How was your school trip 教案
How was your school trip 教案
Pictures。PowerPoint slides。textbook
Step 1: Warm-up(热身)
Show some pictures of different places and ask students if they have ever been there。For example。show a picture of a farm and ask。"Have you ever been to a farm?"
Step 2: n(呈现)
1.Introduce the target vocabulary and phrases。such as "milk a cow," "ride a horse," and "feed chickens."
2.XXX to present the grammar point of the lesson。the past XXX.
3.Play the。for n A 1a and have students listen and repeat the words and phrases.
Step 3: Practice(练)
1.Have students work in pairs and ask each other ns using the past tense。For example。"Did you go to the park yesterday?" "Yes。I did。It was fun."
2.Play the。for n A 1b and have students listen and fill in the blanks with the correct verb form.
3.Have students work in pairs again and ask XXX A 2a.
Step 4: n(输出)
1.Divide the class into groups and have them create a dialogue using the past tense to talk about a school trip they went on.
2.Have some students come up to the front of the class and act out their dialogues.
Step 5: Homework(家庭作业)
2.Write a short paragraph about a past experience using the past tense.
1) Introduce the topic of the lesson: “Today we are going to talk about what we did on a farm。We will learn how to use the past XXX.”
2) Present the vocabulary words: cow。horse。farmer。farm。farming。countryside。excellent。clean。milk。feed。grow。pick。quite。anything。Use pictures or real objects to help the students understand the meaning of each word.
3) Model the past tense of the verbs: go。milk。ride。feed。talk。take。Write the past tense form of each verb on the board and ask students to repeat after you.
4) Show a picture of a farm and ask students to describe what they see。Use the vocabulary words XXX.
1) Ask students to work in pairs and ask each other ns using the past tense。For example: “Did you see any cows?” “Yes。I did。I saw quite a lot.”
2) Play a listening game where students have to listen to a short XXX.
3) Have students work in groups to create a short skit using the XXX.
1) Ask students to share their skits with the class。XXX.
2) Have students write a short paragraph about what they did on a farm using the past XXX.
how are you是什么意思
Ask students to write a diary entry about a farm visit they had in the past。Remind them to use the past tense and include details about what they saw。did。and felt.
