Safety Data Sheet
一、物品与厂商资料 Product & Company Information
物品名称 Product Name:铁氧体 Ferrite magnet
物品编号 Item No.:
Company Name: Dongguan Hanfang magnet Electron Co., Ltd.
Address: Jinqianling Industry Park, Jidigang, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan
传真电话 Fax:0769-
二、成份辨识资料Composition Information
纯物质 Pure Material:
物品中(英)文名称 Material Name:铁氧体 Ferrite magnet
同义名称 Synonyms
化学文摘社登记号码(.):三氧化二铁 Fe2O3:1309-37-1
危害物质成份(成份百分比)Hazard Composition Percentage: 80%
Name of hazard composition
Consistence (Composition Percentage)
Hazard Classification
三氧化二铁 Fe2O3
粉尘 Dust
物品中(英)文名称Material Name:铁氧体 Ferrite magnet
同义名称 Synonyms
化学文摘社登记号码(.):碳酸锶 SrCo3:1633-05-2
危害物质成份(成份百分比)Harmful Material Composition Percentage:碳酸锶 SrCO3 < 20%
Name of Harmful Material
Consistence (Composition Percentage)
Hazard Classification
碳酸锶 SrCo3
< 20% 
粉尘 Dust
物品中(英)文名称Material Name:钕铁硼(镀锌) Neodymium-Rare Earth Magnet(Zn coated)
化学文摘社登记号码(.): 硼Boron 7440-42-8
危害物质成份(成份百分比)Harmful Material Composition Percentage:10%
Name of Harmful Material
Consistence (Composition Percentage)
Hazard Classification
硼 Boron
粉尘 Dust
三、危害辨识资料 Hazard Identification
Main hazard and effect
健康危害效应 Harm to Health:无 None
环境影响 Effect to Environment:粉尘 Dust
物理性及化学性危害 Physical and Chemical Hazard
Meeting with strong acid can get up to reflect the firing hydrogen.
Will emerge the smoke of oxidize iron while welding or heating
特殊危害 Special hazard:无 None
主要症状 Main Symptom:无 None
物品危害分类 Hazard classification
四、急救措施 First-aid measure
不同暴露途径之急救方法First aid measure for different exposure
吸入Inhalation:1、将患者移至新鲜空气处 Move the patient to the place with fresh air
              2、若患者停止呼吸。施以人工呼吸 Use artificial respiration if the patient stop breath.
      皮肤接触 Skin contact:立即用肥皂和水清洗 Wash by soap and water immediately
眼睛接触 Eyes contact:立即将眼皮撑开,用大量清水冲洗15分钟。Open eyes and wash by water for 15 minutes
最重要症状及危害效应 Most important system and health effect:无 None
医师之提示 Doctor’s instruction:无 None
对急救人员之防护 Protect for rescuer:无 None
五、灭火措施 Fire extinguish measure:
适用灭火剂 Adaptable fire extinguisher:使用适合周遭火宅之灭火器。Use standard fire extinguisher.
灭火时可能遭遇之特殊危害 Special Hazard during fire extinguish
1、此物若以大块型式存在时,不可燃。It is not be burnt when the material exists in large size.
2、若以微细粉末存在时,遇火源,有引起火灾的危险。There is fire danger if meet fire source when the material exists in very small powder.
特殊灭火程序 Special process for fire extinguish
1、大型火灾,使用无人操作之水雾控制架自动摇摆消防水瞄 Using automatic water sprayer when meet serious fire accident
2、以水雾冷欲暴露火场之贮或容器 Spray water to the container of material in fire field.
消防人员之特殊防护设备 Special protect equipment for fireman:消防防护服装 Fireman protect closing
六、泄漏处理方法 Accidental release measures
个人应注意事项 Personal Precautions
1、在污染区尚未完全清理干净前,限制人员接近该区。 Don’t be close to pollution district before cleaning completely.
2、确定清理工作是由受过训练的人员负责。Pollution cleaning should be done by trained person.
3、穿戴适当的个人防护装备。Ware personal protect equipment.
环境注意事项 Environmental precautions
1、对该区域进行通风换气。Good ventilation
2、扑灭或移开所有引火源。Put out or move out all of fire sources.
3、报告政府安全卫生与环保相关单位。Submit concerned report to government environment department or relative department.
清理方法 The way of cleaning
1、小心将粉尘带起,至入适当容器内。Take the powder into suitable container carefully.
2、可用抽真空方式吸取,小心不要扬起粉尘。Absorb by vacuum and don’t raise dust.
3、用水清洗漏气。Wash the leak gas by water.
七、安全处置与储存方法 Handing and storage
处置 Handing: 小心使用避免产生粉尘。Use careful to avoid raising dust.
储存 Storage:1、置于阴凉、干燥且通风良好之处。Storage in dry and cool with good ventilation.
            注册公司需要的资料2、远离不相容物储存 Keep far away from something not hold each other
八、暴露预防措施 Exposure control and personal protection
工程控制Project control:整体换气装置 Entirety ventilation equipment
控制参数 Control parameter
生物指标Biological Index
10mg/㎥(氧化铁 Fe2O3)
15mg/㎥(氧化铁 Fe2O3)
个人防备设施 Personal protection
    呼吸防备 Breath protect:焊接或熔炼时,配戴防尘口罩正压式自卷式呼吸防护具。Ware mask against dust while welting and melting.
    手部防护 Hand protect:防渗手套 Seepage-prevent glove
    眼睛防护 Eyes protect:化学安全护目镜 Chemical safety protective goggles
    皮肤及身体防护 Skin and body protect:工作靴,围裙  Job boots and pinafore
卫生措施 Hygiene measure:1、工作后快速脱掉污染衣物,洗净后才可以再次穿戴或丢弃,且须告洗衣人员污染物之危害。 Take off the polluted clothes after working, ware aging or abandon after wash clean and tell the person who wash clothes about the harm of polluted clothes
          2、工作场所严禁抽烟或食。Smoking or eating food is prohibited in working place.
          3、处理此物后,需彻底洗手。Wash hand after handling the material.
        4、维持作业场所清洁。Keep clean in working place.
九、物理及化学性质 Physical and chemical properties
物质状态 Form:固体 Solid
形状 Shape:方形、圆形固体 Square and round
Color:黑 Black
气味 Smell:无味 None
DH值 DH value:无 None
沸点沸点范围 Boiling porint:1565℃
分解温度Disassemble Temperature:1300°
闪火点 Sparkle point:1300 ℃
测试方法 Test way:〔      〕开杯 〔    〕闭杯
自然温度Nature Temperature:常温 Normal temperature
爆炸界限 Explosion Limited
爆炸上限Upper limited(LEL):  %
爆炸下限Down limited(UEL):  %
蒸汽压 Steam pressure:无 None
蒸汽密度Steam density:(空气=1)
密度 Density:
溶解度 Solubility:不溶 None
十、性及反应性Stability and reactivity
Stability:    〔 √ 〕 Yes          〔  〕不 No
特殊状况下可能之危险反映Danger effect under special condition:强酸:起反映产生可燃性氢气。Meeting with strong acid can get up to reflect the firing hydrogen.
应避免之状况 Avoid condition:热、湿气 Hot and Moisture
应避免之物质 Avoid material:  强酸 Strong acid
危害分解物 Harmful disassemble:氧化产生氧化铁熏烟  The smoke of oxidize iron emerges when oxidized
十一、毒性 Toxicity Treat
急毒性Acute toxicity:目前无影响资料 None
局部效应 Local effect:目前无影响资料 None
至敏感性 Allergic:目前无影响资料 None
慢毒性或长期毒性 Chronic or long term toxicity:目前无影响资料 None
特殊效应 Special effect:目前无影响资料 None
十二、生产资料 Production Data
可能之环境影响环境流布 Environmental effect:目前无影响资料 None
十三、废气处置方法 Waste gas handling
废气处置方法 The way to handle waste gas:可考虑再回收使用。Retrieve and utilize
十四、运送资料 Transport Data
国际运送规定 International transport regulation
国内运输规定 Domestic transport regulation:道路交通安全规则 Traffic and safety Regulation
特殊运送方法及注意事项 Special transport and precautions:应确实捆牢。Stable package
十五、法规资料 Regulatory Information
使用法规 Usage regulation:1、劳工作业环境空气中有害物质容许浓度标准 The consistence standard for harmful material in working environment.
          2、道路交通安全规则 Traffic and safety Regulation
十六、其他资料 Other information
参考文献 Reference documents
Filled company
名称 Name:深圳市瀚方磁铁制品有限公司 Shenzhen Hanfang Magnet Electron Co.,Ltd
地址电话 Add./Tel:深圳市福田区益田路3013号南方国际广场A栋2512-2520 
Rm 2512-2520, Flat A South International Plaza, No. 3013 Yitian Rd, Shenzhen /0
Filled person
职务 Position
行政经理 Administration manager
姓名 Name:张祖烨 Zhang Zu Ye
制表日期 Date
