1.I have two _____ (son).
2.My father _____ TV after dinner every day. (watch)
3.—When did the English class _____ (begin)?
—It _____ (begin) at one in the afternoon yesterday.
4.—Do you ______ (like) apples?  —Yes, they are ______ (taste) .
5.Lily ______ (come) from Sichuan. She likes ______ (辛辣的) food.
6.—What ______ (be) your bedroom like yesterday?
—It ______ (be) clean.
7.There _____ (be) enough time to work. Hurry up!
8.Go along this street, turn left at the _____ (two) traffics lights.
9.Don’t worry about the ducks’ _____ (safe), they are tine.
10.Look! Four horses _____ (run) over there
11.Miss Li is _____ teacher. She teaches _____ (we) Maths.
12.He was happy _____ (meet) his friends.
13.A dog barked loudly near my house and _____ (wake) me up.
14.There _____ any fruit or vegetables on the table just now. (be)
15.The baby is sleeping. Please speak _____. (quiet)
16.He was _____ for school again. The teacher was very angry. (early)
17.Let’s _____ (help) him _____ (find) his watch.
18.Please give me _____ (any) oranges.
19.My father enjoys _____ (watch) TV after supper.
20.To cross the road,  _____ (safe) we must look out for cars and bikes.
21.My mother is cooking a ______ (薄烤饼) in the kitchen.
22.My ______ (肩膀) hurts. Let me see a doctor.
23.—______ you like vegetables or meat?
—I like vegetables.
24.It’s impolite to ______ at another pupil when they are in trouble.
25.I have a _____ (表兄).
26.The l______ is called the “king of the animals”.
27.From t______ on, the farmer stopped working, he sat in the field.
28.Zengcheng is f______ for its litchi.
29.We should plant more trees. Keep the air ______ (干净的).
30.My grandfather likes to ______ ______ (养鸟).
31.I like to ______ ______ (丢沙包).
32.I often ______ ______ (种花) at the weekend.
33.There are ten g_____ medals in the sports meeting. Come on! Let’s go!
34.My favourite athlete won two ____ _____ (银牌) in the Olympics.find的过去式
35.—What did you win in the sports meeting,Tom?
—I won three _____ _____ (铜牌). I tried my best.
36.You look sick. You should ______ ______ ______ (去医院).
37.This knife is too sharp. It ______ ______ ______ (割破了我的手指).
38.—What’s wrong with you?
—I ______ (跌倒) and hurt my knee.
39.—When did John ______ ______ (回来)?
—He ______ ______ (回来) yesterday.
40.We are going to the library to ______ ______ ______ (还书).
41.We ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (去看望你祖父母).
42.I hope we can ______ ______ ______ ______ (赢得足球比赛).
43.My mother is a writer. She ______ ______ ______ (写了一个故事).
44.I ______ ______ (做蛋糕了) with my mother yesterday.
45.How can I get to the _____ (超市)?
46.—When _____ the meeting begin?
—It b_____ (开始) at nine yesterday morning.
47.—What did you do in L_____?  —We visited the Big Ben.
48.We will visit our friends in _____ (北京) next summer holiday.
49.—Where is he from?  —He is from _____, the capital of Greece.
50.—What _____ the food like in Wuxi?
—It was too _____ (甜的).
【详解】句意:我爸爸每天晚饭后看电视。本题考查动词的形式,根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语My father是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式watches,故答案为watches。
3.    begin    began
4.    like    tasty
5.    comes    spicy
6.    was    was
【详解】句意:——你的房间昨天是什么样的?——它很干净。由yesterday可知,本题为一般过去时,What was+地点+like+表示过去的时间,用于询问过去的样子,回答也要用过去式,故答案为was;was。
【详解】句意:没有足够的时间去工作了。赶紧!由hurry up赶紧可知时间不够,要表示否定含义,time时间是不可数名词,所以be动词用is,它的否定形式isn’t,故答案为isn’t。
10.are running
【详解】句意:看!四匹马正在那边奔跑。本题考查动词的形式,由Look!可知这句话是现在进行时态,结构为主语+be动词+动词现在分词+其他,主语Four horses是复数,故be动词用are,run的现在分词是running,故答案为are running。
11.    our    us
