Can we start the movie?  能开始放电影了吗
Before Sheldon gets here?  在谢尔顿到之前就开始吗
金庸侠传3乔峰Last time we did that, he didn't talk to us for a month.  我们上次这样  他足足一个月不跟我们说话
So do it!  还不快放
Hold on. Where is he?  等等嘛  他在哪呢
Well, according to his text, he was on the second floor,  根据他的短信  他刚才到二楼了
then he stopped to tie his shoe.  但他得停下绑鞋带
All tied,   绑好了  准备...
- Hello! - Hi.  -大家安安  -你回来啦‬‬
Sorry we're late.  抱歉我们迟到了
Amy took forever tying my shoe.  艾米绑我鞋带的速度慢死了
All right!  好的
Who's excited to see a documentary?  有谁对看纪录片感到很兴奋啊
Oh, I know this one.  这题我会
Nobody ever.  从来没人
Hey! This one's going to be great.  别这样  这部绝对会很赞
This is about the rivalry  这部是在讲
between a cool renegade scientist, Nikola Tesla,  离经叛道酷炫科学家尼古拉·特斯拉
and his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison.  与宿敌托马斯·爱迪生之间的仇恨
It's the greatest scientific feud of all time.  这是科学界最赞的一段宿怨
I mean, you can forget about Leibniz and Newton.  莱布尼茨跟牛顿之间的血海深仇都可以忘了
莱布尼茨的微积分数学符号被更广泛地使用  都曾独立发明微积分  为谁先发明有过剧烈争执
Done.  已忘
So, Tesla's the one that invented the electric car?  特斯拉是发明电动汽车的人吗
No, Penny.  佩妮  不是的
No, the car is just named after him.  那牌子的车只是以他的名字命名而已
Okay, you don't have to be so smug about it.  行行行  你也不需要拽成这样吧
You know, you went to see that movie It  你去看恐怖片《小丑回魂》
because you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys.  还是因为你以为电影是讲恐怖程序员呢
because you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys.  英文片名为《It》与I.T.相近
Tesla was a genius who invented our electrical grid.  特斯拉是发明了我们的输电网络的天才心形纪念币怎么预约
Edison just wanted to get rich and famous.  而爱迪生只是想捞钱与博名气
Didn't he invent the lightbulb?  他不是发明了灯泡吗
That's what he wants you to think.  他就想你这么以为
But without the foundational work of Ebenezer Kinnersley,  但如果没有如埃柏奈泽·肯纳斯理
Warren de la Rue and James Bowman Lindsay,  沃伦·德拉鲁与詹姆士·鲍曼·琳赛打下的基础
you wouldn't know Edison any more than you know  你对爱迪生的认识并不会多过你对
Ebenezer Kinnersley, Warren de la Rue  埃柏奈泽·肯纳斯理  沃伦·德拉鲁
or James Bowman Lindsay.  或詹姆士·鲍曼·琳赛的认识
Isn't he sexy all fired up?  他燃起来时是不是特性感
He really gets my current alternating,  跟他之间的交流  电到了我
if you know what I mean.  懂我的哏吗
if you know what I mean.  特斯拉是交流电之父
Edison was kind of a publicity hog and a bully.  爱迪生就是个沽名钓誉的恶霸
Yeah, he electrocuted an elephant named Topsy  他电死一只名为托普西的大象
just to make himself famous.  就为了让自己出名
用交流电电死了这只因伤人被判死刑的大象  爱迪生为了将特斯拉的交流电与恐怖做连结
If I had an elephant named Topsy,  如果我有一只叫托普西的大象
he would want for nothing.  我会让它生活优渥  衣食无忧
Also, he'd be named Jumbo.  还有  他的名字会叫小飞象
And worse than that, Edison filmed the first on-screen kiss,  更差的是  史上首个接吻影片是爱迪生录的
so he's basically a pornographer.  他基本上就是个拍黄片的
Although every time I put that in Wikipedia,  不过每次我想把这话加进
someone takes it out.  都会被别人删掉
Is your current still alternating?  你现在还电气满满吗
We're lucky there aren't any elephants in here.  幸好这里没有大象  否则...
You know, that documentary last night was actually  昨晚那部纪录片
- better than I thought it would be. - Really?  -其实比我想象中要来的好看呢  -真的吗‬‬汕尾美食
Should've been about Samuel Morse  就那影片的结尾方式[电报]
the way they telegraphed that ending.  按理说应该讲萨缪尔·摩尔斯才对
the way they telegraphed that ending.  发明了电报用的摩尔斯电码
I already pretended to laugh at that joke once.  我已经为这笑话假笑过一次了
Do I have to do it again?  我们一定得再来一次吗
Yeah, I'd appreciate it.  你能配合就再好不过了
Samuel Morse. You kill me.  萨缪尔·摩尔斯  要被你笑死了
Leonard, can you drive me to work?  莱纳德  你能开车带我去上班吗
Yeah, sure. Oh, hey, the guys and I  可以啊  对了  我们几个
were talking about going to see the Tesla coil  说到晚一点要去格里斐斯天文台
春公图at the observatory later on, if you want to join.  看特斯拉线圈  要不要一起来
Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm busy.  抱歉去不了  我有事
- Why? What are you doing? - Leonard, what are you doing?  -怎么了  你要干嘛  -莱纳德  你才要干嘛
He said he can't go. Make a sad face, move on.  他说他去不了  摆出哭哭脸就完事了
It's fine.  没关系
I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to.  我就是想告诉你也不行
- What does that mean? - Leonard!  -这话什么意思  -莱纳德‬‬爱奇艺怎么了
Sad face, sad face.  哭哭脸  哭哭脸
I mean, I would like to, but I just can't, you know,  我很乐意说  但我不行  你懂的
because it's classified and top secret.  因为这是最高机密
Hold on, are you still working for the military?  等等  你还在为军方工作吗
I'm so glad you figured that out!  你想出来真是太好了
It was killing me keeping it a secret!  保密真是要把我给憋死了
I thought they fired you guys.  他们不是炒了你们吗
They did, but then they hired me back.  是啊  但是他们又重新雇了我
Well, you better not be working on our project,  你最好不是在弄我们之前的项目
because we're a team.  因为我们可是团队
