  1 带有确定的过去时间状语时,要用过去时
  如:yesterday(昨天)、two days ago…(两天前…… )、last year…(去年…)、the other day(前几天)、once upon a time(过去曾经)、 just now(刚才)、in the old days(过去的日子里)、before liberation(解放前…)、 When I was 8 years old(当我八岁时…)
  Did you have a party the other day?
  Lei Feng was a good soldier.
  2 表示过去连续发生的动作时,要用过去时
  The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died.
  3 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作
  Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella.
  Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella.
  I never drank wine.我以前从不喝酒。
  4 如果强调已经终止的习惯时要用used to do
  He used to drink.
  I used to take a walk in the morning.
  I took a walk in the morning.
  5 有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点,我们中国学生往往出错,要特别注意!
  I didn't know you were in Paris.
  (因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.)
  I thought you were ill.
  Li Ming studied English this morning.
  (×)1.Did Li Ming studied English this morning?
  (×) 2. Does Li Ming study English this morning?
  (×) 3.Was Li Ming
studied English this morning?
  (О) 4.Did Li Ming study Enghish this morning?
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姓名:          班别:          成绩:       
时      间
时  态
★在can,may,must;do,does,did;help,let, to……等词的后面用动词的原形。
I worked very hard last year.
I                very hard now.
(    )1. Look! LiPing and Li Ying ________ basketball now.
A. play    B. played    C. are playing    D. will play
(    )2. What did you do last night?
I did my homework and _______TV.
A. watch    B. watched    C. am watching
(    )3. Can I______ this book?
A. have    B. has      C. having
(    )4. I        to music at 7:00 this morning.
A. listen      B. listening        C. listening
(    )5. What ______ that in the box?    A shirt.
A. am      B. is      C. are        D. be
(    )6. Did your father          his friend on the 5th of October?
A. called      B. call      C. is calling
(    )7. Where        you last night?
A. was        B. are        C. were
(    )8. Can I        TV?  Sure.
A. watching      B. watch      C. see
(    )9、She        like summer.
A. doesn't      B. don't        C. isn't.
(    )10. Here      the money.   
A. are    B. is    C. am    D. was
(    )11. There _______ a table and two chairs in Jenny’s room.
A. am      B. is      C. are      D. were
1、Tom            (swim) in the river now.
2、Why        (be) they not here yesterday?
3、Yesterday afternoon they          (play) football with their English teacher.
4、It’s eight o’clock now.  The boys            (watch) TV.
5、She usually          (do) her homework in the evening.
6、Tom and Tony can’t        (swim).
7、What does your father ______ (do)?  He’s a worker.
8、Look!  Jim and Tom              (run) there.
1、在动词后直接加ed.  如:clean—cleaned
2、以e结尾的动词,在动词后直接加d.  如:use—used
3、以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y改成i, 再加ed.
4、有很个别是要双写最后一个字母再加ed的。  如:shop—shopping
am—was,  is—was,  are—wer
e,  do—did,  does—d
id 等。
Model:  clean  cleaned
1) watch __________    2) wash __________    3) cook_________
4) paint _________      5) use __________      6) play _________
7) carry _________      8) study _________    9) practice _________
10) talk _________      11) jump _________    12) clean _________
Unit 13 Where were you born?
1  行为动词的一般过去时态
2  动词过去式
(1) 规则动词的过去式及其读音。如:
wash-washed[t],  move-moved[d],  start-started[id],  stop-stopped[t]
(2) 不规则动词动词的过去式。如:
go-went,  come-came,  do-did,  have/has-had
3  enjoy doing sth.= like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣。如:
His father enjoys watching TV. 他父亲喜欢看电视。
I finished reading the book. Then I gave it to Xiao Ming. 我看完了这本书,然后给了小明。
另外,enjoy后还可以直接跟名词作宾语,如课文中的:Do you enjoy work?你喜欢工作(学习)吗?
4  when“当……时”,连接一个表示时间的状语从句。如:
When I do my homework, I can't help my parents.当我做作业时,我不能帮我父母(干活)。
I often __________________(get) up at six in the morning. B ut I __________________(get) up at half past six this morning.
解析:第一句话的时间状语in the morning表明这句话的谓语是经常性的,习惯性的动作。因此用一般现在时。正确答案为:get。
第二句话的时间状语this morning,表明这句话的谓语是一次性的,而且动作发生在过去。因此用一般过去时。正确答案为:got。
1. Look! Some people __________________(swim)in  the river.
2.  John __________________(not do) his homework yesterday.
3.  Mary __________________(study) in a middle school next term.
4.  __________________you __________________(know)English?
5.  Who __________________(be)ill yesterday evening?
Ⅰ  出每组划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词
1. A  write B road C when     D wrong
2. A  because B autumn  C daughter  D bought
3. A  cleaned B lifted  C started D needed
4. A  born  B short  C worse 
D sport
5. A  did B ninth  C fifth  D ill
  选择填空,从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案
1. My mother enjoys __________________ to pop music(流行音乐)。
A  hearing B listening C listen  D to hear
2. I'm going to give you this book after I finish        it.
A  seeing B to see  C reading D read
3. It __________________ seven o'clock when I     home yesterday.
A  was, got B is, get C were, get D is, getting
4. Class is over. Let's __________________a rest.
A  have  B has  C having  D had
5. I was born __________________ December 18,1981.
A  in  B on C at D from
6. I __________________ come here      my bike was broken.
A  don't, because   B am not coming, when 
C didn't, because    D can't,when
7. They __________________ Beijing yesterday.
A  reach  B get to  C got  D reached
8. Jim's family __________________ France in 1986.
A  moves to  B moved to  C got in  D  reached to
9. On __________________way home, she met a friend of __________________.
A  her, hers  B one's, her  C his, his  D her, her
10. I like to keep my room __________________.
A  cleaning B cleaned C clean  D to clean
Ⅲ  阅读理解,根据短文内容,从四个选项中选择最佳的一项
There lived many mice(老鼠[复数])in a house. The owner(主人)of the house got  a cat. The cat killed(杀死)many of the mice.
Then the oldest mouse(老鼠[单数])said, “All mice must come to my hole tonight. Let's put our heads together and see what we can do about this cat.”
All the mice came. Many mice spoke, but no one knew what to do. 
At last a young mouse stoop up and said, “We must put a bell on the cat. When the cat comes near, we shall hear the bell and run away and hide(藏).So the cat can not catch any more of us.”
But the old mouse asked, “Who is going to put the bell on the cat?”
No mouse answered.
The old mouse waited, but still no one answered.
At last the old mouse said, “It is easy to say things, but it is hard to do them.”
1. There were __________________ in a house.
A  a lot of mouse  B a few mice 
C a lot of mice   D some mice
2. __________________ kill many of mice.
A  The owner    B The cat 
C The oldest mouse    D The animal in the house
3. The youngest mouse _________________
A  was the bravest(最勇敢)
B  stood up and said, “We must put a bell on the cat.….”
C  caught the cat
D is going to put
the bell on the cat.
4. __________________would like to put the bell on the cat.
A  Nobody    B Everyone 
C Each of the mice   D The youngest mouse
5. What do you learn from the story?
A  It's easy to do things, but it's hard to say them.
B  The oldest mouse was braver than the others.
C  Don't say anything at the meeting.
D  It's easy to say things, but it's hard to do them.
Ⅳ  完形填空
Sam and Pat are   1  . They are in the same class. Sam works harder and studies better   2   his brother Pat. One day, the teacher asked the class   3   a composition(作文). The name of it was “My mother”. Sam   4   a composition and was ready to hand it in(上交)  5   the teacher   6   Pat said, “Wait a minute, Sam, let me   7  ” Pat read it and copied(抄写) it . The next day, the teacher asked  8   “How is it that your composition is exactly the same as  9  ,Pat?” “Because we have the   10   mother, don't we?” replied(回答)Pat.
1. A  brother B sister  C brothers D sisters
2. A  than  B then C when D like
3. A  write B to write  C writes  D wrote
4. A  write B to write  C writes  D wrote
5. A  for B of C from D to
6. A  when  B before  C after  D because
7. A  see B read C watch  D have a look
8. A  Sam B Pat  C them D brothers
9. A  Sam's B Pat's  C yours  D your
10. A  same  B different C our  D ours
Ⅴ  根据句意,补全句中拼写不完整的单词
1.  My family moved to Fr   ce in 1994.
2.  Ask one of your friends the qu   ti   s on this page.
3.  Wei Hua washed her hands and face q   ckly.
4.  Were you born on F br     y 14,1983?
5.  Mary's mother b ght a lot of fruit this afternoon.
Ⅵ  句型转换,将下列各句改为否定句,疑问句,并做肯定及否定回答
1.  They clean their classroom every Friday.
否定句:                      .
疑问句:                      .
回 答:Yes,          ./ No,         .
2.  Peter often swims in the river is summer.
