2019-2020学年上海市徐汇区徐汇中学高三下学期英语四月月考卷(双基诊 ...
I.Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and
grammatically correct For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of
the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.
Animals Feel Joy
Life is full of funny moments,and not just for humans.
Over the years,studies by various groups(l)        (suggest)that monkeys,dogs and even rats love a good laugh.People,meanwhile,have been laughing since before they could talk.Although human humor often involves the use of language,Jaak Panksepp,a euro-scientist at Bowling Green State University,said he would not be surprised (2)        positive emotions could be produced in some animals.
Dolphins, for example, have long attracted animal researchers because of the complex ways(3)            they communicate:a rich variety of sounds of different rhythms.
A decade ago, researchers (4)        (study) dolphins at the Kolmarden Wildlife Park in Sweden noticed a st of sounds the dolphins made during play-fighting.They concluded that the purpose of the sound was to suggest that the situation was pleasant(5)        (prevent) it from building up into a real fight.
“The play-fighting we see in animals are harmless attacks(6)    a very social purpose,"said
Peter McGraw,a psychologist at the University of Colorado.“But(7)      you always see is hat the animal that's being attacked is the one making these noises that we think of as laughter.I believe that through evolution,laughter developed as way of showing(8)        something which would otherwise be wrong is actually OK”
Panksepp has even seen evidence of joy in crayfish(小龙虾).When (9)        (give) small amounts of drugs such as cocaine,they appear to connect that location with pleasure."They will always return to that place,possibly in the hope of getting more,"he says.Pankepp wasn't sure whether it equals the same drug-induced happiness that humans get,but said “it(10)          be in the same evolutionary category.”
1.have suggested  2.If  3.in which    4.studying    5. to prevent   
6.with  7. what  8.that  9.given    10.might
1.考查动词时态。由“Over the years”可知填现在完成时。
3.考查连词。“____they communicate”修饰way,根据句意:他们交流的复杂方式;固定搭配“in...way”以某种方式。可知填in which.
5.考查固定搭配。Be pleasant to do 乐意做某事
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.neighbouring  B.market    C.impact      D. supply      E.enormous    F.essence
G.reserves      H.stretching  I.undisturbed  J.protests      K.financing
Brazilian highway dream or nightmare
When Flaviano Melo, the young governor of Acre,holds up his favourite map,it shows a new Highway (11)______west from the Amazon rain forest, across the Peruvian Andes and down to the Pacific coast.There it joins a giant arrow pointing to Japan.
When environmentalists look at the same map,they see a road that will speed up destruction of the rain forest by providing a new and shorter (12)______route for the world's largest consumer of tropical(热带的)hardwood.
The 800-kilometre highway,which would link existing road systems in western Brazil and (13)______Peru,is still only a plan.But Melo has already begun negotiating (14)______ for the $300 million U.S.project with the Japanese government.If built,the new route would open up huge area of mostly(15)______rain forest now reachable only through the rivers that drain this western corner of the Amazon.
"That road fits us like a glove, aid Melo,explaining that the people of this isolated and poor state are currently unable to (16)______ forest products like wood and nuts."If Japan wants wood we have it,and we can also think of selling our products to the rest of t
he world"
