提交中国大使馆邀请函邀请函201X 年月日中华人民共和国驻日本国大使馆领事部【被邀请人个人信息】【被邀请人访问信息】【邀请人信息】以上女士前往贵馆办理来华签证,请予批准。我方保证本人彻底遵守以下各事项。記 1中国停留期间,遵守中国一切法律 2 不进行访问目的以外的任何活动
码证: 营业执照号码: INVITAT IN / ASSUR ANCE 迳启者:谨以此函,我们诚挚地邀请以下客户来我司进行商务交流活动。这些商户,以前已经多次往返中国,通常每半年来中国一次,通过看样成交方式,几家客人联手整合数量,备满集装箱后出口到尼日利亚。他们是我们公司的良好合作伙伴,我公司愿意证明这些客人品行端正,无犯罪记录,并担保其在中国境内无违法行为,能够在签证有效期内离境。特此申请,恳请有关部门尽早予以审批并办理签证为盼。
201X-05-08 Nati nality: Ni geria Name:
CHARL ES IKECHUK U NYE Pass prt #: A00376403 Dea r Sir, LET TER F INVI TATIN It a ffrds me a great ple asure t se nd yu this invitatin letter, h ich ill en able yu tvisit ur f actry. Dur ing yur vi sit e illmake arran gement t e nable yu s ee ur ne l ine f prdu cts and he lp yurself t make ne cessary de cisin fr y ur rders.e, Ltd bel ieve thatyur visitill bst gd relatinsh ip that ex ist beteen us and yu r pany NKA S GLBAL LI NKS LIMITE D. Being u r lng term partner a nd a respn sible nerf a pany,e uld like t guarant ee yur bse rvance f t he Chinese la and al s guarante e that yuill nt ver stay. Yurcst f trav eling andstay ill,as usually, be brneby yurself. e are lk ing frardt yur earl y arrival.Yurs
fait hfully Sal es manager领事馆大使馆
美国大使馆空白邀请函被授权单位邀请函 Invitat in Letterf Duly Aut hrized Uni t 编号/ N.:
1419-1206- 大使馆(总领馆/领事馆/处)或中华人民共和国外交部驻。 Pleaseapply frth ith fr vis a at the E mbassy (Cn sulate Gen eral /Cnsu late/ffice) f the P.R. Chinain r the C mmissiner’s ffice fthe Fr
eign Ministryf the P. R. China 注:本函限五人使用。不足五人的空白部分,请对角划一斜线。超过五人另行出函。Ntes: This letter is fr 5 pepl e at mst.Please crs s a diagna l in the b lank space if thereare less t han 5 pepl e. Fr mrethan 5 pep le, please issue ant her ne.篇四:外国人申请中国签证邀请函旅游签证邀请函/Invit atin Lette r fr Turis t Visa T C hinese Emb assy / Cns ulate, I h ereby invi te the fll ing indivi dual t vis it China,hse infrma tin is lis ted bel: 被邀请人信息— In frmatin fthe invite d party 姓名 Name (asappeared n
passprt)___________________________________________ 性别Gend er 男 Male女 Female 出生日期 Date f
Birth______________________________________________________ ____ 护照号码Passprt
Nu mber_____________________________________________________ _________ 访问目的(探亲、访友、旅游等) Purpsef visiting China (Vi siting rel atives, fr iends, tur ist, etc)________________ 访问城市 Cities t
visit______________________________________________________ ____ 抵华日期Date f arr ival in
Ch ina__________________________________________________ 谁将承担往返中国及在中国的费用? h ill pay fr travel living
ex pense____________________________________ 邀请人姓名或单
位 Name f
in viter____________________________________________________ ____ 与被邀请人的关系 Relatinsh ip beteeninviter an d the
invi ted_________________________________ 邀请人
Invit er s Chine se phne
nu mber___________________________________________ 邀请人地址 Invite r s addres s in
China________________________________________________ 邀请
人签名 Signa ture f inv iter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _篇五:
加拿大大使馆关于邀请函的要求 Infrmati n fr the p ersn
prepa ring the l etter f in vitatin By riting aletter f i nvitatin,yu are ntlegally re spnsible f r the visi tr nce the y get t Ca nada, butyu shuld p rvide theletter ingd faith.Yu must gi ve truthfu l infrmati n and inte nd t keepthe prmise s yu madein the let ter. Sendyur letter (ntarized if necess ary) t the persn yuare inviti ng t Canad a. They mu st then su bmit thisletter t t he Canadia n Embassyr Cnsulate utside fCanada hen they appl y fr their TempraryResident V isa. Yur l etter must include t he fllinginfrmatinabut the p ersn being invited:? ? ? ? ?? ? ? Cmpl ete name.Date f bir th. The pe rsn’s addr ess and te lephne num ber. Yur r elatinship t the per sn invited. The purp se f the t rip. H lng the persn yu are in viting int ends t sta y in Canad a. Details n acmdati n and livi ng expense s. The dat e the pers n yu are i nviting in tends t le ave Canada. Yur lett er must al s includethe flling infrmatin abut yurs elf: ? ? ? ? ? ? Cmp lete name. Date f bi rth. Addre ss and tel ephne numb er in Cana da. ccupat in. hether yu are aCanadian c itizen r P ermanent R esident Aphtcpy f a dcument p rving yurstatus inCanada. Fr instance,a Canadia n birth ce rtificateif yu erebrn in Can ada r a Ca nadian
cit izenship c ard if yuare a natu ralized ci tizen. Ifyu are
Per manent Res ident, yumust sendprf f yurpermanentresident s tatus (a c py f yur P R card r y ur IMM 1000 prf f la nding). ?? Detailsf yur fami ly unit, i ncluding n ames and d ates f bir th f yur s puse and d ependants(this is m andatry fr the ); Tt al numberf peple re siding inyur husehl d, includi ng ths
e yu have prev iusly spns red and hs e spnsrshi p is still in effect (this ismandatry f r the ); a nd ? Fr th e nly: A r itten andsigned prm ise f yurfinancialsupprt fryur parent s r grandp arents frthe entire duratin f their sta y in Canad a. Prf f i ne at a le vel meetin g r exceed ing the fr the ttalnumber f p eple, incl uding thevisiting p arents r g randparent s, must be included.