Text 4
Though often viewed as a problem for western states, the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern because of its impact onfederal tax dollars,
its impact onfederal tax dollars, says Professor Max Moritz, a specialist in fire ecologyand management.⽕灾⽣态学和管理专家马克斯·莫⾥茨教授表⽰,尽管野⽕的频繁发⽣经常被视为西部各州的⼀个问题,但由于它对联邦税收的影响,它已经成为全国关注的问题。
budget fighting fires—
spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget
In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more
nearly doublethe percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago. In effect, fewer federalfunds today a
re going towards the agency’s other work—such as forest conservation, watershed and cultural resources management, and infrastructure up keep—that affect the lives of all Americans.
36. More frequent wildfires have become a nationalconcern because in 2015 they .
[A] exhausted unprecedented management efforts  耗尽了前所未有的管理努⼒
[B] consumed a record-high percentage of budget  花费了创纪录的预算百分⽐
[C] severely damaged the ecology of western states 严重破坏了西部各州的⽣态
[D] caused a huge rise of infrastructure expenditure 导致基础设施⽀出⼤幅增加
consumed a record-high percentage of
budget。更多常见的野外⽕灾成为了国际关⼼的主题在2015年是因为它花费了⼤量的预算。根据2015和national concern
Another nationwide concern is whether public funds fromother agencies are going into construction in fire-prone districts. As Moritzputs it, how often are federal dollars building homes that are likely to belost to a wildfire?
另⼀个全国性的担忧是,来⾃各个机构的公共资⾦是否会⽤于⽕灾易发地区的建设。 正如莫⾥茨所说,联邦政府在建造房屋时投⼊的资⾦,有多少次可能会因野⽕⽽损失?
a “It’s already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country,” he says.” We need to take a that.(代指上⽂) Like, “Wait a minute, is this OK?” “Do we want instead toredirec
t those funds to magnifying glass to that
concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?”
从整个国家的公共⽀出⾓度来看,这已经是⼀个巨⼤的问题。 我们需要⼀个放⼤镜。 ⽐如,“等⼀下,这样可以吗?” “难道我们想把这些资⾦转移到低危害地区吗?
Such a view would require a corresponding shift in theway US society today views fire, researchers say.
a magnifying glass”to____.
37.Moritz calls for the use of “a magnifying glass”
[A] raise more funds for fire-prone areas  为⽕灾易发地区筹集更多资⾦
[B] avoid the redirection of federal money  避免联邦资⾦的转向
[C] find wildfire-free parts of the landscape  ⼀些没有野⽕的地⽅
spending of public funds 保证更安全的公共资⾦⽀出  同义替换⽂章中的expenditure
[D] guarantee safer spending
解析:[D] guarantee safer spending of public funds。M倡导使⽤放⼤镜去保证安全地使⽤公共资⾦。
通过题⼲中的magnifyingglass 可以定位在第四段的中间:我们需要使⽤magnifying glass去做这个。根据that指代上⽂的原则,我们往上看到第⼀句话:从公共⽀出的前景看,对于整个国家,这已经是⾮常⼤的问题。这⾥的意思就是⽀出⽐较多,⽽magnifying glass⾃然就是控制⽀出的,选项⾥的spending和⽂章中的expenditure是同义转换的。
For one thing, conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive. ⾸先,关于野⽕的对话需要更具包容性。
Over the past decade, the focus has been on climate change—how the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leading to conditions that worsen fires.  在过去的⼗年⾥,⼈们关注的焦点⼀直是⽓候变化——温室⽓体导致的地球变暖是如何导致⽕灾恶化的。
While climate is a key element, Moritz says, it shouldn’t come at the expense of the rest of the equation.
it shouldn’t come at the expense of the rest of the equation.
38.While admitting that climate is a key element,Moritz notes that ____.莫⾥茨承认⽓候是⼀个关键因素
38.While admitting that climate is a key element,
[A] public debates have not settled yet  公共辩论并没有解决你们的问题
[B] fire-fighting conditions are improving 消防条件正在改善
[C] other factors should not be overlooked 其他因素也不应忽视
[D] a shift in the view of fire has taken place ⼈们对⽕的看法发⽣了转变
当承认⽓候是⼀个关键因素,M认为其他因素也不能被忽略。通过climate、M这个⼈名和出题顺序和⾏⽂顺序⼀致的原则,我们可以定位在第七段:当⽓候是关键因素时,完全对应了题⼲。M说不能在损坏剩下同等重要的为前提。⾔外之意就是不能忽略其他因素,这⾥有个短语at the expense of表⽰“在损害某事物的情况下”
♥“The human systems and the landscapes we live on arelinked, and the interactions go both ways,” he says. Failing to  recognize that (代指第1句),he notes, leads to “an overly simplified view o f what the solutions might
be.Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes verylimited.”
他说:“⼈类系统和我们⽣活的环境是相互联系的,相互作⽤是双向的。” 未能 recognize (代指第1句),他指出,导致“过度简化视图可能的
解决⽅案。 我们对这个问题的看法和解决⽅案变得⾮常有限。”
The overly simplified view Moritz mentions is a result of failing to ___.Moritz提到的过于简化的观点是失败的结果
39.The overly simplified view
[A] discover the fundamental makeup of nature 发现⾃然的基本组成
[B] explore the mechanism of the human systems 探索⼈类系统的机制
[C] maximize the role of landscape in human life 最⼤化景观在⼈类⽣活中的作⽤
[D] understand the interrelations of man and nature 了解⼈与⾃然的相互关系
understand the interrelations of man and
At the same time, people continue to treat fire as anevent that needs to be wholly controlled and unle
四个火读什么ashed only out of
But acknowledging fire’sinevitable presence in human life is Professor Balch at the University of Colorado. But
necessity,says Professor Balch
that make it as safe as possible  she says.
an attitude crucial to developing thelaws, policies, and practices  that make it as safe as possible
科罗拉多⼤学的鲍尔奇教授说,与此同时,⼈们仍然认为⽕灾是⼀种需要完全控制的事件,只有在必要时才会释放。 但她说,承认⽕灾在⼈类⽣活中不可避免的存在,对于制定尽可能使⽕灾安全的法律、政策和实践⾄关重要。
“We’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire,”Balch says. “It is really important to understand and try and tease
out what is the human connection with fire today.”
鲍尔奇说:“我们已经脱离了与⽕相伴的⽣活。” “理解、尝试和梳理当今⼈类与⽕的联系是⾮常重要的。”
40.Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should ____.
[A] do away with 废除
[B] come to terms with 接受学会⾯对困境
[C] pay a price for
[D] keep away from 远离,回避
解析:[B] come to terms with。B教授指出⽕和⼈应该和谐相处。通过B教授我们可以定位在倒数第⼆段,but后是重点:但是,承认⽕是不可避免地出现在⼈类的⽣活中是⼀种态度,这种态度对法律、政策和实践的发展都⾮常关键,且可以尽可能地使⽕变得安全。所以A do way with 废除、C付出代价、D远离都不符合题意,只有come to term表⽰与…达成协议、妥协、让步的意思才是正确的同义转换。
wildfire 野⽕
unprecedented 空前的 ⽆前例
infrastructure 基础设施
expenditure 花费
conservation 保存
construction 建筑物
concentrate 集中
redirection 转向 呼叫转移
a corresponding shift  相应的转变conversation 交谈
inclusive 包含的
equation 等式 相等
settle 解决
at the expense of表⽰“在损害某事物的情况下”overly simplified view 过度简化观点fundamental 根本的
