their imagination.”
