白葡萄酒和红葡萄酒的区别 Alcoholic beverages are produced from a range of raw materials but especially from cereals, fruits and sugar crops. They include non-distilled beverages such as beers, wines, ciders, and sake. Disitlled beverages such as whisky and rum are produced from fermented cereals and molasses, respectively, while brandy is produced by distillation of wine. Other distilled beverages, such as vodka and gin, are produced from neutral spirits obtained by distillation of fermented molasses, grain, potato or whey. A variety of fortified wines are produced by addition of include sherries, port and Madeira wines.酒精饮料可由许多原料来生产,但以谷物、水果和糖料作物为主。酒类饮料包括非蒸馏饮料,如啤酒、葡萄酒、苹果酒和日本米酒。蒸馏饮料如威士忌和朗姆酒分别由谷物和糖浆发酵制得,而白兰地则是由葡萄酒蒸馏制得。其它蒸馏饮料,象伏特加和杜松子酒则由发酵糖浆、谷物、马铃薯或乳清所得的白酒经蒸馏制成。各种各样的强化葡萄酒是在葡萄酒中添加蒸馏的白酒使酒精含量提高到15-20%制成。著名的产品有雪梨白葡萄酒、波尔多红葡萄酒和马德拉烈性甜酒。
The yeast-cell envelope contains a plasma membrane, a periplasmic space and a cell wall consisting mainly of polysaccharides with a small amount of peptide material. The wall component is a semi-rigid but solute permeable structure which provides considerably compressional and tensile strength to yeasts. Carboxyl groups of cell-wall peptides confer important flocculating characteristics on brewing yeasts, facilitating post-fermentation solid-liquid separation. Flocculation is thought to result from salt- bridge formation between calcium ions and these cell-wall carboxyl groups.
The wort is inoculated with yeast to give to give a count of about 107 cells per ml wort or greater if a faster fermentation rate is required. traditionally, top-fermenting yeasts, which
ferment at 15-22℃ and tend to rise to the surface towards the end of fermentation and can therefore be skimmed off, were used in ale production. Yeasts, which ferment in the range 8-15℃ and which sink to the bottom towards the end of fermentation , were generally used in lager production. However, particularly with the introduction of large cylindro-conical shaped fermenters and centrifuges to brewing operations, the distinction between top-and bottom-fermenting yeasts has tended to disappear.
Freshly-fermented beer requires a variety of treatments before it is finally packaged for distribution. Maturation involves a secondary fermentation by the residual yeast which is t
ransferred in the beer from the primary fermenter. During this process,beer diacetyl and small amounts of residual maltotriose are assimilated and concentration of some esters increases. Carbon dioxide, produced from the secondary fermentation, or sparged carbon dioxide, helps purge the beer of oxygen, h2s and unwanted volatiles. Additives for haze clarification, flavor aroma and colour adjustment, foam stability enhancement and microbiological stability are sometimes incorporated. The time and temperatures used vary from brewery to brewery. Usually low temperatures, 2-6℃, are used over a storage period ranging from 4 days to 4 weeks.
分装前,新鲜的啤酒需要各种各样的处理。从初发酵罐转移到主发酵罐的残余酵母的成熟要经过二次发酵。在这个过程中,啤酒双乙酰和少量残余麦芽三糖吸收及一些酯的浓度增加。二氧化碳,产自二次发酵、二氧化硫、二氧化碳,帮助清除啤酒的氧气,硫化氢和不必要的挥发物。添加剂对澄清,味道香气和颜调整,泡沫稳定性增强和微生物稳定性有时也被包含。使用的温度从啤酒厂到啤酒厂是不一样的。通常低的温度下如2 - 6℃,要存储4天到4周。
After lagering the beer contains microbial cells, proteinaceous precipitates and colloidal matter, which are separated out by a variety of processes including flocculation, centrifugation and filtration. Microbiological stability is achieved by sterile filtration and /or by pasteurization.
The flavour-enhancing properties of sodium glutamate were discovered in Japan at the start of the twentieth century and a fermentation process for its production by Corynebacterium glutamicum currently supplies and annual world market of about 400 00